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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. Its about the same price as the previous one, even a little bit more expensive, so I dont really understand how they could have "cheapened" the brand compared to the Mk1 ??? Then again, how do you expect a car for that price to be "exclusive"
  2. My main concern with exhausts is the sound they make, and not the amount of dB. Actually making everything louder gets more people (who are not into it) complaining, and this indirectly makes legal noise regulations more severe every year. The best example can be found in motorcycling where lots of people replace there exhaust.
  3. Coz in some branches (media, ICT) its much more lucrative to be freelance
  4. Having problems with a BMW badge and the image associated with it .... and in the mean time being the proud owner of a NISSAN I was talking to a female friend of my girlfriend and she said "ow you sold the Audi?" Me: "yes" She: "what did you get?" Me:"A Nissan 350Z" She: "Owww ... a Nissan, i would have kept the Audi then" ... women ... and badge snobbery ... One thing is for sure, you aint gonna "score" in your local pub by putting your car-keys on the table with the Z I personally dont give a sh*t about brands/badges/deprecation. I get the car i like at that time and i ll see later on what i ll do with it. Same is for the TT. "Yes it holds its value better than a Japanese car". Then comes sales time "But sir, you have to understand, with the new model coming out and all ..." For me deprecation is not an argument, as you cannot predict the future, nor whats going to happen to your car (accident ... ). And people suffering from badge snobbery need to get the facts straight methinks. The nicest example is the Porsche Cayenne. Now it can be a great car and whatever, but if for instance Hyundai were to make this car, in exactly the same shape, exactly the same interiour, suspension, the whole, but it would be called "Hyundai Santa Fé", nobody would buy it . Then again, we all know the average Porsche owner (quote from some site i forgot ) cant distinguish a superb chassis from a milk carton
  5. ir_fuel

    HKS Turbo kit

    So we just wait for some torque graphs
  6. ir_fuel

    HKS Turbo kit

    Depends on the size of the turbo indeed. If you have 100+hp added with a single turbo, there definatly will be lots of lag. Same here As I said, depends on the torque graph, if its 65hp more at 6200 rpm, but 100 more at 4000 rpm it will be noticable big time. Peak figures are only useful when bragging in your local pub
  7. I completely agree.... And i havent even seen it nor now about what type we are talking about
  8. ir_fuel

    HKS Turbo kit

    Thats a bit too simplistic reasoning my friend You should not compare peak horsepower. We should have the dyno graphs of the standard and turbo'd car. Usually a turbo adds heaps of torque in the mid-range, and not so much in the upper range of the revs. Stupid example: My TT when stock gave 180hp When they modified the ecu it went to 210hp, maybe a bit less, so in the end the remap added "only" 30hp. But when looking at the torque curve, in the mid of the rev-range (around 3000rpm) i had 340Nm of torque, compared to 235Nm of torque original! And that DOES make a big difference when driving. So to make a good judgement they should include the torque-graphs of before/after, instead of just showing hp figures (instead of max-torque and the rpm it reaches this, which is much more important)
  9. Whats the problem with the default suspension?
  10. Follow some advanced driving course?
  11. ok, if louder by default means "better" for you guys
  12. Somebody (might have) worked hard to get this car, but i doubt it will be the guy driving it this time
  13. Thats a good idea. Get the test car for 2 days, put 2000 miles on it, and when you come back say you want to buy it but not at the price they first asked, coz it has 2000 miles extra now
  14. http://my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=208462 Just keep on reading
  15. If you read the thread on the original forum, you could see the guy buys these cars not just for his kids to use as "daily drive". They actually go racing with them Some people really have too much money
  16. I placed my order, waiting for it to arrive so we can paint it
  17. does the nismo sound that different? I checked the sound files found in the faq, and honestly, i didnt sound so different for me, well, not enough to validate spending 1000+€ on it
  18. I'm not gonna drive from Belgium to WALES of all places to see a Z in YELLOW when i can see one in a nice color in my own garage
  19. Those weird lines on your door, are those the scratches you talked about in another thread?
  20. anythings possible but dont ask me how
  21. *KICK* So is it possible or not to enable these auto-dipping mirrors when putting car in reverse on non-JDM cars?
  22. You guys sometimes are really "anal" about some parts of the car 2005 version 2006 version Honestly, the difference really isnt that big except for the side-reflector which has been replaced by 4 leds
  23. Beware of the 2nd option. Some people I know who have opted for the "cheap car whilst i save for a really expensive one" have never gotten rid of their "cheap car" and ended up spending the money on other stuff (wife,baby,house ...) If you are already "losing" the money monthly on a car its easy to continue when changing cars, coz its sort of "in the budget". When you are saving the money it could end up getting used for other "useful" stuff, especially when "mister sensible" (or mrs sensible? ) kicks in, and convinces you a car, especially for that kind of money, is a waste of fincancial resources
  24. I could be really wrong here, but i thought it was about 150€ / piece
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