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my mates who've served out in the far east all say the yanks are a liability with guns. they shoot first ask question later. if they hear a noise, they all start shooting and then ask; what we shooting at. was always told to let the yanks go first. apparently they shoot more of their own troops than the enemy.

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my mates who've served out in the far east all say the yanks are a liability with guns. they shoot first ask question later. if they hear a noise, they all start shooting and then ask; what we shooting at. was always told to let the yanks go first. apparently they shoot more of their own troops than the enemy.


It's true enough. They tried rescuing a hostage and they threw a grenade in killing captors and hostage.

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Friendly fire :surrender:


They shot so many of their own, they changed the name from friendly fire to "blue on blue" to try and ditract frok the point that they can't tell the difference between a friend and a foe. :facepalm:


not only that their aircraft bombed Canadian troops with a big Canadian flag. and a mate of mine was telling me they opened fire on a Chinook. how many bloody Taliban do you know that have a Chinook.

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thing is Canada has just as many guns and a fraction of the gun crime deaths that America has. the issue is that place is full of wack job retards. you see some of the crap they come up with; its scary.


Although loads of people have guns here, and you can buy them in stores, you still need to have been approved and have a licence to get one. Peoples attitudes also seem to be different here - Guns are for hunting, not for self protection.

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thing is Canada has just as many guns and a fraction of the gun crime deaths that America has. the issue is that place is full of wack job retards. you see some of the crap they come up with; its scary.


Although loads of people have guns here, and you can buy them in stores, you still need to have been approved and have a licence to get one. Peoples attitudes also seem to be different here - Guns are for hunting, not for self protection.


Yeah thats just the thing to protect you from what... other people with guns so then everyone has one and they are everywhere, schools, hospitals, shopping centres :wacko:

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see I wouldn't buy a gun for protection, i'd buy one for going down a shooting range or hunting. if I want to protect my home that's what 2 heavy ends of a pool cue are for. I wouldn't want to kill an intruder, I'd just want to make sure they're still here when the cops turn up. that and I wouldn't want to face manslaughter charges.

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see I wouldn't buy a gun for protection, i'd buy one for going down a shooting range or hunting. if I want to protect my home that's what 2 heavy ends of a pool cue are for. I wouldn't want to kill an intruder, I'd just want to make sure they're still here when the cops turn up. that and I wouldn't want to face manslaughter charges.


But if the burglers have guns you HAVE to have a gun, Its a cycle of violence and arming yourself.

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no I don't need a gun. that's the great thing about where I live, crime is pretty low. and gun crime is non existent. and on e of the reasons the British police have tried to keep away from arming every cop. is it keeps down the need for every crim to tool up as well.

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no I don't need a gun. that's the great thing about where I live, crime is pretty low. and gun crime is non existent. and on e of the reasons the British police have tried to keep away from arming every cop. is it keeps down the need for every crim to tool up as well.


And thats americas problem.

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Can they re write the constitution?


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Yes if they weren't so pig headed and arrogant.


Plus if it means gun and ammunitions companies will make less money they will stop funding who ever e.g. the republican candidate or senator and that wont happen. Money over everything for them.

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