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Everything posted by Chesterfield

  1. I think Mike is just used to handling really small pencils.
  2. At the moment some people my be seeing that. Whats actually happening is there appears to be a rogue query or table item within the database that whenever it is being run, locks up other queries behind it until it has finished doing whatever it is. At that point all the other backed up queries (like people wanting to post, or read a page) get run in the blink of an eye. Currently trying to find what it is thats causing this, as it has been fine for quite some time, and then suddenly started misbehaving. To be fair the way we have modified phpbb3 from its original out of the box state, its a wonder its not happened sooner. We will find it and fix it though. A move to a different platform more in keeping with the size of this board has not been ruled out - but we know how people like the look and feel of this site, so we arent rushing into that option.
  3. The site only has double or tripple posts if people click the reply button twice or three times. When its running slowly, people click the button again - which adds another thing to the queue of items to process, slowing the site down further and will ultimately post their reply again....
  4. Door locking issues aside, if somebody entered our house and threatened Tracy and my son with a crowbar I would make it my life's work to track them down and ensure I was able to re-enact several scenes from law abiding citizen with them, before putting them through the chipper feet first and letting them fertilise the field.
  5. Cheapest 5 series has a BIK of 17% and based on a £30k retail price, thats £5100 you are going to pay tax on. You are still going to have to pay for fuel, and you are stillgoing to have to pay for fuel, tax and insurance on the 370. That grand minimum on BIK tax will possibly pay for the tax, insurance and service for the 370 - or at least a big chunk of it.
  6. This is correct. It may be that due to the server move and this forcing update of peoples cookies that things ate now working as they should. View new posts should show all topics with new posts since your last logon. View unread posts shows all threads that have unread posts regardless of when you last visited. View unread inc ot is the same as the above but includes off topic posts too.
  7. What a grade A tosser. If he hadn't got a footballers salary and lawyers, he would have been banged up for a long time long ago. Carry on with that "invincible" attitude and sooner or later he will get cracked good and propper by someone. Hopefully.
  8. The actual car you put a picture of on the first post is a member on here He has one of the two Interlagos fires that made it to the UK. RHD from Japan.
  9. With our roads in the UK, ill give those rims about 5 mins before they are bent. Too big for the car. Speedo will now be approaching 10% out. The yanks can get away with it as they don't have the craters in the road that we do.
  10. Hands up who didnt see that coming. His advice on energy purchasing in my experience has been diabolical. The forum is the best part of the site with lots of useful advice to be found from various members. The rest is just a whole load of adverts and referal schemes.
  11. Try now. Over zealous IP blocker on the servers firewall I think....
  12. Nope - specific addresses still return blanks.
  13. Thats the really bizzare thing. Tracerts, ping, nslookup, all come back fine. Mike can even FTP to the site correctly, but cant view the webpages - very strange indeed.
  14. What about signatures, avatars, and buttons like post reply etc etc.. Is it just the images like photos from meets, or is it all images on the forum, buttons, smilies etc?
  15. We are still trying to figure out whats causing this, as at least two other people have the same problem that they can access at one place but not at another.
  16. Cookie showing as being delivered from an alternate IP or reverse address and an over zealous security setting? Try clearing those out?
  17. Doesnt work even if just IP used, have even updated my dns to point at the same DNS servers being used by Mike and still cant replicate this error.
  18. Apologies if a bunch of people just got logged out - Im trying to find what the cause of this is, as at least 3 people are now affected, one of the table flushes may have just logged you all out
  19. DNS must be working correctly though, becasue is the right address for the server. so if pinging www.350z-uk.com returns that IP address, I cant see how it would fail Very strange indeed - will have to do some more research.
  20. Hey, think of it this way, you could have been suckered into buying shares in Facebook and now sitting there watching it freefall Seriously, 100 x p/e, WTF??? How on earth is that even allowed to get past the regulators and onto the market. $100 Bn my left testicle. $8 Bn at best. One of my favourite comments surrounding the Facebook price slump and why some experts believe it will NEVER grow more profitable than it is now is this:
  21. Or - open up a command prompt, as above and try the following command: Ping www.350z-uk.com what ip address is your machine trying to reach? you should get something like the following on the first line: "pinging 350z-uk.com [XX.XX.XXX.XXX] with 32 bytes of data:" Can you advise what numbers your pc shows instead of the XX.XX.XXX.XXX above ?
  22. You could also try flushing your DNS cache on windows - as it may be trying to access the old server. Click Start and "Run". In the box type CMD and hit enter. This should bring up a command prompt. at the command prompt, type: IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS (note the space after IPCONFIG) This should flush out any addresses that your pc may have cached for our server and force it to get a new one from your internet service provider, which should now be the correct one.
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