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Everything posted by Dene8

  1. In short JDM's are head and shoulders above their UK counterparts
  2. It's all about the luck.......... we've been 'lucky' to get this far so let's hope we ride the luck train all the way to the final......
  3. But what percentage of the £8.7 billion actually gets allocated to the NHS.......
  4. imo there's no such thing as over taxation when it comes to cigarettes.......
  5. Cool is it vastly different? quicker? noticeable? I did'nt knwo they had released it yet? I noticed an improved 'quickness' in the 15mins i was using it....... Pick up my iPhone 4 later today, the end of my current 18 month contract is today... think it's a sign
  6. Smokers usually don't die quietly tho' ......... oxygen tanks and drugs a plenty to pre-long their life don't come cheap.....
  7. Haha what a leg end that Keith is...... obviously so sozzled you could set off a firework in his mouth and he'd be none the wiser....
  8. Human rights should only come into effect for those who act like humans, fluffy cotton wool justice system needs a serious overhaul......!! Really looking forward to the 20% VAT next year too..........
  9. Any update on this bud, just read through all 4 pages and i'm interested as to the outcome....??
  10. So the rear LED's have sold...?
  11. Posted on your other thread bud....... eBay.com is the best bet if you're willing to wait for delivery......
  12. or buy one from eBay.com and wait for it to arrive from the US....... works out half the price of most UK suppliers if you're prepared to wait
  13. Door shuts can be wrapped too bud....... My car was originally silver so you don't really notice when you open the door tbh, there's not a whole lot of body work on the inside anyway. Imagine it would be a different story if the cars orginal and new colour were a total contrast tho'.
  14. Finally had it done......... Pics HERE
  15. Seems like it's months ago that my car was supposed to be painted and I was let down time and time again by the body shop...... so I opted for the cheaper and easier option and followed in sheep like fashion with a wrap Went for a bright white finish with carbon Di-NOC roof and other bits of black and carbon dotted about the place.... totally transformed the car and my black LMGT's looks loads better now... I'm well chuffed with the results....... Apologies for crappy phone pic, it's the only one I’ve got at the mo' and it really don't do it justice (i'll add more lovely lovely pics later)
  16. I always understood this as simply costing 2 texts........ don't think it's anything new...?
  17. I'm in the same boat bud, i've only used 750mb (none wi-fi data) in 18 months of ownership so the 500mb p/month is easily enough.......
  18. Looks like too many 0's to me.......
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