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Everything posted by kObi

  1. yeah i seen it at the weekend, top movie. also..... http://uk.movies.ign.com/articles/994/994675p1.html
  2. haha yeah thats an awesome video. on the topic of hyundia's the new coupe TSIII drove past me the other day, the front looks a little naff, but the rear was so good i almost crashed haha, i really love it....but emm, keep that on the down low. Dont want too many people knowing i like a hyundai.
  3. haha where abouts in fife you from?
  4. seen a lovely lady in leuchars today about 1:45pm she was waving like mad. she's the first person in a Z that has actually waved. made my day
  5. just an update for you all. here's the gameplay footage realy does look amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVH3sRqW4XE&feature=channel_page
  6. for me it was always FPS = PC, but now days im more than happy to play an FPS on the xbox. True i've had so much fun playing CS on the PC but i could honestly say i've had the same enjoyment out of the xbox too. kinda the reason i've gone back to xbox these days, started playing WaW again, so much fun. Left 4 Dead is also pretty fun online too. EDIT: ...and also this is just funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YqIbDn1NW0
  7. Or completely remove juggernaut, i know they won't, but i HATE that so much.
  8. Says at the end of the video its gonna be released on the 10th November. Farrrrr too long to wait.
  9. For those that haven't seen it yet. Cant wait!!
  10. reminds me of the first time i seen a wood wasp. never ran so fast in my life
  11. For Sale; 57,000 Arsenal flags. Good as new; only waved 7 minutes.
  12. kObi

    Ken Block

    that was a beast! i've never seen that before, the scoobie looked so cool.
  13. ...if i could put my roof down, it would be these Outfield - i dont want to lose your love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adaYUM5wl7c Rick Springfield - Jessie's girl Journey - anyway you want it (would of put 'don't stop belieiving', but((for the family guy fans)) i love it when amateurs sing the lyrics, but i hate baseball cards!!) lol
  14. lol i love those kinda pics lol sorry, i just love them.
  15. damn i got 23, useless at counting.
  16. This was the one i got told to "shut up, stop singing and get back to work" today
  17. yeah get him to give the cesspit a good clean out! will make him think twice about throwing stones. Either that or get him with a slipper like my folks used to do to me lol.
  18. personally i wasn't blown away with windows 7. i tried the beta when it was out and it was ok, but nothing amazing. i actually liked vista better but once its properly released i'll move onto it.
  19. Quick rinse with hot water would of done her but you do always like to do things the hard way. Top job!
  20. Thats excellent news! really pleased he's on the home visits.
  21. sounds great! never heard of them either. but yeah i wouldn't be surprised of they were stupidly expensive.
  22. Very nice! i like those wheels. really need to get me a new set of tyres. so many things i'd like, so little money
  23. ah yeah sorry i was speaking to him today again where he heard this and he said he was reading about it here... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/hig ... 370884.stm
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