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Emperor Ming

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Everything posted by Emperor Ming

  1. Hi Ming, Whilst I agree in principle to what you are saying, and also agree that you need to practice something to improve does the above statement not suggest that the high speed driver training does not completely reflect the emotions, adrenaline, thrill of the chase, or whatever involved in the real world? If it did surely the accident rate would be about the same? I'm not getting into a debate about whether this ruling was right or wrong, I'm just asking why there should be a disparity in the accident statistics between training and the real world because clearly something is different if your statement is correct. Hi mate If your are practicing something then it it can get near, often very near, to the real thing but when you do something for real it is always different. When the officer was practicing the high speed driving he would be thinking solely about the driving. When he is in a pursuit or going to a serious job he is also thinking about the incident. Until you have had to go to a job, not having the faintest idea what you are going to face it is hard to fully understand. Imagine being told that you are going to a 20 man pub fight with someone bottled and unconcious, you are single crewed and the nearest assistance is going to be four or five minutes behind you. What is going through your mind?? Lots I can tell you not least of all 'Am I going to get filled in myself?' All this is going through your mind AS YOU DRIVE!! Does this explain al ittle what I meant? Cheers Ming the Typist. PS Mrs Ming has just come home from work poorly so I shall go and tend to her!!
  2. Guys I know that this arguement has been done to death but as it is a Saturday afternoon and I am having dinner sat at the computer here goes. Picture this!! PC Smugface is sat on the motorway in his 160mph car when a report of a violent assault comes in on his 'Control to Smugface' radio. Now this assault involves Mr 350z's daughter, little missy Zed, who is, as the message comes in, having unspeakable things done to her by some 'Little Jonny' a poor helpless victim of society. (Shitty little smack rat!!) about three or four miles away. This is where the scenario splits into two lines. 1. PC Smugface accelerates hard to 70 mph and stays there until he hits the 50 and then 30mph limits, adhering to them to the inch of course, and gets to Little missy Zed in time to see her in a truely sad and sorry state and 'little jonny' disappearing over the hill with a pocket full of valuables and a wicked grin on his face never to be seen again. or 2. PC Smugface accelerates to 159mph WHICH HE CAN DO SAFELY BECAUSE HE HAS PRACTICED!!!! and get to Little Missy Zed in time to PREVENT the unspeakable things happening to her and in time to apprehend and 'police ' 'little jonny'. Now I know that this is a little idealistic but anyone who has ever tried to master ANYTHING knows that it is only with repetition that expertise comes!! Believe it or not I am not taking sides here, just trying to explain why the traffic police do utilise speed. Ming the Helpful (It could be PS Smugface I suppose!! ) PSS Beavis. Your arguement would have been a lot more appreciated if you had not made it personal/insulting towards one section of society. How do you know he was smugfaced?? In todays police force the powers that be are only too quick to try and police their own. Believe me I know it ot my cost! I KNOW HE HIS SMUG FACE BECAUSE HIS PICTURE IS ON THE BBC WEBSITE.AND IT WAS NOT INSULTING TO ONE SECTION OF SOCIETY JUST TO THE SMUG FACED COPPER PC MILTON. AND LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE HAD A BLOW OUT AT 159MPH??? I DONT CARE HOW GOOD A DRIVER HE IS HE WOULD HAVE LOST IT.. NO DOUBT KILLING HIMSELF AND ANYONE UNFORTUNATE ENOUGH TO BE IN HIS WAY. AND IN A SITUATION THAT WAS NOT AN EMERGENCY!!! AND LETS CUT BACK TO THE REAL WORLD SHALL WE. SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE I HAVE WITNESSED CRIMES IN MY LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD FROM DRUG DEALING TO ONE MAN DRIVING OVER MY FRONT GARDEN WHILST DRUNK IN HIS CAR. I PHONED THE POLICE UP FOR ONLY THEM TO TURN UP 2 DAYS LATER..... PITY THEY COULD NOT DO 159MPH THEN. IT PISSES ME OFF SEVERELY WHEN THEN A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER I GET A NIP FOR DOING 39 IN A 30 AT 5.20 IN THE MORNING DRIVING ON A ROAD I HAVE DRIVEN ON FOR 25 YEARS. SO WITH MASSES OF EXPERIENCE WHICH COUNTED FOR JACK @*!# I GOT FINED £105 AND 3 PENALTY POINTS FOR THIS.... IN THE SAME COUNTY AS PC MILTON DOING 159 IN A 70. PS ONE OF HIS ARGUMENTS WAS THAT THE ROAD WAS QUIET AND EMPTY, BIT LIKE MY SITUATION AT 0520 IN THE MORNING WITH THE ADDED BONUS OF IT BEEN LIGHT. I WAS 9 OVER THE LIMIT NOT 89 OVER!! I GET FINED £105 AND 3 POINTS. ITS TAKING THE **** OUT OF LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. BEAVIS THE ANGRY Hi Mate I guess by the capitals all the way through that you are angry!! AT ME???????????? Hell. I only take the queens shilling. I don't write the laws, make the policing decisions, decide how many officers, PCSO's, wardens, car park attendants, or bottom inspectors come to that, that patrol our highways and byways. I don't tell the judges, sitting in their closseted little towers, how to interpret the laws that have been handed down for generations (and bastar*ised by consecutive governments I might add) or what punishments to hand out. I do, as 99.9% of the rest of us on here do, WHAT I AM TOLD! I don't like speed enforcement and cannot remember when - if ever - I prosecuted someone for speeding. (Thats why I have spent the last six years dealing with drug dealers.) I can understand your angst and ire at the judicial system. Believe me I REALLY can. How can it be right that Joe Public, with no previous convictions what so ever, a good job and a valued member of society, can be found guilty of due care and attention at a minor injury accident - sorry collision the PC brigade say we can't call them accidents any more - and receive a whopping fine and 9 pints on his otherwise perfect licence and a day later a drug dealer, found in possession of £2,000 worth of crack cocaine and with a substantial criminal history, get a community punishment that involves talking to nice people and trying not to take drugs and to be a good boy on Fridays and saturdays (Curfew) You cannot fathom the amount of work that went into that file and the pathetic replies I got from CPS when I tried to get them to lodge an appeal. (Would you believe one was that it was 'on the lenient side but not overly so and as such did not think it was worth TRYING'!!!!!!) As for deciding a persons whole character by a photo in a paper? I wish I could, because I would be one great copper. Just like you got upset when you got convicted for speeding and a 'copper' got off I get equally upset when I am tarred with the same brush and the 'all coppers are bast*rds' type attitude crops up! To try and explain a little about police resources and responses you have to understand that there are different departments within the force and not all respond to all incidents. Before i go any further please don't think that I agree with all or even any of this I am just explaining it as it is. Traffic officers deal with Motorways, serious potentially fatal accidents, oops collisions, and other serious car stuff. Speeding tends to be dealt with by civilians. (Cameras, motorway stuff, road side snooper vans etc are in South yorkshire at least almost all civilian run) Bobbies - your average run of the mill officers in Panda cars or - very occasionally - on foot deal with all the phone in stuff. There are very few of these officers any more. To give an example in 1988 West Bar nick used to have a shift of 37 on nights. Now it is less than 10!!!!!!! A lot of minor stuff, nuisance based as a rule, goes to Neighbourhood teams who have a few bobbies and lots and lots of PCSO's. (Uniform carrying civilians with VERY limited powers) Everything they get - they do not work 24hrs a day I might add- is prioritised and allocated and decided upon and talked about and discussed and eventually risk assesed audit and data trailed and finally dealt with (Do you get the drift of my feelings on them from that?) When the civilian run control room gets your call about the car that has driven over your lawn AND LEFT they will decide if there is anytthing that the shift bobbies can do then and there. If it is just to look out for the car then they will pass it out over the air. they will then 'tag' the incident for the Neighbourhood team. when they come to work the next day or the day after or whenever they go throught the above process and, and, and, and, ......... Then you have all the teams, of which i am one i might add, who deal witrh specifics. CID = Murder and up Serously. Volume crime, repaet crime, serious assaults etc. Domestic violnce/abuse units. What it says on the label Drug squad. again what it says on the label. Task force. Anything that requires something being broken into onto or up. can you see now why there are so few officers to come to your problem? Ming the placating PS If i had my way I would put 95% of all bobbies, myself included, back onto shift and have great big shifts out and about ALL THE TIME. Joe public would see, hear and often feel the bobbies out and about and there would be a much better police/public relationship!
  3. prescience Hi mate I agree substantially with what you say and the speed was excessive in almost any circumstance and I would go as far as to say that this WAS NOT one of those circumstances but the police DO NEED to practice spped work. Their pursuit training is done on public roads and at high speed as an example. The covert surveillance officers routinely practice high speed follows. An indocation of their expertise is that there are few if any incidents of police collisions OTHER THAN DURING A PURSUIT. This would indicate that police speed work IS safe!! As an aside I consider myself quite a safe driver with only one blameworthy accident in over 30 years of driving yet I would not go on one of the police advanced driving courses as I did not consider myself of a sufficiently high ability!! Ming the honest
  4. Hi Guys My standard rims go in to be powder coated on the 21st of March. I am going from that 'flat grey' colour that they come in to smoked chrome. (Get ready cos its brill!!) I already have the before pics and will post afters as soon as they are on. I will also post up their prices when they are finished. I am lucky in that I get mates rates as I have taken them a lot of business over the years. Ming the Helpful
  5. Guys I know that this arguement has been done to death but as it is a Saturday afternoon and I am having dinner sat at the computer here goes. Picture this!! PC Smugface is sat on the motorway in his 160mph car when a report of a violent assault comes in on his 'Control to Smugface' radio. Now this assault involves Mr 350z's daughter, little missy Zed, who is, as the message comes in, having unspeakable things done to her by some 'Little Jonny' a poor helpless victim of society. (Shitty little smack rat!!) about three or four miles away. This is where the scenario splits into two lines. 1. PC Smugface accelerates hard to 70 mph and stays there until he hits the 50 and then 30mph limits, adhering to them to the inch of course, and gets to Little missy Zed in time to see her in a truely sad and sorry state and 'little jonny' disappearing over the hill with a pocket full of valuables and a wicked grin on his face never to be seen again. or 2. PC Smugface accelerates to 159mph WHICH HE CAN DO SAFELY BECAUSE HE HAS PRACTICED!!!! and get to Little Missy Zed in time to PREVENT the unspeakable things happening to her and in time to apprehend and 'police ' 'little jonny'. Now I know that this is a little idealistic but anyone who has ever tried to master ANYTHING knows that it is only with repetition that expertise comes!! Believe it or not I am not taking sides here, just trying to explain why the traffic police do utilise speed. Ming the Helpful (It could be PS Smugface I suppose!! ) PSS Beavis. Your arguement would have been a lot more appreciated if you had not made it personal/insulting towards one section of society. How do you know he was smugfaced?? In todays police force the powers that be are only too quick to try and police their own. Believe me I know it ot my cost!
  6. I have a Sheffield post code which is the car crime capital of the country and I pay about £650 - full no claims, parked on the drive, reasonable excess, home to work AND business use. 49 years old and no claims by or against me in a long long time Nixy Type import insurance or similar in the search bar and see the companies it brings up. Phone them and then quote them to each other. You will get a great deal in the end. Mine started at over a £1000. Confused is OK as a starting point in my opinion. Ming the Hunter
  7. Just checked mine out this evening and it ticks over when warm at 700 rpm. If i blip the throttle hard it comes down to just over 500 then lifts back up to 675 ish and sits there!! ing the high revver
  8. In South Yorkshire the use a small machine called a 'tintmaster' that detects and reads the light reduction inside the car. They use the 30% magic number as well. If the light is REDUCED by more than 30% they either make you peel it off THEN and THERE or Prosecute AND Make you take it off then and there (Depends on how daft it is TBH.) If you were to argue this they would say the the tinting material is 'evidence' and they also have a duty to prevent further offences!! This only appertains to the front windows and the windscreen! Should you feel the need you could totally black out the other glass, so long as you have two mirrors. Mine has the rear 1/4 lights and rear windscreen quite dark, I would guess at 70% but as such is NOT illegal. It does finish the rear of the car off nicely though Different forces and even different officers have differing opinions on what is acceptable as they do not all carry the tintmaster. (As they do with illegal number plates I guess) Politeness and an otherwise well maintained car with a good standard of driving usually gets a bollocking in my experience. Crap driving and an 'up yours' attitude on thge other hand usually gets a summons!! Ming the Helpful
  9. Hi Guys THis tennis ball thing only worked on central locking systems that work on a vaccuum!! It does not work on electronic systems!! The ball forced air through the system in reverse causing the locks to open. I have dealt with hundreds of car thieves in my time and cannot remember the lasat time this method was used. Ming the reliever
  10. I bought it from a shop that make them to the purchaser spec. I am not a games man myself - other than on line poker - so the graphics card was not high on my list but in comparison to my old set up movies of a 'certain type' seem all together 'clearer'. Ming the content.
  11. Hi Guys Having managed to fry both my hard drive and my motherboard on my old computer I plunged in at the deep end 'and upgraded''. I am sat here now on my wireless key board with integral mouse pad and looking at my 22" wide screen monitor whilst my NASA space station computer - well its about as clever think - hums quietly in the corner!. How did ever manage on the old wood burning, steam driven archaic relic that I called a computer? The monitor alone was worth the greif. WOW! 15" to 22" is unbelievable. Best of all the screen cost me £199 delivered Ming the happy
  12. Have no fear there will be before and after photo's. The guys and gals do not have a web site but are located in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. They are booked up solid for the 'drive in drive out ' one day service until the end of March but if the wheels can be delivered then the turn around is about a week. THey will fit and balance new tyres if delivered as well which I shall be doing with my rears. The quality really is very good and they get wheels from all sorts of exotic beasts. If anything needs doing I am more than wllling to help organise it! Ming the Willing
  13. Hi Guys and Gals Just been down to the powder coaters to sort some stuff out for the GTOUK club I am still a member of. Talked myself into getting the Zeds wheels powder coated. (It helps that I get greats mates rates for my own stuff ) I have gone for 'smoked chrome' which with my gunmetal (Undercoat grey!!) paint should look spot on! Its boked in for the 21st of March and I am counting the days already Ming the Excited.
  14. Hope some of your winnings are going to go towards all the engine bling you keep threatening to show us. Have you made any further progress with it? I am making progress on this front. I had a special front cover made up that cost a lot and turned out to be SHI*E I am hoping to pick up my next bit of bling tomorrow and if it is what I have asked for then some more bits go in for the treatment. I have also purchased some - spcial effects -for the engine bay and as soon as weather allows they will be fitted. The crap weather together with a lack of garage has slowed me down no end but this will soon change. ing the preparer
  15. The 'cube' came out in either 1979 or 1980 and my old man and I bought two - one each - and mixed them up. The bet was to se if and if so who first could/would solve them. I beat him and wond the £5 bet. There are actually only two different moves. One for the corners and one for the middle edge pieces. Children have better hand eye co-ordiniation than adults - watch them on the play station if you dont believe me - but once mastered it is easy to complete the cube under a minute. Half the battle was making the cube move smoothly. Talcum powder was useful if I remember correctly. God I feel old. Ming the rememberer
  16. Hi Guys Well Ming is back and a 'few euros' better off. The winnings paid for the whole trip barring the flight!! and I still have my initial stake I have had 8 hours kip in three days and am runnig on empty so to speak. Since Sunday afternoon I have only had 4 non alcoholic drinks and have played 36 hrs of poker. Top Top couple of days and great company! Ming the Champ PS My regular Thursday club match is tomorrow night so I guess I have some more cards to play. Ming the Addicted.
  17. Cherie "Get your hand off my ars*" Tony "That my darling is not my hand" Or Tony blair thinks? "These stuffed puppets are a bitch to work." or Tony "Cherie darling. Could you move ever so slightly to your right" Cherie "Tony. Stop telling me what to do. Anyone would think that YOU ran the country" or 'Shock horror.Truth out. Britain is run by two wax work dummies' Just a few to get the juices flowing!! Ming the tired
  18. GPz 1100 with WISECO 1260 big bore conversion, Yamaha Exup front end and a GSXR rear end. Re wired by Mr Ming and lots of other bits that escape me right now. all my own work Ming the Bike Builder
  19. Good I'll give you that, and you have earned a couple of the tins but a make or model would be very impressive. Ming the Impressed
  20. How about this for a lads few days? Tomorrow Mrs Ming gets up early and drives me to a mates house. Five of us drive to Birmingham airport and fly to France to stay at a mates villa. We drink good french beer (lager) and eat nice french food for three days whilst we PLAY POKER After said three days, and happily full of beer (lager) and good food, I fly home and enjoy a few more days off work. Oh and we get back on Wednesday and I play in 'Texas Mings' pokeer league on Thursday. Even if I get slaughtered in France (which I shouldn't) 'Who cares'!!!!!! Three days of indulgent pleasure wth good frends. I am practicing as we speak by drinking wine and playing 'on line'. Ming the Happy PS just won $30
  21. Heres a challenge then. If you can put Mr Ming on his last bike I will buy you a 6 pack of your choice!! Ming the Challenger
  22. Hi Tixy As I said in my pm I also got my car from John at JCI. There is a thread on here regarding the problems i had but to be fair to John he kept sorting things out and in the end I got the car I wanted in the condition I wanted. He is a nice bloke to deal with and when things seemed to be going wrong was quick to offer me my deposit back if i was not happy. He also offered a 1 year warranty. A few negative issues though. Certain bits of paper I was promised failed to materialise and the paint work that I wanted doing whilst OK was not top quality. Overall as dealers go not a bad experiance and a LOT better than the main Stealerships that some guys go through. Mings opinion.
  23. When I unlock mine then open the door the window does not drop but if you push gently on the glass it actually drops about 1/4 of an inch. Everything works fine when you close the door though. Is it that the glass is actualy slightly loose in the runner? When I use the window button though eveything works as it should. Confused? You betcha Ming the Befuddled
  24. Hi Guys The colour is called 'Hyper black' and is a fine metallic black. Val's pictures look good but do not do them justice and will look loads better with the sun on them. Val. Hi mate. the car looks top dollar with the wheels on and they look totally non standard. I quite fancy titanium myself now to go with the GMG!! Ming the Considered.
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