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First Impressions...


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Well, had the Zed now for 3 days... so heres the first impressions... lol


- The road noise is terrible, because theres no seats in the back or anything on top of the empty boot space...you hear everything even spray in the arches on a very wet road.


- Its very clunky and mechanical (but I quite like this), the gearbox, the shift, its all a bit 'clattery'...and not in a broken way, just... noisey lol


- Its stupidly fast, no matter what gear. 6th can be a bit slower but soon summins up the power... :scare:


- Its unbelievably torquey...as I can go round juntions and turns in 4th or 5th gear, some swoopy junctions in 6th O.o lol


- As long as you don't have a brick attached to your foot its not as bad as you think on fuel... (I'm expecting rubbish but my idea of good is 30mpg, since my last one only did between 25-35mpg). I've been on a good long run, without going mental, just driving normaly through streets, start stop, couple of hard acclerations to get past on a dual carridgeway and all throughout the journey it did 28-29 mpg...ALL THE TIME. And I've had it over 30...breifly lol B)


- It sounds fantastic! Even when pulling away, what a growl!


- The clutch is heavyish, but way better than the pre-06's I've tried lol Fine with the clutch now, just the odd jerk and still trying to get it completly smooth when going for the bite on the hill, you have to give it a good few revs to get her on the move, but no major issue lol


- I've mastered the bluetooth for recieving calls, but dialling out I have to do it on the phone then put it down as it comes through the speakers... still dunno how to do the voice thing or if it stores numbers, the manuals annoying.. lol


- Its waaay comfier than expected.


- The stability of it is amazing, although I had the back out a tad tonight by accident when turning onto a road, but it sorted it out for me before I had time to react... appreciated lol


- People just stare at it lol


- Focus ST's swarm round it like annoying flies then speed off or overtake you in a hurry :dry: lol


- Civic Type-R owners try desperatly not to look at you as you go past...even though you can see their dying to lol :lol:


- People move out your way (and not in a driving like a knob way), must be the arches make it seem wider?


- The bi-Xenons are fantastic!(how long do they last? Someone I know with them from an 06' car has never replaced his!) B)


- The brakes are good, crisp and a good tight feel from the top, superb


- And lastly... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

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I know you would... nasty person.. lol And I haven't done it yet, even though I'd rather do it in the wet (for tyres sake lol), which it has been and somewhere spacious to see what it does.. but i'll leave that for another 'brave' night lol

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I know you would... nasty person.. lol And I haven't done it yet, even though I'd rather do it in the wet (for tyres sake lol), which it has been and somewhere spacious to see what it does.. but i'll leave that for another 'brave' night lol


Mine was off in the rain, which resulted in me having to buy new bumper, respray, rewrap and other little bits lol. Have a go with it off in the dry in an industrial estate where, if it goes wrong, you wont hit anything :D

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Sorry for swearing but ****ing **** me for ****ing **** sakes sure he's not ****ing bought a ****ing zed for **** sakes!


You could probably have written that review before you even picked the up the amount of hours you've logged test driving!


Glad your enjoying.......please don't crash it!

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I've only test driven ..3 or 4 or somthing...i mind writing that on here too! lol Thats not many! But yes I am, and I will be careful! I don't feel the need to just go and be mental with it, one of the best parts of owning it is just sitting and driving normally, in the knowledge...you just don't have to 'show off' ...you just don't. lol The looks of the car/people staring at it say it all I think lol God its awesome lol

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Oh btw, short of searching :blush: ... anyone used 'Revolution Performance Motorstore' down in Newcastle??, just down from the Lotus dealership (where I bought my car). Just been on the site and they look like a good'un and there was a good few Scoobs in when they had the car on ramps for my m8 to look underneath. They did the service for Lotus/me.

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Oh btw, short of searching :blush: ... anyone used 'Revolution Performance Motorstore' down in Newcastle??, just down from the Lotus dealership (where I bought my car). Just been on the site and they look like a good'un and there was a good few Scoobs in when they had the car on ramps for my m8 to look underneath. They did the service for Lotus/me.


I was going near newcastle you want Falcon performance.

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Boot divider present lol


First mods this weekend/next week (not a major modder but I like the simple things lol), so... rear windows tinted on Monday and at the weekend try and get a hold of an S2000 aerial! :)

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