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Everything posted by spr1ngy

  1. so far i've managed 1:01.121 in the porsche
  2. GUTTED!! if i wasnt in the states i would be all over these.......
  3. and here i was thinking i was the only one a few months ago you used to open and close the lionk about 10times and eventually it would open up fully. Nowadays it never works.
  4. the first one is brilliant you can sooo tell he is up to not good when at 0.23s she gets in and he grins from ear to ear and licks his lips trying to hide it !!!!! priceless.
  5. I dont understand why someone didnt go in there and help the man get the kid off his driveway? Guess thats just how we do it round my way......
  6. lol fear not! im away to the states for 3 weeks and im not getting anything done till i get back end of october. so you will be the first Besides mine will be on my kuro anyway and in all likelyhood look better
  7. Rich btw, did this price include a refurb also? or just straight spray and pray?
  8. Was this for the red bead time attack styley? or just like the outer rim? (if you understand). 250 for the black 80 on top for the time attatck style red lip hmmm this is tempting, plus being like 3mins away i could drop my car in and bike to work for a few days, or let them have it over a weekend maybe..... any news on a possible discount?
  9. spr1ngy


    i currently have an mpg of 18.7...... but i dont drive far and i drive hard 50 quid of v-power puts me at a smidge over half a tank.....
  10. Was this for the red bead time attack styley? or just like the outer rim? (if you understand).
  11. +1 Its must be the 90's mr2 or that pug 406 i think.
  12. Well, being as i work at Lola it was a good weekend spoiled for us really, we got the P2 win with Speedy and they were denied an historic double victory by a broken lourve that the marshalls noticed and they were forced to pit with around 10 laps to go Shame as it would have been the first time a constructor would have ever had a victory in both P1 and P2. Astons were a little off the pace this weekend and with Racing Box not turning up we lost our chance to claim the P2 title (Aston having already sealed the P1) We just finished building a car for Drayson Racing and its goooorgeous
  13. Now that is EXTREME !!! i thought it was something outta transformers when i first looked
  14. I hope Rubens wins, living legend, one of my fav drivers of all time, hope he wins the title too, would be a great way to bow out.
  15. I live in the neighbouring village to huntingdon and ive never heard of these people I thinking about getting mine refurbed before i sell them on and this place is not even a 2 minute drive away! Feel free to drop round mine with your Veilside Zed when you pick you wheels up
  16. Yeah the dribbling feels fantastic, the "360" degree of movement makes it feel so much more fluid, plus the physical barging and jossling feels so natural, thnk they just need a good lvl of polish to bring the graphics, not much of an improvement over 09 i dont think, we'll have to wait and see
  17. Seems like a good good price for anybody who has not got the real deal or have and they are wrecked (like mine)...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-Nissan-35 ... 286.c0.m14
  18. That david blane thing with the bottle blew me away, forced the cap through the bottom and then it popped out !! Amazing illusion.
  19. Fifa 10 demo released on xbox live today....... Just downloaded and played. AMAZING !!!!
  20. Would sooo be on this as its quite local, but unfortunately i'll be just coming into land at Orlando FL and not coming back for 16 days..... oh the misfortune!!
  21. me neither........ not surprising with a name like dieselstation......
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