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Standard Alarm Volume


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Firstly I have searched and couldnt find an answer so apologies if this question irritates a few people ;)


Anyway, does anyone know if it's possible to increase the volume on the alarm siren? The reason I ask is I often leave the car with the roof down when popping into the shops or on the drive way however the other day I locked it with the girlfriend still inside who then set it off and the alarm was barely audible.


The car is an MY06 UK Roadster with factory fitted security if it makes any difference.

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Do you mean you've not heard of an option to adjust or the fact it's quiet?


Thankfully it's soon to become a weekend only car and will be garaged so it will become less of an issue.... just never thought to test it in the last 2 years and was quite appalled at how quiet the thing is.


I appreciate you taking a look and posting :)

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I think they are all really quiet, mines gone off before when I left the window down whilst I was stood next to it, I didn't even relaise it was mine that was going off as it was so quiet until a passer by told me to turn it off.

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Does it matter? No one notices car alarms anyway.



I hear what you're saying (no pun intended) but I would seriously struggle to hear mine when it's on the drive and I'm inside the house.... in public places I agree the only person going to take any notice is going to be me... if i'm in hearing distance (within 30m or so) that is.

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Slightly off topic, but does anyone remember a short lived show about 20 years ago called Swag?


There is a clip here, watch from 3:20 onwards...genius



Except the guy would probably sue for entrapment and the injuries he suffered both physically and mentally from his ordeal :surrender:

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Just tested mine, not deafening but loud enough I guess, can certainly hear it inside the house. Never heard the roadster one go off, even if you leave it with the hood down all day with the alarm switched on, maybe its less sensitive :shrug:




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Just tested mine, not deafening but loud enough I guess, can certainly hear it inside the house. Never heard the roadster one go off, even if you leave it with the hood down all day with the alarm switched on, maybe its less sensitive :shrug:





Pete, your Couple is obviously female (goes off the handle at the slightest thing) and Caroline's Roadster is obviously male (totally insensitive) :lol:

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