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Everything posted by lamby

  1. i will be getting it going to order it soon feel free to add me also Kwacker_Mx_32
  2. 1. mylesmcg 2. Ian350Z 3. XBOX360RULES 4. player2301 5. Kwacker_Mx_32
  3. loving that Thats a excellent picture where was it taken??
  4. well at least it will be sorted in the end. These things happen
  5. im struggling to think of any more at the minute but will keep thinking for you
  6. is there enough bolt sticking out of the top to get some vice grip pliers onto it. if you can get them locker on they should get it out coz it shouldnt be really tight. if not if there is a ridge in the top or where you have cut the groove try tapping the bolt around using a screw driver but a centre punch would be better if you had one. although easy outs should work failing everything else. or you can drill down the bolt just smaller than the diameter of the bolt and it will come out easy then hope that helps and hope you get it sorted
  7. ah ryt didnt know erm...... - carbon door handles interior/ exterior - carbon side pillars (interior) (seat belt pillar) - carbon A pillars (interior/exterior) any of them help you sorry if my descriptions are $h1t
  8. PMSL thats epic!! haha that brought a smile to my face
  9. some nice looking pictures mate The sunset brings out the colour nice if that makes sense
  10. I'm sorry to hear this such a shame to happen to a nice car. Def sounds like a pros work to have a flat bed waiting!! Well hope something can be done either it is found in one piece or the filthy scumbags get what they deserve!!!
  11. Welcome to the forum its a good place to be. Have you got any Pics of your Zed
  12. how about carbon cubby hole?? (red ring) i know you can get carbon effect sticker but see if anyone would be interested? or maybe speedo surrounds?? just some ideas to throw into the mix
  13. quality effort husky but your right better than being a lurker
  14. thats what i was thinking with the logo like this with this inside cant photoshop it at work only problem is that the name sends out a negative signal to potential customers about the green credentials of your bussiness. however, assuming the nature of your future customer base (petrolheads) i have doubts that this would discourage them for using your services. It's more likely to encourage people to buy lets face it if your driving round in a sports car you hardly give a $h1t about the Greenness of your car or what ever the latest Bull$h1t the government is spouting about how to reduce your "carbon footprint" etc!!
  15. i do that all the time mate lol, u dont even have to drop from 6th most of the time All the time! I think yeah, that stopped you in your tracks w*nker. +1 i do this all the time normally taxis, van and BMW's
  16. very nice pics and a smart car looks a really good road shame about the tourists
  17. not a favorite but best iv got atm
  18. Name: Tyra Make: Dog Model: Boxer Bitch Age: 11 month old born in September 08 purchased by my self in October 08 Likes: The Beach and long walk's, playing with tennis balls, comforting strokes and cuddles Dislikes: Fireworks and thunder storms, Dogs bigger than her
  19. im pleased you found it and no damage was caused
  20. lamby

    quotes on a Z

    im 22 5NCB and insured by Admiral for 730GBP
  21. engines are pretty solid with the odd exception (mine) agree with jay get as many extras as you can look for good service history low miles preferably not essential tho if its been looked after. oh and be patient
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