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Everything posted by bronzee

  1. Haha, go deploying feminine wiles. At least you didn't get the ticket.
  2. bronzee

    Sad day :O(

    Well hopefully your UY goes to an appreciative new owner.
  3. More picys, more picys!!! Looking very shiny in that photo.
  4. Cool that you found a UY with a body kit on it. Looks great! The bonus of having UY is that you can always find it in carpark, or if you're in a convoy you get to lead being a bright colour. Hehe, but downside is the old plod will tend to notice you over other colours. I presently have LMS, my previous was an S15-Spec R is Sunburst Yellow. So I know what you mean.
  5. well stop grizzling and buy a bike.......... Lol, got one. Fastest 2 stroke 500cc race replica production bike built. Stuffed left ankle, means can't change gear changes now. Still awesome to see others out there having fun though.
  6. She looks stunning Tilly. Looks like you've had a good long drive already, hehe the brake dust on your front rims. What's the technical name for your Custard 350's in the UK? Is it Ultra Yellow as in other countries???
  7. Gee, all these motorbike picys and talk, makes me sad. Miss the adrenalin.
  8. How old is the battery in your Zed?
  9. Scatman I wonder if your Z has an electrical short going on somewhere??? Probably the hardest thing to trace too if it is.
  10. Bring it on!!! Ooouuuuch, bruised and wounded. Hey Little Miss so when are you modding your Zed???
  11. lol I take the pics back monday promise Will be Zedshush come Monday then.
  12. What ripped off, no Zed. And we girls wouldn't have it any other way!!! Cue, Nixy, Little Miss & Bronzee evil laughter! Zedrush are the kindy kids missing their picys??!!
  13. Have to agree Stew, plus the X5 is a good vehicle for towing a big car trailer & car. A lot of us must be going through an exceptionally premature mid life crisis, if a 350z is midlife crisis mobile.
  14. Welcome and congratZ Simon. Zed looks great. What year is it??
  15. Welcome Charlie. How long have you had your GT4? Great to have another girl in the world of the Zed, not enough of us. Hehe Nixy, guess the Pommy guys have to live up to their rep.
  16. Ooooh, Gixxer has got Zed Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. Z is looking great mate.
  17. Welcome codlord. Waiting is the hard part. How many miles has your baby to be done??
  18. 350 Matty, you sure it's not your hatch rattling?? That's a common rattle, easy to fix too.
  19. Howdy. Happy shopping and make sure you take a few for a test drive.
  20. Ash007, have a noisy around on http://www.my350z.com, what you're experiencing with your clutch presently I've seen this scenario posted before there. Good luck, and it's not normal. Perhaps find an applicable post and take that into the dealer with you as well.
  21. Usually with mine, when you first start will be about 14.25 if that makes sense, when it's been running a while, about 14, or on longer runs (not that it's had any of those for a very long time) will run just over 14. That's with the soundZ going, the aircond, the head lights on irrespective of the weather.
  22. Welcome to the forum. Gee you guys are pillaged over there for 350's. I'm surprised you're not all importing 350's from NZ. Probably only a few very small differences. Check this out, this is a big online site in NZ. These are a few years old, so about 30ish K now (NZ$) = 10ish Pounds. New 350 is about 75k NZ = 25k. Anyway: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Categor ... &x=79&y=17
  23. Welcome, welcome. Hope you're enjoying your Zed.
  24. Now you've been brave enough to pluck up the courage don't be a stranger. Well over 3 years ago now when I was looking at cars, I drove the TT, and in comparison to me, the TT didn't quite produce the goods, not enough power, wasn't too thrilled with the handling. But different strokes for different folks. Happy shopping.
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