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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. Bit late after you've bought it - Given the issues surrounding supposed warranty fragility of these cars (either rightly or wrongly), I'd expect to see that stuff before buying one.
  2. Thank god it's not just me that noticed that! I think its a Turkish locale set on the keyboard.
  3. The most concerning element of this thread to me is why the little dots are missing on most of the letter i's on your posts. Its got me well and truly bamboozled.
  4. I wonder if when buying a second hand car you get to see the data recorded during its "run in" period - or at least some guarantee from the dealer that the process was followed correctly?
  5. I specifically look at white now. Though there are different shades which is annoying. Ive had the green light once we have the extension built that whatever cars we have at the time I can have them all wrapped white so they are an exact match I am such a chav.
  6. Not all UK yellow GT4's are 05. Some were not registered until later, resulting in them being subject to the new tax after March 23rd 06. Have a look on autotrader, see what they are being advertised for - decide if yours is better or worse than those being advertised and pitch it where you think it will sell.
  7. No need for the stir, I agree! Its not how close the parent and child spaces are to the shop/entrance etc that matters - we have rain covers for prams, and baby seats. We have umbrellas, and we have use of our legs. The problem is the width, because to get a baby seat into the back of a car, you need to open the door wide enough to pass the relatively bulky baby seat through the door opening. If you cant get the baby seat in, then you are stuck. Tracy once had no choice but to leave Lewis in his baby seat in the boot, reverse the car out, then put him into the rear isofix base. All because some knob had decided to park on a hatched area next to her and prevented her from opening the doors wide enough to get his baby seat in. If there are no parent and child spaces left, we just park far away, in the hope that there will be enough room when we get back. If there are two of us with Lewis, then its not su much of a problem as one can move the car while the other hangs onto him, if we are on our own, we are a bit stuffed. I have had blazing rows with knobs who park in parent and child spaces that arent using them for their propper purpose, and I swear if it continues at our local shops, Ill get a winch fitted and simply drag their car out.
  8. Stick it in a parent and child bay that I need to use, and Ill drag it out, Zed or not. Seriously, people have no idea how necessary the wider spaces are in parent and child bays until you have a baby to put in a car. Why people cant just park a bit further away I dont know.
  9. Read this too and was suitably impressed. Will wait for the "depreciation curve of death" to strike them before Im tempted to have a look though
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-FGP-KIT-N ... 67&afsrc=1 No, your eyes are not deceiving you.....
  11. Hi, As some may have noticed, I've changed my signature to link to a new project myself and my brother have launched. Obviously as with any new website, especially one in the industry where you are competing against the likes of Eon, British Gas, NPower etc, getting it noticed is a pretty hard uphill battle, and one that doesn't come cheap. So far we've sunk a lot of money into this, and are hopeful that we can at least maybe break even in a couple of years or so. If you own a small business or can pass on the link to any business owners you think may benefit, it would be of great help. Also, if you let me know by PM the names of the businesses you have passed the link to, if any of them use us I shall donate 30% of any commissions we receive as a result to the club. If you don't know any business owners, then you could still help me if you can spare a few minutes to like our facebook page. I know its a cheeky ask, but any publicity would help us http://www.facebook.com/BusinessEnergyOnline If you want to pass the link out for businesses to get quotes it is: http://www.BusinessEnergyOnline.com People can follow us on facebook and or twitter if they want updates on the energy markets too if that interests you More info on us if you want to read any further - I have a habit of going on a bit..... Having assisted businesses for coming up two decades now, we have seen a lot of changes in the marketplace, and we have also seen a lot of "brokers" come and go. There have been a lot of here today gone tomorrow people in our industry, and it hasn't helped the image one bit. What we have come to learn is that people don’t want to be contacted every day by some pushy sales person offering them cheap gas and electricity, and "you must sign today" offers from various energy suppliers. They also dont want to fill in their details online just to get that same type of sales person calling them every five minutes to "sign up now!" This is specifically why our main company (the one that looks after corporate clients) does not have a call centre. We have worked on word of mouth referrals for nearly 20 years now. Sure we havent grown as rapidly as some of the other businesses out there, but I’m happy that some of our clients have been with us for that entire 20 years due to the service we give and the way we dont hold them into any contracts with ourselves like other brokers and consultants do. We work on the premise that if we do a good job, the customers will come back. Maybe a bit old fashioned, but thats the way it is. We wanted to continue this in our new venture - the online pricing for small businesses. We won’t be calling customers to pressure them into anything - we simply allow them to get prices online (without having to enter their inside leg measurement to do it). If they want the prices, they can proceed by printing their own agreement and sending it to us. No salespersons pressuring them. (Unlike other "online" sites that simply take their details and then pester them on the phone.) We are adding more suppliers to the list regularly, but again unlike some of the rogues out there we have authority from every supplier on the site to publish and use their prices. We work with over 20 suppliers with our corporate business, some of which are able and willing to provide prices to small businesses through Business Energy Online, some that are in the process of developing products that will enable them to do so. If you have any questions about the site, or any feedback, or just want to chat about energy at all, please feel free t post up in this thread and I’ll help where I can A like on facebook would be nice though Thanks all, Chris.
  12. Sadly seems a combination of speed, no seatbelt and probably a spot of bad luck. If it hit a metal fence as some reports suggest, then that could have entered the cabin possibly. With regard to seatbelts, Ive seen something like this written before: If we had a button inside our cars that was marked "Increase chance of death or life altering injuries in the event of an accident in this vehicle", Nobody in their right mind would ever push it. Yet we all have one. Its the seatbelt release button. Condolences to his family, and hopefully it will be a reminder to others about using the power of a sports car sensibly, and always using a seatbelt.
  13. Im not an accountant, but I also dont like the tax man - you may want to have an accountant look over the below, but I think its about right.. There are a few options depending on the sum involved. Any individual can gift £3000 per year. This is the limit on the person giving the gift, not the person receiving. i.e. a parent could gift £1500 to one person and £1500 to another, or £3000 to one individual. This limit is per person doing the giving, so your mother could give you up to £3000 and your father could give you £3000 making a total of £6000. However this will use up their allowance for the year, so "giving" any other sums which may flag up to the tax man will render such gift liable for inheritance tax. They can also use a previous years allowance if they have not already done so. So if they have not used last years allowance you could have: mum £3000 for tax year 11/12 mum £3000 for tax year 12/13 dad £3000 for tax year 11/12 dad £3000 for tax year 12/13 Obviously in April 13 we have a new tax year, so you could have another £6000 at that point in time too. Do it in one big chunk (over £10k) and you may be asked where this cash has come from and the banks must report this back to the Inland Revenue - though this flag limit may now be £20k, I forget. You probably wont hear anything as much bigger cash transactions are carried out by individuals each day, but if you do get asked by the inland revenue for figures, you best make sure you have done it by the book otherwise they will be on your back for life. If its for a wedding, then there is a one off limit of £5000 from parents. Any larger than the £18k that could be spread over the 3 tax years as above then you need to plan alternatives. Have a read here for the rules, and pick your way through them http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/inheritancetax/p ... -gifts.htm
  14. Dare I even suggest that an early (2008) Jaguar XF can be had for that budget too.. Others could be A4, A4 Cab, A6, Golf, 325d M, 335d
  15. Happy Birthday buddy! Have a great day!
  16. Im made of much thicker stuff than that Is there a description for somebody who has two white 4wd vehicles? I did actually consider a Volvo, but then I thought that despite looking over 50, Im "only" 34, so decided against it. The first time a tweed jacket or tartan blanket makes it into our home, Ill be back down the Volvo dealers.
  17. measurement..................Vogue...................Sport Approach Angle................34 deg.....................34.6 deg (.6 better) wading depth...................700mm....................700mm (same) departure angle.................26.6 deg.................29 deg (2.4 better) ground clearance................283mm....................227mm (56mm worse) Posemobile severely compromised off road, with road tyres: And with off road tyres.. The closest mine will come to doing anything like this will be if the tractors leave mud on the roads I use on the way to work, or if I want to have a bit of fun in the snow as and when we get any. Main reason for purchasing mine is that it weighs 2.7 tons. So if Im driving along, with my family, and I have a head on at 60mph with somebody driving say a saxo, who for whatever reason is also doing 60 on my side of the road, I ,and my family, shall carry on going forward at about 35/40mph. May seem selfish, but meh, what else would be expected from the "cream of the mongtard crop"
  18. Highly interested to hear why to rrs would be compromised compared to a discovery?
  19. RRS shares the disco drive train and chassis so is extremely capable off road. So long as they aren't fitted with draft bodykits which lower the approach and exit angles and blingy wheels. If its proper off road then a series 1 or defender would be the best bet imho. Wet grass is the worst stuff ever if you have low profile road tyres and do t use the right mode on the drive either
  20. Just found these of the new Full Fat Range Rover, thought some may like them:
  21. Before we all get carried away uploading copyright protected material, would you be so kind as to consider who's letterbox the solicitors letter from Evo would drop through if you do. Do it again and get a free, all exclusive break from the forum for a while..
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