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Everything posted by Beavis

  1. And the reason the warning lights come on is because if pressure is detected in the braking system and the brake lights have not illuminated then the ecu detects a fault and throws the lights on.
  2. Yep check the brake lights are working. Check the connector on the brake pedal switch has not come dislodged. This happened to me last year and even had Nissan baffled!
  3. Well said Niki Lauda.....................one hour to wait for a man with a spanner and another with a clipboard to arrive. Welcome to the UK
  4. Even though you have asked a technical question, i will move it to the welcome's section seen that it's your first post.
  5. Someone has clicked on my signature and welcome to the forum smiley.
  6. Yes get him to refit it, sounds like something is stopping the console from locating properly. It normally relocates quite easily.
  7. Yep does not looked properly located via its clips at the top., that gap should be much smaller. You could try gently pushing down at the top edge and trying to push it back at the same time. But be careful not to push it back by the clock housings as they are a little fragile.
  8. Or bound for a possible mission to Iraq eventually.
  9. Well that's Spain well and truly destroyed!!
  10. After holding a full licence since 1982 I really want to get my hands on a bike once again. I used to love the muscle bikes from the 80's and this really appeals to me. Am I mad at 50 years of age? I love the big eddie Lawson styled Kawasaki's in green and I am currently looking a 1100/1200 zrx's like the one pictured below. It would be for a sunny sunday use only and so would keep the zed company in my garage.
  11. Make sure the fans kick in if you are about to purchase. Fan failure is common on the 350. One quick way is to turn the air conditioning on.
  12. She is doing a display at Cosford air show this afternoon.
  13. Another member has just had his nismo's done here, but I don't know how far you or they are prepared to ship. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/84025-just-had-my-nismos-refurbed/ http://www.jpalloys.co.uk/
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