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Everything posted by bronzee

  1. Aaaw Rob, that really sux. That really is totally mindless. That happened to Tere a few months ago, I think she's got the fort knox of lighting displays in front of her house now.
  2. Firstly welcome, and rumour has it, that Zed is the fountain to youth. One of my friends has a Nismo exhaust on his 03. I love the sound of it, a really nice throaty growl, sounds like it means business, but not in an obtrusive way. Can't liken to anything really, bit nicer than an Injen in my humble opinion. Also quite like the growl of the Borla. (Yay, I found the old thread on our site in NZ, check this out, it has most of the big name exhausts with this reference site video clip http://www.zmodified.com/gallery/index.php?cat=9) Put is this way, I couldn't wait to take the RE040's off my 350, and I went with my favourite, Eagle F1-GS-D3's yet again. Aggressive directional, hugs the road really well, even in our yukky wet Kiwi winters and heavy Spring showers. Although it's like everything, personal choice and it depends on your driving style too. Check out http://www.tirerack.com
  3. Welcome Andy! Now I know this is a Z33 site, but we'd love to see a photo of the Z32.
  4. Agreed, but only in some lights and at least it's different to the Focus, Punto or Lambo tangerine Agreed that its different, but i think they boobed but replacing the bold sunset and all its zed history and replacing it with a kind of pastel orange. At least it is a bit different to the other flavours of orange in other brands. If you think about it, they haven't changed the body panels at all other than the bonnet, so they really had to do something like a new fashionable colour, perceived new models, sell cars. You know, keeping up with the Jones's. Love those cf bits on the wing mirrors, and that horrible bit the mirrors attach too.
  5. That's Gina's Z. She's one of the Zchickz, wins lots of awards at shows. It's a really stunning kit, and it's just undergone a few more changes. Have a look on Zchickz, especially from start from stock 350 to the about page 11 or 12, with it's new incarnation. Really eye popping. I think if I'm correct only 12 of those kits where made, Tere might jump in and fill in a few more details. http://www.zchickz.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2684
  6. Have a look at this site, completely devoted to "Solar Orange" or "Temper Orange" as you UKites call it. http://www.bad350z.com/index.html There is also a really nice Solar Orange show car on my350z.com, check out Vertex350's Z. Pretty full on, but cool. http://my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=245307&page=4
  7. bronzee

    Z Number 3

    , The Modding Queen. With the the Z32's there was a very dark blue available as well. Once again looks almost black, but then in bright sunlight, it really comes to life. As with all your Zeds Tere, stunning!!!!
  8. bronzee


    There was a slot on a tv programme here a few weeks back and showed this really cool special car club, extremely expensive, you book the dates you want, and turn up and select the super luxury car of your choice for the day or week etc. Something like only 50 members or something silly. They park their Leer jet, and head into the luxury headquarters with meeting and boardrooms and then zoom off in their Zonda, or hi end Porsche etc. Only saw flicks of the programme, so not sure where it was, but suspect US.
  9. If you look there will be one on the actual mirror part and one on the stem, different each side of course. Same on most Nissan's.
  10. Nixy, male Zed owners are globably afflicted with Ztrangeness. Just a bit. Need a submersible Zed. The boys couldn't cope with 3 or more forthright female Zed owners. Did anyone answer Adam's question yet??
  11. One of the crew on in the US took some great comparative Solar Orange (Temper Orange) & Le Mans Sunset photos a while back. Check these out, you'll need to be a member to log in now though. http://my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28371&page=18
  12. bronzee


    Spyker is an Netherlands based car maker that's been around since early 1900's. I think one you have pictured is the C8 T, although the lights are a little different. It has a twin turbo V8, 525hp Audi 4.2 litre engine. Propels from zero to 60 miles an hour in 3.9 seconds. Apparently will hit around the 200mph mark. Stunning looking car. There you go lazybones. http://www.fourtitude.com/news/publish/ ... 1254.shtml
  13. The new Temper Orange (or solar orange is most other countries) really grows on you. As you say Polarbear, the colour changes. I think in that manner it is rather similar to the Le Mans Sunset, each light it's quite a different colour, anything from goldy in very bright direct light, to brown as is the TO, goldy to bright orange, or flat orange. I think as Nissan discontinued the LMS, they had to come up with something else similar but too much so & something distinctive. TO is a good replacement colour in my opinion.
  14. Your Zed is looking great Danny. Nice subtle kit too.
  15. bronzee

    TVR and tree

    Goodness, such a pity, not too much left salvageable either.
  16. I would be interested to see a photo of the cracked leather. In our harsh weather conditions especially in the Summer the UV levels are fierce and most of the 350's I've seen the leather still looks good. Mine is 04, charcol leather with a couple of creases lower bolster drivers side but still looks smart. Have you been using a good quality leather conditioner??? I favour the Meguiar's Gold Class Leather Rich Spray, it has aloe & UV inhibitors too. Fab stuff leaves the leather lovely and subtle with a nice gloss too. Suggest using it at least once a month to maintain the condition, working the product in with a nice soft proper car towel. http://www.meguiars.co.nz/products/cons ... terior.cfm
  17. Nice, and congratZ on the GT KS2006. Does your Z have the front black skirt below the nose?? If so, usually a pretty good guide if it's not too worn away. If that scapes, back up and try a different angle. Take it easy over judder bars/speed bumps, easy does it, and you're fine.
  18. Ah right, so a very good reason to want to sort things out then, rather than coping it if not necessary. From memory we don't get an increased fine. I think in general you get slugged more in the UK, and they are far more harsh or should I reword that and say strict, the actual driving aspect and the your insurance is definitely far more expensive, although our motorway patrol are revenue gatherers. Here stationery cameras take photos from the front for reason of identifying the driver if necessary, and believe me you hear about it all the time. Often plate mistakes, all sorts. Hope you get this sorted out Zedrush.
  19. Well sounds like you've learned a valuable lesson. Check things over before you leave. I'm lucky the places I go to, know I will stand and watch what is going on and they're okay with that. Sounds like you're sorted now. So what tyres are you running now? Oh, and out of curiousity how often are you checking your tyre pressures? Good time to give things the once over.
  20. One point, what if the parking attendant that organised for your Z to be towed, had a watch/equipment was slightly fast??!! Probably irrelevant what time your watch says. Doesn't help you I know, but you'll get my drift. From what I've seen both in NZ and my time in the UK and elsewhere, if parking time enforced areas, they sit and lay in wait for you to walk away from your car, and the tow truck will be literally just around the corner.
  21. The Times Online link was very interesting. Another thought on that track if you have points on your drivers license or against you as such, does that mean the cost of your insurance will increase?? It does in NZ.
  22. That looks really cool Nixy. Nissan Sport Magazine (formerly Z Sport) is another one that has a lot of spreads on 350z's. 5 of the partners of the mag have now or have owned Z's. Dave Bexfield the Managing Editor of Nissan Sport Magazine is in NZ at the moment. Had a big meet on short notice (70 cars) a week and a half ago in Auckland and another big meet this Sunday in the South Island. Really cool mag, good write ups, interesting articles. http://www.nissansportmag.com/ Oh and if you want to check out our little meet in NZ: http://www.300zx.co.nz/phpBB2/viewtopic ... 6&start=15
  23. What do you mean by "I've had to have 4 wheel alignment done twice in that time"??? Do you mean your 350 isn't holding an alignment????
  24. Actually to be totally honest I am really careful not to speed, as you say, driving an LMS will do that. Also the aspect, is you don't know what the rest of the idiots you are sharing the road with are about to do.
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