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Emperor Ming

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Everything posted by Emperor Ming

  1. Hi Guys Had a nice ebay message back for the guy advertising, laughing at himself, saying that, having had a great christmas party, he decided to list a car and that was the result!! The rest of his cars do look the bizz though!! ming the christmassy - not!!
  2. Look at what else he is selling though. he has some serious wheels there including Bentleys and several Aston Martins including 2 V12's!!!!!!! If he services like he advertises then he wont sell much!! Ming the Surprised
  3. Since its engine free how about thinking outside the box a little. Fit a Skyline Turbo engine and run a little boost that way getting about 400 bhp. It wouldn't be easy but not impossible I guess and very different! Ming the thinker
  4. Here's Mr Mings winter car Hopefully going to get fully undersealed soon to prevent winter problems but she will be out all year, not garaged, driven in all conditions and washed cleaned AND polished at least once a week ALL WINTER!!!!! Come on guys they are cars to be enjoyed and driven!! Ming the ZED Driver
  5. Hi Jim I agree. I am still on 26 psi and the car feels very sure footed even in the cold icy conditions of late. I will up to 30 when I next clean her - still every three or four days I might add - and see what difference it makes. I will then go up a psi or two until I feel it is getting skitty and then come down a couple for the winter. I will re assess in the summer time though! Ming the cautious
  6. Under age students, Wives, Girlfriends Goats Aliens Take your pick There will be something there and by now you can bet your aunties pension that the thief has found out what it is and at the very least is pi**ing himself with laughter!! I would dearly love to know the outcome of all this?? ming the VERY curious
  7. Twenty quid will buy you 3 or 4 metres of neon wire and requisite elecrical bits and bobs.. Hide all the gubbins and set it to activate when the door opens or closes and you can have any colour you want. You could easily hide the wire as well so all you see is the light. Just my thoughts. Ming the old Chave (At heart)
  8. IF ITS REAL then he has no idea who the person is, where he has been or what has or has not been done to his computer. Why? Because if the contents are is important as they say they are and as such lots of serious law enforcement are showing a substantial amount of interest and they had a partial image of the thief, knew exactly where the computer had been and when it was turned on and off then by now there would have been a whole rash of arrests and the campus would be on a sort of lock down. Also he would not be adbvertising the value of the stolen itmes contents as the thief would almost certainly NOT KNOW. If of course the thief did know thew his ranting are an utter waste of time as the item is already SOLD!!!!!!!! My guess is that there is something else alltogether less savoury on the lap top and said professor is trying a number one bluff to get it back without embarrasment TO HIMSELF. If the lap top holds what he says it holds then HIS sorry ass is off to jail anyhow for leaving it in a place where it can be stolen. Ming the Lawmans thoughts
  9. Been running mine at 26 all round. Rides great and stick like sh*t to a blanket though. Better go out and pump them up then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 35 seems awful hard for 'normal' tyres though. I am going to do a little research and check up on this! Ming the Puzzled
  10. Cheap too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I paid £25 for my tub of Carnuba Wax and its only £17 on there!! I shall be shopping there in future! Ming The Impressed
  11. Cheers Steve CPS are the decision makers when it comes to matters going before the courts and are the arm of the prosecution system when a matter gets there. as an operational officer there are times when it seems like they are the defence not the prosection as they seem to do anything and everything to get a job thrown out BEFORE it gets to court. They claim that this is to prevent time and money being wasted at court but i have my doubts. (I think it is to make their prosecution rates look good as those that get there rarely fail) As for the last bit in my opinion it seems right that this matter should have gone to court!! Hope this helps. Ming the Lawman Catpint Not necessarily mate. Depends on the circumstances but it can make your job very difficult. You can still join the job WITHOUT a driving licence so a months ban for totting up should not always mean a loss of your job. (I am sure there would be some sort of discipline though) As crazy as it sounds there was a guy not so long ago that applied to join traffic and was successful - even though he had not passed his test. the police then organised his driving test followed by a police driving test, followed by an advanced police driving test
  12. Hi Guys Pariah/scoundrel here Just found this thread and thought I better say something otherwise Stevie would decide I was guilty of every crime since Hiroshima!! Facts 1. The police vehicle triggered the camera and a prosecution was commenced. 2. There was sufficient evidence to place this matter before the courts. (Knowing the legal system and some of the CPS personnel like I do I am slightly surprised but in the fairness of justice pleased that this is the case.). 3. There was a trial. (To reach crown court on a motoring matter there must have been a Magistrates Court trial first as it is not something that automatically goes to Crown Court) 4. A JURY of 12 good and true citizens decided that the offence was not committed!! 5. Mr HUGHES - a fair boss i have to say - has decided to pursue the discipline side of things. 6. Officers do not use their blue lights and sirens constantly on a journey to an incident. They are only effective if used at traffic build ups or to bring the police vehicle to the attention of other road users. 6. If an incident is serious then the air space is at a premium and often officers will respond of their own volition and it may take several minutes if it happens at all before the officer can confirm his response to the incident. Thoughts Do I think that cases like this harm the police - public relationship. DEFINATELY YES Do members of the public get off things like this day in and day out with excuses ten times more ludicrous than this? YES YES and YES!!!! Do I THINK he was going to the incident and then returned to his collection of his chinese. Almost certainly not!! Therein though is the problem. For a conviction to hold up in court it has to be proved BEYOND ALL REASONABLE DOUBT!!!!!!!!!!! If there is any REASONABLE doubt then it is not proved.. The only question here is 'Is the officers explanation possible and therefor reasonable??' Stevie You can get a transcript of the court case for a fee but it might not be released until after the date of any appeal. Lastly You would not believe how many times people contact me and ask how to get off with speeding offences/parking tickets/minor criminal matters as if there is some magic formula that the police keep for themselves. 99% of all officers take thier speeding tickets on the chin and just get on with life!! ming the Helpful/rascal/pariah/whipping boy/evil one/saviour/drug fighter
  13. I am off from the 23rd to the 2nd inclusive and I am bored thinking about it. I too hate Christmas with a passion. Over priced. Over rated. and Over here. My Christmas? Presents? Two cheques and a voucher. Cards? Three!! Mrs Ming and I will combine our Christmas and Anniversary presents (17th of december) and we are having two days in a real swank - thats SWANK - hotel away from the world and treated like royalty. No kids. No cars. No computers. No poker and top notch food. That I AM looking forward too. Ming the Original Bah Humbug
  14. Hi Mate Next time i am down there I will ask. I will get a price fro both. Exactly what size 18 and 19 are we talking about. The standard front ones are 225 50 17's. A quick update. I have just been out for half an hour in the car and that horrid noise that the standard Bridgestones emit when you brake through 30mph has gone completely. It is wet and nasty out at the moment so I cannot give a full appraisal of the performance but they seemed Ok to me. I need a dry day and a decent journey now to fully update. Ming the pleased
  15. The tread pattern gives it away. Only the UHP tyres have the tread pattern in the photo. the budget tyres are different!! Ming the Helpful
  16. Whats a 'HOOL' ????????? They spelled it write didn't they 'CUSTURD'. GM grey is the colour of storm clouds. (Tough matcho manly things ) Custard is the colour of .. . . . . . . . . CUSTURD (soft squidgy girly stuff!!) Ming the Sunday guy So you have never eaten the soft girlie stuff? If you say no your a LIAR Said in a Homer Simpson like voice Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! Drool.!!!! Girly stuff!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! Ming the Backward Thinker
  17. Whats a 'HOOL' ????????? They spelled it write didn't they 'CUSTURD'. GM grey is the colour of storm clouds. (Tough matcho manly things ) Custard is the colour of .. . . . . . . . . CUSTURD (soft squidgy girly stuff!!) Ming the Sunday guy
  18. Hi guys As soon as I have some miles on them I will update but at that price they are a steal. Ming the Happy
  19. Phil You have a pm mate. What are the prices? Ming the curious
  20. I thought that the two pink lines and the yellow numbers might indicate that they are new? Ming the Cheeky
  21. Used tyres on a Zed!!??!!??!!?? LOL Nope mate Brand spanking new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well they have two miles on them so I guess you could call them used. Ming the Stunned
  22. I have just purchased a pair of FEDERAL tyres for the Z they are an UHP (Ultra High Performance) tyre - so the blurb says - and according to www.federaltyres.com/index.htm they are a pretty good tyre. I have done about two miles so far so cannot comment but they look good and have a decent tread pattern and depth The best bit about them is the price. I know that the guy who gets them is a friend and that I get them for the price he pays. I also get them fitted for free but £101 FOR THE PAIR has to be the steal of the century. The only possible draw back I can see is if they are made for the Australian market then possibly they don't like the cold and take a while to warm up. Any one with any experiance of them or things to look out for? Ming the Impressed
  23. Hi Guys My spare front cover went into the powder coaters yesterday - they also wet paint for me if I ask them nicely even though they don't like doing it - to get done hyper black like the strut brace. I spent quite a long time flatting down to shift all the little plastic scratches so that the finish is spot on. I also have a little idea for it but i shall wait on the result first and see how I feel about it. If the wet paint looks good then a lot more plastic is going in for the same treatment I know the plastic is already black but the hyper black will make a whole shed load of difference to the bay. I will post pics as soon as I have them. Ming the Happy
  24. Idles at just under the 1/4 mark. average driving see's it at half. Spirited stuff well up the guage and a quick blast on start up - not recommended of course - see's it right up at the top. It was noticably higher just after the oil change but it has settled down a little again now. Ming the Happy
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