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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. I keep my hood up and head down. Dodgy characters take a look at me and the car convince themselves they're getting stabbed not me
  2. Went for these 2 in the end. One represents Glasgow the other Edinburgh, hopefully il get Scotland on the map one way or the other lol
  3. Get some winter wheels and tyres. That's your excuse to get rid of the black wheels
  4. That looks neat mate, much better than black
  5. My Photoshop skills go as far as putting a black rectangle over the date Still not happy with my pics of the car it's harder getting the right angles than the zed was
  6. I couldn't work out how to do it doog
  7. Don't worry I'm not competing against you guys it's for the skyline calendar Allowed 2 entries, here's my first Took some photos a few weeks back but not sure which to enter
  8. The jap show is held at santa pod was there a few years back it was good
  9. Stole it from the R35 GTR It's funny how colours look different on different cars. The grey looks bland on a GTR but that looks the business
  10. Misread that post I thought the whole car was going purple not the calipers Is that a custom colour or did you steal it from another car?
  11. The cabrio is very nice but this is in a different league
  12. Looks tidy mate bet your chuffed Only one thing...... Thats grey not purple!!
  13. Out of all the colour combos I still think red on black/grey still has the biggest impact Went to see turbo today and the champions racing car was red and black and looked the most menacing on track. Yes I know it's a kiddies cartoon but still you should watch it before designing your livery
  14. Happy birthday mate hope you had a good one
  15. Is that corner splitters? Or is the lip fitted really far back Looks much tidier than when you first got it
  16. Cold and a bit icy in Glasgow but no signs of snow Where abouts are you aidan?
  17. I'm not a fan of the 458 but this looks pretty cool. I see what doogy means about the rear arches there's something wierd about them
  18. More black, more vibrant shades of orange and purple, orange calipers, purple wheels Purple and red could work as well
  19. Only 1 " "? That damage was worthy of at least 4
  20. Nice project. I was liking the spoilerless look and loving the ducktail until I saw the pic Leon posted- now I'm not sure Red is the best colour for a 35 by far
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