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God, The Universe and Death.


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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:

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What I find ironic are the football mad people who effectively go to worship at their temple (either the pub or stadium), all have mass chanting and following, idolise, iconise certain players, pay money towards it, and repeat this routine and demonise those that do not follow their views. It's a pretty interesting parallel.

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What I find ironic are the football mad people who effectively go to worship at their temple (either the pub or stadium), all have mass chanting and following, idolise, iconise certain players, pay money towards it, and repeat this routine and demonise those that do not follow their views. It's a pretty interesting parallel.


Not sure many people go to church and chant "the reverend is a w@nker" :lol:


Your parallel does make me smile however ;)

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


Meh, she doesn't do it for me


Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:

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What I find ironic are the football mad people who effectively go to worship at their temple (either the pub or stadium), all have mass chanting and following, idolise, iconise certain players, pay money towards it, and repeat this routine and demonise those that do not follow their views. It's a pretty interesting parallel.


Not sure many people go to church and chant "the reverend is a w@nker" :lol:


Your parallel does make me smile however ;)


It wasn't meant to provoke negativity, just the slightly hypocrisy at times from some people who snub organised religions. :)


And no I don't think that would go down to well... :lol: however, by that I meant a lot of the either deprecating or encouraging chants that supporters do. Heck we do it in rugby (usually swing low sweet chariot, though!)


I have nothing against football (I'm a rugby man however) but it was e closest parallel I could draw from my experience in this country. :)

Edited by wmr1980
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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


Meh, she doesn't do it for me


Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:


That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose...


Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be ;)

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


Meh, she doesn't do it for me


Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:


That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose...


Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be ;)


Imagine if you weren't able to touch them for eternity! That WOULD be hell!

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


Meh, she doesn't do it for me


Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:


That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose...


Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be ;)


Ye thanks Dave....

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Oooh Dave that's rough!! I was once a 'rabid' atheist - now I just let folk get on with it - live and let live eh - let folk find peace and solace where they can?! The only time I will get into any serious discussion is with folk who use whatever religious text they believe in to belittle sex, gender capabilities or sexual orientation - then you get to see the fireworks !! ;)

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Oooh Dave that's rough!! I was once a 'rabid' atheist - now I just let folk get on with it - live and let live eh - let folk find peace and solace where they can?! The only time I will get into any serious discussion is with folk who use whatever religious text they believe in to belittle sex, gender capabilities or sexual orientation - then you get to see the fireworks !! ;)


Nothing personal meant, I don't go round preaching (sorry) to people about it, just if the subject comes up thats my view....


I have a nice one liner for the Jehova's Witness's that come round now and again " I give blood, goodbye "

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It's amazing how circumstances change you though


My last 4 or 5 months have been so horrible that I've actually turned to praying most nights before trying to sleep


I am the biggest atheist going, but for some reason find comfort in praying for help :shrug:

Who do you pray to though? God? Buddha? Jesus? Mohammed? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Which made-up person do you think can help you?


Serious question, despite the flippancy.


I pray to "God" but I don't believe in a God, if that makes sense? I dunno, I'm not expecting anything to be answered from my prayers but it's comforting to believe that there is someone listening


With that reasoning why not pray to Cheryl Cole at least if she does hear your prayers if they get answered its a win/win :thumbs:


Meh, she doesn't do it for me


Hard to explain, it's an act of desperation which I get comfort from :shrug:


That pretty much sums up religion for me, depressed, unhappy people with worthless lives longing to believe in something to give their life purpose...


Sorry if that offends the billions of religious people out there, I fully intend to burn in hell as I know thats where all the dirty girls will be ;)


Ye thanks Dave....


Nothing personal, you said you turned to praying to someone you don't believe exists through being depressed, no shame in that but I think that's how religion began and still exists, that and fear of retribution etc....


And I agree a very good thread as long as nobody gets nasty :p


I normally avoid conversations about politics and religion but if someone else starts it then its fair game :teeth:

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One thing I still dont understand, and this is by no means racist and I speak about a minority not a majority, and we have all thought about it. All these religions, are simply someone believing in god.


Christians believe in god

Catholics believe in god

Muslims believe in god


Now, 1000 years ago catholics or christians, whatever one it was, went on a crusade and smashed through middle east trying to eradicate other religions. Okay 1000years ago we were all uninformed, and tbh 70years ago we were uninformed too with rise of nazism. But, if religion is all about peace, why did they try kill each other? Because someone believed in a black god? Or a white god? If your white your going to think hes white and vice versa.


But, as for my first sentance, what is all this bull about islam faith. I dont mean those who believe in allah and pray multiple times a day, if thats how you want to live, so be it. But the "terrorists" as we call them who fight for a religion. What are they truely fighting for? Everyone to follow their god? Very simply, uneducated idiots. Uneducated in the sense that even if god is real, peoples beliefs are their own. And they firmly believe that they will burn in hellfire if they drink alcohol, because it corrupts the mind. But go out and kill 3000 christian children and its all good your getting your 72 virgins.


Religion is the cause of 90% of conflicts. The conflict in israel, ww2, afghanistan, iraq, middle ages crusades. All because they want to eliminate something that nobody even knoes if it exists.


I am looking at making my religion "jedi" just simply for the fact religion is a waste of time. Followig a book that was written 2000years or more ago, for ssomeone to misread or misinterpret, simple mistake we do it everyday of out lives, but our misinterpret is a parking metre, not a boieing 747 and trade tower.


And hellfire? Really? What does god want? If I have sex with a 10 year old, and im christian, will I go to hell? Christians were having sex at that age thousands of years ago, its just that now, the law made it illegal.


Prophet mohammed had a wife that was like 8years old and raped her, surely that sinable? Bring on hellfire, ive went over the speed limit, ate plenty of rubbish junk and beer. I watch porn and have sex before marraige. Ill go meet their devil and probably turn out to be hugh hefner.



On another note, with the universe. Were obviously not the centre of the jniverse, well, I dont believe that for 1second. Just out limit of exploitation. However, something crazy to know. If we look through a telescope at a planet 10,000 light years away, were looking at light thats 10,000 years old. If I was looking at a little mmanwaving at me, and hes human, im watching him wave but he would have died 9,900 years ago. Thats if, im interpreting the science videos ive watched correctly


Apologies for spelling, on my phone

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One thing I still dont understand, and this is by no means racist and I speak about a minority not a majority, and we have all thought about it. All these religions, are simply someone believing in god.


Christians believe in god

Catholics believe in god

Muslims believe in god



Great post, and I see where you're coming from with it, but this is why it's incredibly frustrating for aetheists to argue with religious folk and vice versa: It all comes down to faith, and that's not something that's easily gaiined nor lost.


Genuinely, I'd quite like there to be a god of some kind, as that would be quite comforting in one way and purely f*cking awesome in another. However, until someone can prove to me beyond all doubt that there is a god, I cannot see how any reasoned mind can believe in one. Likewise, I expect someone who goes to church every Sunday struggles to understand how I manage to go through life without the guiding hand of the book.

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One thing I still dont understand, and this is by no means racist and I speak about a minority not a majority, and we have all thought about it. All these religions, are simply someone believing in god.


Christians believe in god

Catholics believe in god

Muslims believe in god



Great post, and I see where you're coming from with it, but this is why it's incredibly frustrating for aetheists to argue with religious folk and vice versa: It all comes down to faith, and that's not something that's easily gaiined nor lost.


Genuinely, I'd quite like there to be a god of some kind, as that would be quite comforting in one way and purely f*cking awesome in another. However, until someone can prove to me beyond all doubt that there is a god, I cannot see how any reasoned mind can believe in one. Likewise, I expect someone who goes to church every Sunday struggles to understand how I manage to go through life without the guiding hand of the book.


I would hate to find out there was a god. He looked after no1. Im a firm believer that mothe nature will always create somethjng to keep the world at a comfortable rate. Too many people, invest aids and cancer. Or throw a tidal wave in. Once we cure aids and cancer something else will come out.


Now, if god existed, we are his little ant nest for experiments. What happens if I make this man rape a child. What happens if I burn a country. If he was a god and cared about us, surely we could only repopulate one child per one death so it was always the same?


On another note while its in my head.

God created adam and eve and they created rhe population. Incest at its peak? Yes theres probably loads of incest in our dna, probably 80% of it from Inbreeding

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