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Humorous book suggestions please?


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My Dad is ill and as my folks live in France and I can't see them that often I thought I'd send him a book to cheer him up. He's an avid reader like me and we read the same books (Lee Child, Harlen Coben, Karin Slaughter etc.) However, under the circumstances I wanted to send him something that would cheer him up in a humour type way. I know he likes autobiographies. Anyone read anything that really made them laugh lately that would be suitable for him?

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Anything by Clarkson makes me smile. Also John O'Farrell is quite amusing...


There is one called "who moved my blackberry", but may not be his thing, but good for anyone that works for a corporate that has one of the bl00dy things!



How about Bill Brysons "A Short History of Nearly Everything"


If you like crime, have you read Peter James?

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Never read Peter James - always on the look out for new authors so will check him out. I also like Michael Connolly and Greg Isles.


Clarkson might be a good one and I know he has some Bill Bryon but not sure which ones.

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I can't really help on the humorous books - unless he likes chick lit lol But on the crime/thriller front, we may have similar tastes, I notice you mentioned Karin Slaughter and Michael Connolly - both authors I also like. Have you tried Karen Rose? Love her books. Also, P J Tracy is another good one. James Patterson always worth a try too.


HTH, albeit not to your original question :blush::)

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Don't tell mum and this is not a drill are funny but it is the truth stretched greatly! Coming from someone that's been to a few of the same places working both with production and drilling I can tell you a lot of it is pure imagination. Hillarious though!


Ben Elton is superb Nixy. He's still clever, done a lot of different books with many themes and I've read them all! He's funny, smart and attacks some cracking plots in his novels. I like his books anyway..... :D

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