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Interesting day out and about in the Zed.. Ferrari and Lotus..


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Sorry if this is in the wrong "section"..


But, I normally don't really get on my Z.. But.. it's HARD to resist as you add mods, esp. exhaust mods lol.. Anyhow.. Driving back today first I was approached on the road (with cops all around us no less) who literally toyed with me.. I played a little tag but knew better than to really "try" .. Sweet ride.


Then a few seconds later A Lotus comes up in my Rear View.. I don't see many Lotus's on the road.. and this one was Purple, looked nice (was dirty tho.. lol) -- But you could tell it was in great shape.


Well.. (On a private closed road! ) -- The Lotus came up beside me and revved then sped up in front of me.. So I said, ok what the heck.. I think it's considerably faster, but let's just see.


For the next 4-5 miles on the "closed road" the lotus kept pulling up to me and asking for it.. So I dropped from 6th to 3rd or 4th and dropped it for a minute.. The Lotus was keeping up (it was trying) but I was beating it! I was like hrmm.. slowed down.. maybe it was a fluke.. Lotus get's in front of me and Takes off full throttle.. I drop it (now with a good 6+ car lengths back lag) to lower gear and I pulled up on it without TOO much hassle. We did this for another few miles off and on and for whatever reason my '08 350 with my few mods (Intake, and Catback so far) was beating it!


Made me smile.. We exchanged the wave of "good sportsmanship" and I turned off where I was going.


Now I know the stock 350z is 5.1 0-60 on my year and 306hp.. and mine isn't completely stock so untuned I may have gained oh.. 10-12 hp we'll say.. nothing major , esp without the Berk's and a Tune ..


So are Lotus's in America slower? I did a brief look at stats a minute ago and Lotus's should run in the 4.x second range 0-60, but have a relatively low top speed considering their price.


Edit: Just looked a little more at Lotus's.. and they aren't quite as expensive as I thought.. but they aren't cheap.. Run 65,000-100k+ depending on model, type, etc. -- And The horsepower of many of the models is less the the 350Z's.. but I thought the Lotus's were incredibly light so that horsepower was much more efficient thus say 240hp = something like 400hp in a 350 for example.


Or was this driver that bad? Or perhaps, would a Lotus not be able to handle the mid range of the 350Z, but is more geared for the 0-60 stuff?


Either way, I was as impressed seeing an immaculate Ferrari (recent model) and recent model Lotus (Red Ferrari, and Purple Lotus) within a few seconds of each other.. and both recognized my Z immediately and wanted to "play" if you will. --


I know the Z isn't a "Super car" .. and not even close to the Lotus in the "price range" new.. but it seemed to be more than enough power for the Lotus to handle (I know the Ferrari was way out of my league lol)..


I can attest the speeds weren't outrageous because there were literally 3 cops around us.. And oddly enough when the Ferrari pulled up to me, and then sped up a bit.. past the Cops.. I followed (staying under or at speed limit) *in moderate traffic*... and the Cops seemed to want to watch... they actually pulled out of our lanes to let us go on by .. then casually watched.. no hint of trying to "catch us" going 10mph over or something.


Just wanted to share the experience.. I'm not used to having Ferrari's and Lotus's come up and work to gain my attention :D


Any similar (Supercar) type experiences.. not so much winning or racing, but just you know the fun , safe, tag driving within speed limits but trailing and swapping lead type stuff?

Edited by Chromatic
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I've noticed the Z gets attention from prestigious cars quite often, I've had some interesting drives with a few porches and some GTR's, it makes a change from when I had my civic and every idiot in his saxo wanted a go :lol:


lol.. It's nice, when I had my mustangs the Ferrari's, Lambo's and such didn't really pay any attention... but I guess the Z looks more "supercarish" than American muscle lol.

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111Rs aren't that quick in a straight line, but they'll monster you in bends. They also feel massively more special than a Zed (massively more rattly too!), but that's another story. Keep them in lift and they're more than quick enough, but you have to be committed. If you were both trying to stay safe on the roads, then the mid-range shove of the Zed can easily make it seem a quicker car. It's not at all, but I can imagine it would look like that.

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