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R.I.P Corporal Jamie Kirkpatrick . . .


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A bit random I know but I felt the need to write this somewhere . . .


A friend of mine was killed in Afghanistan last Sunday. His name was Jamie Kirkpatrick, a corporal in the Royal Engineers.


I was a member in his section on Exercise Oak apple in March 2004. He really helped me through that 6 week long infantry exercise in Kenya. Through the debilitating heat & my major inexperience (I'd just finished training at that time), he got over his annoyance of a sprog (derogatory term for new soldiers) constantly asking questions about the army & dragged me through 6 of the hardest yet most satisfying weeks of my army career so far. Without his experience, dedication & patience I have no doubt that not only would I not only of enjoyed the exercise as much as I did but also of become the experienced soldier I am today.


We both served in Germany together as part of 28 Engineer Regiment, based in Hameln. We shared many beers, laughs, sweat & blood & I'm pretty gutted he's no longer with us.


He was a cracking soldier & a good mate. I learned a lot from him . . .


R.I.P Buddy . . . . You'll be sorely missed . . . .


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It's times like this that the nation need to forget about the England Squad and focus on what matters. These soldiers giving their lives for us.


I appreciate the forces and they are about the only thing that inspires me to feel truly British.

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I have a lump in my throat, that is so sad. Thats a very touching tribute from you


I appreciate that chilli. I suppose it's what I was intending with this post (Not for anyone to start bawling their eyes out :)). It's really odd, I keep thinking of past encounters with him & how at the time I would never of thought he'd be killed in action.

One that springs to mind is when on the kenya exercise, our section was attacking a position during a live fire exercise. Between us & the for mentioned position was a large 'bastard bush'. Aptly named due to the nature of the complaints erupting from the bush should anyone stray too close (it has 2" thorns lol). "Ooh you f*&$%^g bastard!" or words to that effect.

Anyhoo, we had to get through this 'obstacle', me being the new soldier I was, didn't have a clue what to do, all I saw was a big bush that I was NOT going through. Suddenly, Jamie's behind me screaming "GET THROUGH THAT F*&^%$G BUSH!!!!". Through I go with many "Bastard!" & "S&*T THAT HURT!". It wasn't nice but it made a hole for the rest of the section to get through & carry on the attack. That's just the guy he was - inspiring. One minute I wanted to stay where I was & hope someone else would deal with the situation, the next, I was an aggressive killing machine, hell bent on destroying that bloody bush & the paper targets 100m's behind it!


Thanks for your kind remarks :)

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There's nothing worse than finding out a mate has been killed in action. My mate was one of the guys kidnapped in bagdad in 2007 and it devastated me when we found out he was killed. I know it wasn't an army event but it's the same feeling. My heart goes out to you and Jamie's family. No one should ever have to recieve news like that.

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RIP - my thoughts are with his family.


Last night I watched the video footage on the Sun website of the fire fight in Afghanistan and the soldier getting shrapnel in his face. The lad is actually the son of a friend of mine (Phil if you're reading this, Martin) and finding him on the front of the newspapers over a month after the incident has been a bit of a surprise. That sort of unedited frontline footage really shocks you when you realise what these young guys are facing every day. Our boys are doing a fantastic job out there and its devastating whenever we hear of another life lost.

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