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Everything posted by gangzoom

  1. Actually I think it'll happen a lot quicker than that....but as I say I'm not a betting man .
  2. I would say combustion cars wouldn't be mass produced and over 50% of the UK grid energy is generated consistently via solar/wind would be massive departure from where we are now. I would be disappointed if by the time my daughter is old enough to drive people are still buying brand new combustion cars on a regular basis for the purposes of transportation.
  3. I've now done nearly 19K in EVs over the last few years. Not yet run anyone over People do notice the X a lot more though despite the lack of engine noise when it's coming up behind them, I think it's something to do with 265/275 tyres it rolls on!! According to the in-laws its apparently quite menacing as it rolls up to you in silence due to the amount of factory tints you can hard see into the car!! Good thing we atleast went for a light colour and not totally black!!
  4. Define 'move away', and I'll take that bet. I don't bet, never have never will....Shame really, could have made a fair amount on Tesla share if I did .
  5. This was ture, but not recently with plummeting price of solar PV and soon battery prices. Also remember the biggest cost to any organisation isn't capital investment, it's HR costs. How many people does it take to run a power station over 50 years compared to a solar/wind farm?? Once you add in pensions/NI costs in the any initial higher capital costs will look like peanuts. Renewable energy costs are already causing havoc in Germany because they are so cheap per kWh. The actual cost of electricity we get charged is such a mix up of taxation/energy deals I suspect no one really knows the actual bottom line costs involved. All I know is with a relative small solar PV setup on the new house we haven't had to use any gas to heat up the water for the last 2 weeks (since moving in), and once battery costs drop enough I'm going to install a 20kWh+ battery + double or triple the current solar PV setup via solar PV tiles. That will mean we'll get to point where we will be importing next to no electricity from the grid, even with charging up the Tesla. .....also £60K wouldn't get you much of a Tesla at the moment, your need about another £10K for one with some half decent options .
  6. What happened to taxation laws when Romans abandoned the UK?? What made up taxation revenue before cigarettes/alcohol was taxed?? Clearly the way governments does things need to change, but to be resistant to change because of a fear of the future is totally irrational and goes against everything human society has achieved since homo sapiens first decided there was more to life than just sitting in a tree scratching each others backs. The move away from fossil fuels is going to happen in our life time, and much quicker than anyone thinks. Even the oil rich states are making changes. http://uk.reuters.com/article/saudi-renewable-idUKL8N1HP10B If nothing else Solar PV + battery storage will give billions of people living in Africa/Asia who currently have no access to electricity a way to generate their own power without having to rely on a powerstation and power lines.
  7. I think I can safely say our views on what the 'future' will bring is clearly divergent, but in way that doesn't matter, we are all free to express our own individual opinions. What really matters is as a group where we are heading, and actually every day am pleasantly surprised at just how quickly change is happening. The current UK government isn't exactly at the forefront of renewable energy investment but despite this big wind projects and localised solar PV systems are really starting to make a big impact on the UK energy generation sector - which together supplied more power to the UK grid than nuclear+gas combined yesterday. Do we really need another nuclear kettle when its now become obvious solar/wind can provide a huge chunk of energy generation?? The missing piece ofcourse is how do you store the electricity generated by solar/wind to met demands when the sun isn't out and wind isn't there....The answer, is batteries, lots and lots of them. How many people want a nuclear power station building next to them if the option is instead a few storage containers of batteries that essentially just sit there making no noise/smoke and require next to no maintenance. EVs alone aren't going to drive the global demand for batteries, it's going to be industry as companies wake up to the concept of not having to pay for gas/oil to generate electricity but instead invest in solar/wind + batteries giving them essentially unlimited free electricity. It's not the desire to go 'green' which is going to change the face of power generation, it's simple economics and money!!! So whilst I enjoy seeing different view points, the world is already changing, regardless of what you or I believe in.
  8. Is that all....The 2ton P100D Model S gets to 60 in 2.5 seconds Regarding investments, some guy on the Tesla FaceBook group just revealed he bought about £10K worth of Tesla shares back in 2013.....I leave you guys to work out how much that's worth now. Needless to say his now asking for advice on how to be tax efficient when he comes to sell, as it's a rather large amount of capital gains his liable for, life is hard for some
  9. The current EV battery packs are performing far better in real life than seen on consumer electronics (RC cars included). Your quite right after a few hundred cycles most consumer electronics level cells starts to show degradation but the cell chemistry used in Tesla packs are showing 5% degradation at 500 cycles and less than 10% at 1000 cycles. https://electrek.co/2017/03/22/tesla-battery-cell-breakdown/ This has been backed up by real world examples, in the US rental cars have 200K miles and showing about 6% degradation. http://gas2.org/2016/10/01/tesla-model-s-200000-miles-one-year/ Tesla cells already do all of the above (including the expense). Though apparently the reason Tesla have been able to push things along so much is because the chemistry they use is inherently more 'unstable' and liable for combustion, which is why the Tesla cars have the most advanced and protected battery packs of any EV on the road...... You should try to get hold of some cells and wire it into a RC pack (apparently the chemistry is 100% propriety to Tesla even though they are Panasonic cells so the only way to get hold of them is via salvaged Tesla car battery packs), just don't blame me if it catches on fire
  10. Actually not at all, oil is not an element, it's a hydrocarbon fuel source that once burnt is gone for good. ALL the materials used in a battery stay in the battery, forever, you get lithium oxidation that reduced efficiency but the raw materials are all still there. You can pretty much recycle/recover the whole cell and use it to remanufacture a new cell. The battery packs themselves are showing they can last for 500K miles when used in conjunction with a decent battery management system that controls heat. 500K is roughly 50 years of usage for the 'average' motorist.
  11. Absolutely, once you take into account the batteries needed for grid storage we are probably currently at less than 1% of eventual global lithium battery demand. Its the start of whole new industry and economics, ironic really Trump is turning back to coal/gas as way to boost the economy whilst the rest of the world is gearing up for the new energy economies of the future.
  12. Actually the Tesla factory is no where near full production capabilities and wouldn't be for a good few years yet. Battery production is going to increase by over 6 folds compared to today though, but not because of Tesla or LG/Panasonic but due to BYD/CATL - who are upgrading their battery factories in China to a level that will make what Tesla is doing look like an after school project. It would be good in future any 'EV problems' type threads are started with atleast the correct background information
  13. The man has an EV, he won't burn it . If I tried to burn that lot in the garden I'll probably end up setting fire to the trees and than the house, and if the fire gets to the battery pack on the Tesla than there would be on massive fireworks show for everyone down the street
  14. A garage full of empty boxes post house move... Not an issue for Model X, didn't even have to move the baby seat. Yes a van could have done the same, but the 15 mile B road detour I took back home from the recycling centre wouldn't have been any where near as fun!! Can now fully see why SUVs are so popular with families. Having a 'weekend' car is all well and good idea but the reality is when you have weekend full of family duties time is precious. Having a car that can do the skip run, swimming club, but still put a smile on your face when you come across some twisty stuff is priceless I know a few others on here have move over to 4x4/SUVs, hope your all enjoying the extra 'utility' these cars offer.
  15. Huge numbers of people at feel like this. We live in the only part of leicester that has a labour seat and will be voting for them - knowing that means a pretty decent tax bill increase for us. Jeremy corbyn has managed to do what Thrump did in the US, come across as a genuine 'normal' member of the public trying to fight for the people. May couldn't be more of a career politican if she tried, former Bank of England employee married to a banker, she has as much credibility amongst the young/poor/disabled as I have pushing people to believe in EVs on this forum!! I don't think anyone can really call the election, polls is one thing but turning up to vote is another, we'll find out soon. The 'turth' or what ever you want to call it matters little in popularity contests, it's about engagement with your core supporters, which May has frankly disillusioned by saying they will loss most of their estate to the state rather than pass it onto their kids (Am assuming most conservative votter have estates worth far more than £100k).
  16. If your more interested in noise/smells than ultimate pace maybe you should look into a different kind of cars.... These things I gather produce more noise/smell than a whole grid of F1 car
  17. It mighty have slippy your mind what kind of drivetrain the P1 has http://jalopnik.com/this-is-how-the-techno-fabulous-mclaren-p1-makes-903-hy-294642750 Imagine how quick an fully electric P1 would be.... Bare in mind the guys who put together the Neo are like a bunch of men working in their garden sheds compared to a company like McLaren.
  18. Out of curiosity, how do you do this? Printscreen?? Sort off, had to print off all our savings details. Not entirely sure if it was in their legal right to demand all that info, but we just wanted the mortgage approved ASAP so handed everything over. We could have faked the whole lot, no idea just how they verify all the documents.
  19. Completion of what the sale or mortgage application? I changed employers the same week as our mortgage application went into Barcacalys. I declared it all upfront, I than had to provide 6 months worth of bankstatements, as well as evidence of having the deposit needed for the house in my savings account. I than had to provide my new contract details and letter from new employer stating the terms of my new contract. In the end it was all OK, but they went through everything with a magnifying glass. Once the mortgage application was approved they didn't check anything else, I could have been made redundant the next day but they wouldn't have known unless or told them or couldn't pay the mortgage on time!!
  20. Looking at the car today, actually I think all you guys are right, it's hardly needs anything else doing to it for it to stand out in a car park Will get the rim power coated at some point, even though mine has the 'smaller' alloys, the tyres are 275s on the back and 255 on the front!! Tesla do a 22inch version with 285s on the back.
  21. Not easy but one guy in US has cracked the Tesla firmware, his retrofitted just about every part you can imagine, released info up and coming features buried in code - Tesla than tried to 'block' him with a remote software upload, he managed to stop the new software been loaded and put the who thing on Twitter, Elon Musk than had to make a statement about how he personally thought hacking was 'gift' The stuff his done is pretty crazy, his show that the motors Tesla use can run consistently 550 WHP, given the virtually all cars now have TWO motors the performance potential is crazy........I'm certainly hoping more people start cracking the Tesla coding, bigger batteries, more motor power, enabling random features will all be coming down the line, just a matter of time . https://www.washingt...m=.7ad59f95a627
  22. 'Management' comes from the latin word for hand 'manibus'. A good manager is someone who can get things done, help drive through changes in pathways and get the organisation from A to B. Good managers is essential for a organisation to function. Interestingly (or not), the word 'Leader' has no direct relation to ancient Greek or Latin, the concept of good 'Leadership' has also been studied to death in recent history, and in many ways is still an evolving concept. Depending on what literature you read there is at least 4/5 different leader ship styles.....Some styles require more 'management' skills to pull off, others hardly any the current US president is in many ways a fascinating case study of leadership style. BUT essentially a leader is someone who sets out the vision/goal of the organisation, and the managers are the people who understand how to get the organisation achieve those goals. For transformation change to happen in any organisation you need both, in my work of the NHS we have some truly inspiration leaders, but the management structure is so awful transformation change is pretty much impossible regardless of what the leaders do. I could probably do a 1hr+ long presentation on the question your been asked to talk about without any preparation or even slides!!....I know most people find the subject boring but I find it fascinating, as change is something every organisation struggles with. Moaning about work is probably everyones favourite hobby, yet how many people actually try to implement change at their work place?? Equally if you understand how the system works, can identify gaps where your skills are needed, and know how to engage relevant stake holders you can progress up the ladder very quickly!!! I'll stop now....... As I suspect talking about management/leadership is probably even less interesting to most on this forum than EVs
  23. How very sensible suggestions.....Planning to take my daughter to this though, probably even venture onto the track with the X!! Sadly don't think wife will agree to Japfest as well http://www.thefastcarfestival.co.uk/fast-car-festival-0
  24. 3500 miles in and am thinking about some minor mods to the X. I will either get the current wheels refurbished to black or ger some aftermarket rims. Tempted also to slap on a front spolier, and get the rear one wrapped in mat black..... Not sure though the baby seat will kinda of ruins the pimped up look, also cannot really run the suspension in very low mode all the time, my wife wouldn't be happy if my daughter comes home with her teeth shaken out due to a very bumpy ride What do people think? For the full chav look you can even retrim the inside in red and slap on some gold rims...kinda of makes a bit of sick come up in my throat!!
  25. http://www.evo.co.uk/news/19352/nio-ep9-electric-car-claims-new-nurburgring-lap-record The quickest accelerating on the planet is currently the Tesla Model S and X. Now the quickest car around the 'ring is an EV built by a bunch of geeks. The new world order is coming .
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