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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. "I was in the parade lap..." Would probably read better that at Also should the T in "the" be in caps? Otherwise I guess the first letter of the other words should be lowercase (W, A, O, P). Me being pedantic (sp?)
  2. Excellent news chap, dont forget the little people when you are earning millions I've been thinking of leaving work too to become a consultant. Currently work for a big IT consultancy who are hell bent on keeping me on grad wages and not recognising the stuff I do as being any where near as expensive as they do in the city. Vey tempted to jack it all in and become a consultant in the city, just dont fancy the commute and lifestyle - atm I get away with doing not a lot. Anyone need a qualified Ab Intiio consultant?
  3. Steve - PM recieved. I will PM back in a mo. Will hopefully make it for 8am, but getting some resistance from the missus for an early start! Will keep you informed though.
  4. Its a public forum anyway, all you have to do is search "350z forum" or something similar and you'll find it. Fair enough if people dont want the stickers as they dont like stickers on/in their car (like dealer stickers ). You can give me a sticker and I'll happily stick it on there when I get home
  5. I wouldnt want to put something too strong on there, it may take the paint off! Has anyone tried to put their plate in some boiling/warm water to heat it and then bend it? I did this with an old pair of Oakleys to make em fit better and worked a treat Just heat up some water, whack the plate in for a bit, remove, bend, put under cold water to set. May or may not work, if it goes tits up its not my fault
  6. Or build a car pc that you can go and offload them too whenever you need. Has the added bonus of a screen to view them on. Kind of redundant if you have a laptop, but it looks cool
  7. I was thinking everyone (north and south) could meet there. Its only about a mile or two from the circuit so its pretty close and has a big car park. Looking on google earth there are lots of spaces. That way we can all go in together
  8. Chaps, See the meet thread for a proposed pub to meet at close to the circuit. Hopefully can accomodate all of us
  9. Try this: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ll=52.070 ... &hl=en&t=h For all the others: this pub seems closer than I remember and the carpark is big enough for us from what I remember. There were loads of cars from the drifting one year that all stopped here and there seemed to be loads of room. Although it is past the circuit for our friends from the north, it doesnt look far, only about a mile or so. What do people think of meeting at that pub?
  10. I'm coming up the M40 from Oxford as well Chaps, I think I know the pub, its on the left as you are approaching Silverstone? Seem to remember a whole load of people stopped there on the way back from the drifiting a couple of years ago, also there is a speed camera there so it must be the one. That sounds like a good place to meet to me. How far from the circuit is it, I cant remember. Guess we can try and time it to get there about the same time as the others coming the other way
  11. Still takes too much bandwidth, try again
  12. I like Samsung and Dell laptops. I bought a Samsung X60plus a few months back and I've been more than pleased with it. Just make sure you have plenty of RAM if you want to be running Vista
  13. I will when I hit the magical 350 posts, or I get one at JTS if the mods are feeling kind
  14. Just to back up what mugwump has said. The telco will keep a record of the cell or mast you used for the call, and this will give a rough estimate of where you are, but it by no means pinpoints your location. I cant see a telco giving out information for a customer unless explicitly told to do so, so you could trace your own phone quite feasibly, but not someone elses (unbless they are on the same network and also give permission). The call record your provider recieves for the incoming call doesnt tell you where that person was as each telco has different cell site identifiers, its not a standard, so a Voda cell ID means nothing to Orange. Also the retention on call records is another dubious thing, most keep for upto 3 or 5yrs. Highly unlikely they will give you access to this history. I would certainly be interested in seeing a demo of this or some other info though, just to see how it works
  15. Lookin good mate. Shame mine would be rather blank!
  16. Sounds like you're gonna fit right in. Some of the locals are a bit mad, but you soon get used to them
  17. From the A34 (Oxford direction) then A43. Basically opposite direction to you lot from the M1.
  18. I guess I will get to the Silverstone turn off from the A43 before you guys and just wait for you to turn up! I'll be the loaner in the 53 GM
  19. I have an NUS card somewhere. that has a photo on it... Ah you mean the pink card with pictures of cars, bikes and lorries on it. Think I have one of them somewhere
  20. Not seen that form before. Seems simple enough to fill out though. What is this licence of driving you speak of
  21. I'll be coming from doon soouth, so A34 then A43 into the circuit. Anyone know of a big layby or anything near the circuit? I dont mind driving past it a little bit, turning around and waiting for the cavalry
  22. When I moved out? My offer was only accepted yesterday, it will be at least 6 weeks before I move out! Cheers though. Oh and I will bring another (working) copy of the CD for you.
  23. Watch the drifting, time attack, look at the other cars, mingle, eat, stare at hot chicks wearing hardly any clothes...the list goes on What time is our parade? to register for it is about 1130 i think. SHould be in the email you got Email, what email? I think I have something about it in the letter with the tickets. Am I missing something?
  24. Watch the drifting, time attack, look at the other cars, mingle, eat, stare at hot chicks wearing hardly any clothes...the list goes on Register for parade lap, breifing for parade lap, wait for parade lap, do parade lap, try and park car again! And try and fit drifting and time attack around that!
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