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Anyone been to San Francisco?


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Thought I would give you guys a little update from the last few days ..........


Well there was me thinking BA would be a nice company to fly with..... Entertainment system was crap and skipping the whole time and then there was the air vents.... :scare: Legionaries disease anyone? mmmmm furry :yuck:




Took a couple of photo's for Toby B):wave:




Looks cold mate :cold:




We arrived and went for a little jolly in the car.....










Yesterday was a long day getting set up for the conference so did not get out, Will be going out today so more pics to follow. Already seen a few Zed's on the freeway B)


Hope you enjoy the snow thats coming back in the UK and stay safe, I will be basking in a very agreeable 20 degrees B)

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Hire a mountain bike... you can take in the coast, bridge, Fort Mason/Presidio area, Golden Gate Park (where I saw my first 370Z before it's release in the UK I think) and then finish with a cycle down Lombard Street back towards Pier 39. All in one nice loop.


It's a good route - not too strenuous bar the odd stupidly steep hill (walk them) - and you get a nice feel for the place.


If you go near Alamo Square - a bit of a detour - be careful: nearby areas can be a bit iffy!



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So after a very busy week, finally got the flight cases all packed up 10pm on Friday, so today I thought I would go for a mooch about ....


Spotted on the way to the Airport to get the Bart :thumbs:




China town was rather busy :scare:




Perhaps Graham should stat going eco rather than shiny :lol:






After a vary long walk..... another bleedin hill :angry:




Could not go without a pic of the Rock B)




A relation of Will.. maybe B)




They seem to be everywhere round here :lol:




I have seen about 9 or 10 others, but not had the camera to hand :blush:


Anyway, time for bed then more mooching tomorrow :yahoo: ........ depending if my feet don't hurt anymore :lol:

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..... more walking up and down hill today :lol:


Started off here.......




Then ended up here.......






Only saw one Zed today B)




I am now sat in the Bar, resting my weary feet over a beer or two :drunk: .... before I leave in the morning. What a great City this is B) anyone who has not been and is thinking of coming here should just do it :thumbs:

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