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Envy Valeting

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Everything posted by Envy Valeting

  1. Working on it Martin, its a bit quiet from my connections LOL
  2. So have another Evo 8...LOL Not a mega write up today, just the after pics. Car prepared with the Jeff's kits. Nice to do a local car Tim
  3. ^Ah I'm being put on the spot LOL Swissvax/Zymol and Dodo Juice all recommend application of cleaner fluids in straight lines i.e your "square" method at a guess. Waxing they say small circles if by foam pad, and "all over the place" (my description) if melting and applying via palms of your hands! Best wishes Tim
  4. Had a read of this thread and looked at the pics in media..looks good. it doesnt say what you used to "mop" the car? What polish/pads did you use. A ghosty/cloudy/hologram look is incorrect polishing generally. To remove this, as already stated you need to re-polish with a less agressive pad and polish combo very gently (not easy with soft paint). Best wishes Tim
  5. Afternoon campers, hows the weather with you? Tipping it down on the south coast! OK a special offer as I have some drying towels back in stock which are pretty good and wont break the bank http://www.envyvaleting.co.uk/products_info.asp?id=103 A group buy as such which will end when I wake up and log in on Monday morning I will do these towels for £6 INC postage...if the RM let me post them.. (UK mainland only) to all interested parties who register interest and make payment by this time. If you are interested please make payment as paypal gift to info@envyvaleting.co.uk and make sure you add your name, forum name and address to the message part please. Put your name and unique transaction ID (when paid in list form) Best wishes Tim 1)
  6. Yes its damn good stuff. Was demo'd last weekend at meguiars HQ for a forum I sponsor and I'd say it knocked 50% of the swirls out in 1 hit, and it was just as good when I visited them in May too with the Lancer Register! I was so impressed I took a case with me
  7. Ok time for a special offer Could make a good starter kit as a generous Christmas present for your loved one...car of course LOL! I've put together what I think makes a perfectly acceptable starter kit and features a mixed bag from most of my stockists to give you an idea of whats available out there. Some items are a dual choice ie in the paint cleanser section you can have Lime Prime or Lime Prime lite, spray sealent Red Mist or Red Mist tropical etc. The Kit: 1) Meguiars Grit guard and Bucket Combo 2) 1 x Lambswool wash mitt 3) 1 x Espuma Revolution wheel cleaner (1ltr) dilutes 10:1 4) Meguiars Gold Class shampoo 5) 1 x Envy Brushes 5 brush set 6) 1 x waffle weave drying towel 7) 1 x Microfibre applicator 8) 2 x Yellow Microfibre cloths 9) 1 x Meguiars Quick clay kit 10) 1 x Dodo Juice Lime Prime or Lime Prime lite pre wax cleanser 11) 1 x Dodo Juice wax (from the upto £31.95 range) ie Blue Velvet, Rainforest Rub, Purple Haze, Orange Crush, Light Fantastic etc. (NOT Supernatural or the new Pro versions) 12) 1 x Red Mist or Red Mist Tropical spray sealent/quick detailer I think its a pretty good selection and will enable you to do a damn fine job on your chosen vehicle It all adds up to £131.37 but I'm offering it to you until the end of the month @ £125 inc mainland UK postage via courier FOC (£6.99+VAT normally!) Please start a list with your choices and I will close the GB at the end of October and will need payment at that time either via Paypal or debit card. If you would like more information on the products etc either PM me or have a look at http://www.envyvaleting.co.uk/products.asp Best wishes Tim
  8. Tuesdays car was this Evo 9 with a massive mods list and an impressive under bonnet layout ~600bhp and a work of art under there (mag featured v.soon) Protection detail. Inside and out, and a brief write up. Washed, clayed, cleansed with LimePrime and waxed with Supernatural. Assorted pics through the process.... Thanks for looking, and many thanks to Paul for taking me out for a spin and surprising the Bentley owner Tim
  9. Hi Immy, many thanks. Paint readings were 150+ in most areas and the resprayed rear qtr had 280. Best wishes Tim
  10. 1st off thanks to Barry AKA Auto Detox for agreeing at short notice to drop everything and come down to the tropical south coast to help me with a job I just HAD to do! This one came as URGENT on Thursday, and I couldn't say no. It loaded up the pressure as I was getting stuck into the Maserati QP at the time and needed to get it done. Anyway "The job" was 2 V24's like I did last year (or the year before). Looks bubbly jubbly Boats cleaned and dried then given a light going over with the PC and AS Platinum. Roofs and under wings were tricky, and kept sliding down the upper wings LOL. (Hopefully Barry didnt get a pic of that!) This was bringing them up really niceley but the rough 50/50 below doesnt show it too well sadly. Dirty boat Interiors were given the full Swissvax leather...no, only kidding. G202, Dasheen, Henry, Tim and Barry were used. I knew already it was snug in there but how snug may have come as a shock to Barry Time for something I bought last year... Being a good host I asked if Barry fancied a trip to Goodwood, to see if anything was on that day....we got lucky! Thanks for looking, and thanks to BARRY for his assistance. Tim
  11. A big old bus, due for paint correction. Car on arrival was in a bad way and had lived in London, apparently never seen a clay bar and swirled to hell. This was gonna be tough... Car was washed as per normal and brought into the unit for closer inspection Just been to the body shop for a repair to the rear quarter Time to clay. Initially started with Dodo gentle grey, but had to go to the purposeful purple as it was really bad. Paint thickness readings taken, tape applied and off I went. Tried a lot of combo's and eventually settled on Scholl Concepts S03+ and a Megs Polishing pad, but each panel was taking 2-4 hits as its rock solid paint and progress was slow. Got home on the Thursday night and did my DW research. No one has had an smooth ride and Jesse (Clevernickname) has done the most QP's on DW. A few PM's later I found out from Jesse I'd settled on the right polish for the job but he suggested a different technique. THANKS JESSE There is always something to learn, and someone to learn from... Day 2: New technique day, lets go... Seems to be working!!!! Yeehaa Natural 50/50 That hologrammed rear qtr Wax used Swissvax Scuderia, time for a select few afters as time and enthusiasm was scarce! Interior was also Swissvax'd as well. Time taken 13hrs machining, and 19hrs overall. I had allowed 2.5 days but a job came in Thursday that I HAD to do SATURDAY....to follow. Tim
  12. Hi Chris, The pads are ok its the solutions that arent upto much to be honest. I'd look at something like meguiars 83 which is good in most peoples hands and cant cause too many problems. If you want the ultra safe option meguiars ultimate compound is great. Both are on my site. Best wishes Tim
  13. Rich, after a day or so is fine just not at the same time as the solvents will work against the wax. 24hrs is about right. Immy sadly I dont, I use washing liquid rather than powder on mine
  14. Following on from last years Swiss trip I was lucky enough to get back this year to attend "The Showtime" at Interlaken as guests of www.swizolporsche.com Left Heathrow on the Friday, flew to Zurich and straight onto Swissvax HQ to collect the Sprinter which was loaded up with Swissvax gear and stand materials. I then drove down to Interlaken where Mark, Beni and I set up the Swissvax stand ready for the following day. So finally got to bed at 02:00, then back up at 04:00 where we met up with Antonio from swissvax HQ for the long drive back to Interlaken!! We demo'd/detailed a lot of cars outside the main hall, handed out leaflets and were very sociable hosts. Some pics of the day... Our stand efforts....and the 951RS nicely detailed... A rare view Think I've worked out which Porsche I want....but not white! In all honesty I was trying not to make it look like I was taking a pic of the woman...but I was A pretty imposter Work work work, will be either Auto-detox or Peter Richards on the blower LOL Was a long 24hrs and luckily Antonio drove back but we'd done 900km in 24hrs!!! Out in Zurich at 22.30 to try to eat before all the pubs stopped serving food. Where I stayed Something caught my eye.. You dont wanna miss the seat! Slow start to Sunday, and off to the unit to detail a Passat Estate, then back home Monday. An eventful few days but worthwhile as handed out a LOT of leaflets for the new detailing centre too and its getting some good leads. Tim
  15. Not a problem at all Rich Frugal is the way to go with the wax, a little goes a long way..hence saying the sample pots are great value and you'll get a lot of coverage from it. its better to use too little than too much, and if you are not sure go over again (but shouldn't be necessary if you are thorough) Gliding fingers eh? Does the Meguiars have synthetic materials in it? I'm glad you did it properly and used the LPL too, its the way to go if you want the best chance of the car being as good as it can possibly be. If you wanna test the beading, spray it with water LOL. Glad your happy, thats the main thing. Best wishes Tim
  16. ^Not as unlikely as you might think! I have just quoted on an EVO in Hull so it may well be possible. Fingers crossed. Tim
  17. ^My pleasure, was shipped this morning..you made a nice selection I must say
  18. Right guys, planning another road trip this time with a base in the Western Lake District. If anyone local wants their car detailed (or even a quick once over) or wants to meet me and get some products etc get in touch via PM and I'll see what I can do. Looking like being mid October to do this so not a lot of time to think about it, but Martinmac you are exempt as I dont want to step on any toes if you get my drift...but you can have products LOL Best wishes Tim
  19. ^ the paint underneath will not get worse as long as the vinyls over the top
  20. I've made enquirys and it seems it would have had an external detail and due a top up at 6 months, so you're basically back at square one and it needs the full process
  21. My pleasure Andy, wait til you try the lovely shampoo...
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