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Everything posted by Dene8

  1. I decided to be original and ordered red
  2. I'll be fitting mine over the weekend if i get chance........ i'm a total DIY noob so fingers crossed nothing goes wrong...
  3. Was thinking the same, especially when the bride came out with a bloody nose
  4. Dene8

    Matte zed?

    Pics have been posted >>HERE<<
  5. Dene8

    Vinyl Costs

    Looks very Elf PM or text me the address........ might call in after work
  6. I got instructions with mine, but no CD....... I'll scan in a copy of the instructions when i get a minute if it'll help people out **EDIT- Andlid to the rescue**
  7. Mine has just dropped through the letter box..... Ordered on the 19th April..........
  8. Stable door - horse ???? Only getting them to cover up the kerbage and prevent further damage..... I knew I'd kerb them soon or later but this is a new record for me....
  9. Just invested in a set of these Rich after kerbing my newly refurb'd Nismos last night
  10. On second thoughts i'd like a tartan/rainbow effect.........
  11. Option 'A' for me Mr T, i'll PM you later
  12. Dene8

    Matte zed?

    Can't wait to see this Jay....... should look
  13. Is he 60+ ..........? Didn't think the OEM clutch would last that long
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