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does a Z attract wierdos?


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Now I know some of you guys think it's fun to get attention from the laydees by having a nice car but it's not fun getting attention from wierd men! This kind of thing has happened before but last time it was funny because a car full of very young lads in a modded car came up next to me on the motorway and put a phone number out of the window on a piece of paper when I was in the CTR. I was mildly amused by that - however - the other day I was stopped at a roundabout in the right hand lane with a few cars in front of me, there was nothing in the left hand lane. Suddenly I was aware of something in my peripheral vision so I looked to the left and a 30 - 40 something guy in a flash audi had stopped his car next to mine holding up all the cars behind him and was just sat grinning at me! He started inching forward, wound his window down and put his arm out and pointed across his roof to the left - basically asking me to follow him! He waited at the roundabout for me where I promptly locked the doors, stared straight ahead and drove on! I was actually quite scared.

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Must be an Audi thing.


Had a near miss on the A1 once. In heavy traffic and a minibus full of ladies on a hen do ( I guess) pulled up next to me. They were of an age that should know better. I had the roof down and was terrified, amused the hell out of my wife though.

Didnt drop the roof for days. :scare:

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Nixy, like you said you did the right thing by driving away, you never can be too careful in this day and age :thumbs:


guess he was amazed by the beauty of the car and it's driver B)

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Nixy you got to be careful, one seeing a woman ( who use to pole dance ;)) in a 350z is one thing but with your numberplate too it certainly shouts a bit of bling. Id say take up self defence and carry golf tee's with you all the time. I never carry golf tees with me, ;) you put them inbetween your fingers and they act like spikes so when you clench a fist they are better than knuckle dusters and do the trick. Also if you get stopped by the police you just say you play golf :teeth: One of the best legel protections anyday of the week :thumbs:

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Hello ....


Can I sit next to you?


Will you be my friend?


I'm special...


I've got a car like yours .....





p.s. If you say them in the right voice the right ones work wonders with Telesales calls ....

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Everyone at work is looking at me now because I'm laughing out loud at you lot - especially Zedrush! Loving the golf tee idea but by the time I've rifled through all the junk in my handbag to find it I fear it will be too late! Maybe I'll take up baseball and keep my bat handy! :thumbs:

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how about getting heat spray then and use it to spray in their eyes,(oww thats gotta hurt :headhurt: ) then when they have their hands over their face you kick em where it hurts, then stand over them and say: " Im Nixy D, Aka the Fox who just kicked yo ass mo fo"

That would be AWESOME :yahoo: You could be like one of Charlies Angels and fight crime in your Z


again if you get pulled by the police you say you are a pole dancer and you sustain alot injuries doing the double whammy spin so need heat spray for any injuries sustained :thumbs::headhurt:

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how about getting heat spray then and use it to spray in their eyes,(oww thats gotta hurt :headhurt: ) then when they have their hands over their face you kick em where it hurts, then stand over them and say: " Im Nixy D, Aka the Fox who just kicked yo ass mo fo"

That would be AWESOME :yahoo: You could be like one of Charlies Angels and fight crime in your Z


again if you get pulled by the police you say you are a pole dancer and you sustain alot injuries doing the double whammy spin so need heat spray for any injuries sustained :thumbs::headhurt:


WTF is heat spray?

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