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Everything posted by martinopy

  1. Like has been said before he tested a jdm which had to be tweeked for the uk market, I would agree that the build quality in the one he had looked sh*te but at the same time he loves alfas????? enough said. Clarkson is just a journo with a jumped up attitude. If you want a decent report watch 5th gear, where Tiff said it's a 911 for half the money.
  2. Hi guys i'm looking to buy a set of nismo side skirts but when looking at some pics of them there seems to be two different types. I would like the ones with the larger bulge, that seems to go higher up the side as well and am just wondering who to buy these off and do i have to ask for a certain type?
  3. Help needed. Back in mid feb I ordered a set of ings lx side skirts from trojansport for £520. The skirts were supposed to take 8 - 12 weeks, after 14 weeks I sent them an e-mail as nothing arrived. I got a reply saying they had not even arrived in Japan yet and give me the chance to change my order, which I did, to a set of nismos. I still haven't received anything and have e-mailed trojansport several times with no reply. I managed to find a phone number but cannot get any answer and there is no message facility. If anyone has any ideas i'd greatly appreciate it.
  4. martinopy

    RX 8 buying

    I'd have to agree with the engine flooding comments, it's a right pain in the arse and one of the biggest reasons why I got rid of mine.
  5. I'd never have picked them out for a 350 but I think they look really well on and they're very different to any other wheels i've seen on a z.
  6. martinopy

    New mod!

    Any clues?????????
  7. Well firstly don't do it in direct sunlight or it will cake on, secondly i do mine a panel at a time for the same reason as before, apart from that it's quite straightforward and you should get the car done quite quick.
  8. Yeah on the order document it says the offset is ET 35.
  9. martinopy

    20"s on a Z

    I only put my 20s on my car on fri and they went on no bother and that was with eibachs fitted, there is no rubbing even on a bumpy road and I can still get full lock on the steering.
  10. Have you tried detailing world? You should be able to find someone on there in the regional forums.
  11. I got them done through a very good local mechanic who does a lot of work on rally cars. I know his work to be 100%. I certainly wouldn't trust it to someone i didn't know cos suspension is something you don't want an amateur doing.
  12. They're 8.5 x 20 up front and 10 x 20 on the rear. I'd recommend the eibachs for anyone not wanting the expense of coilovers, really nice drop and the ride's not too firm
  13. I got my car lowered last night on eibach springs and also got my new wheels fitted today http://s316.photobucket.com/albums/mm323/martinopy/
  14. Not sure where you'd stand but i'd certainly push for it fixed for free as the previous fix obv didn't fix the problem. If they refuse to fix try nissan head office and if that doesn't work contact trading standards.
  15. I had mine done about 6 weeks ago but over the past few days i've noticed it starting to come back, not too bad just 1 click on take off but still it's obviously coming back. So looking like it's back to the dealers and hopefully they do a proper fix this time.
  16. Yeah hooters is worth a look for the staff and is beside the MGM, total craphole otherwise. Drais is a great wee nightclub on the strip and usually no cue like some other clubs have. I was over in dec for the Hatton fight and Planet Hollywood was the place to be. I think if you stick to the strip you can't go wrong and you've got a monorail station right in the MGM. OH and a really good tip is use the hotel check in desk at the airport while you are waiting on your bags.
  17. I'd recommend having a look on detailing world and checking out the forums. I'm sure you'll find everything you need on there.
  18. A huge group of Zs would look well. Nice lambo at the start
  19. I had mine in there on wednesday for the clicking rear axles, it was done under warranty and all they done was a turn and grease job. I hope this isn't only temp but at least if it comes back I can say it wasn't fixed properly. I think the price for this job out of warranty is about £150, which I think is expensive for something that doesn't really require any parts and only takes about an hour and a half.
  20. I think the clicking issue is getting beyond a joke, nissan has to do a recall as it's obviously a design/build issue
  21. It was £358 delivered over to N.Ireland and that was from POTN.
  22. The noise is dead on at speed, not boomy at all. Will try and post pics up when I get my new camera but there is photos on this forum somewhere. I think overall for the price it,s a really nice system just a pity the fit isn't perfect but easily fixed and about half the price of anything else
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