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Everything posted by ir_fuel

  1. This is also true, look at the amount of couples who buy property together But then again, that's Sarnie's job too on a side note, 8/10 houses being sold overhere are being sold because of a divorce. Dunno how it is on your side of the Channel
  2. I hate to admit it, but he is right ... and he seems to know what you are talking about
  3. First plate is cool. Second one is ridiculous imho
  4. In Belgium same story. There are more 911's on the road here than Z's.
  5. True. Mini's look way better with a girl behind the wheel
  6. ir_fuel


    lambos are for *******
  7. He didnt witness it, he heard a bang, he didnt see the collision.
  8. not a fan of the nose of the car. Bonnet is ok imho The wheels look fantastic dough! Plan any big power-mods? A car with this look should also have matching power
  9. ir_fuel


    les gouts et les couleurs ... for me undercar neons are crying CHAV all over the place
  10. Yeah in theory thats nice, in practice its crap ( been driving a bit in a friends chipped A3 2.0TDI (170hp, and more torque than the Z) so I know what i m talking about ). But that s off topic. On topic: As others suggested, wait how things turn out. If your budget is correct and you wait 6 months, that will be some extra pounds in the bank you can use on a car. If you dont wait and your expenses go up, you are in a bit of trouble
  11. ir_fuel


    the price of this car is completely ridiculous imho
  12. yeah, my friend's chipped A3 sportsback has more torque than the 350Z... but its still no match Torque says nothing when you have a powerband of 2000rpm and spend more time changing gears to get to 60mph than accelerating
  13. Who me???? Gixxer: Pretty sure the zorsts from adam are $1365 including shipping and then plus whatever tax your stung for and at the current dollar exchange rate thats like ... ehm ... virtually for free
  14. Then get a BMW 3 series break
  15. That analogy doesn't hold up, and you know it
  16. I must be the only one on this forum who doesnt like it Sorry, not my cup of tea, and the rear spoiler only makes it worse imho
  17. Dunno overthere but here in Belgium it is quite simple. You as an owner are responsible for your car. Got caught speeding and your car isn't stolen? If you can't proof who drove it at the time it's the owner who has to pay the fine.
  18. LOL I would have said the opposite. Racing a bike in the wet is a whole lot more risky than racing a car
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