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Everything posted by Dicky

  1. Apologies...Posting quite a bit lately having just bought a 370 in need of some TLC. Anyone done this on the 370 yet. Is it more or less the same as the 350 ref disconnection of battery , cleaning and calibration procedures. If you disconnect tha battery is it still necessary to do the cals? When you disconnect the battery does it affect any other car systems. On my 350 all you lost were radio stations.
  2. I made mine with some welding wire and crimp terminals. Easy job but it may be difficult to get hold of the crimping tool, although tool hire shops should have them. The 350 section ran a thread and a forum member (can't remember name) supplied) info on wire lengths and mounting positions. The Wire lengths would be different for the 370 but itmshouldnt be difficult to figure new lengths out.
  3. That supprises me cos it made a noticeable difference on mine! It To smoothed out the engine out quite a lot and I was just wondering if the 370 would benefit?
  4. BUGGAR Rich ! I Just get used to how one engine works and then they go and change it ! I'm sure this is a Jap conspiracy against us Geordies, me in particular! I'm now going to have to watch this lots of times to get my head around it. Wish I'd been born clever instead of just good looking. As it happens i stumbled across this vid clip last night and could'nt get my head around it at all. So what do the two throttle valves do these days. Have the Japs just left them in just to confuse me even further.??
  5. Anyone tried to fit this on the 370. When I fitted it to my 350 it really smoothed out the engine running. Just bought a 370 and was wondering if it works just as well?
  6. Good question! If I'm not mistaken it was 3rd possibly 4th but think 3rd
  7. Oops should have read the link first before offering a sloppy kiss Alex. Sorry but the kiwis is out now cos I'm thinking the car speed signal must come from something like an inductive sensor mounted at the gearbox or maybe a wheel. I'm asking this cos it could possibley have an impact on a cruise control problem I've mentioned on another of my posts. Apologies if my post was misleading.
  8. Many thanks Alex, your a star as usual. In fact if you were better looking I might just kiss you hard on the lips ha ha
  9. I've looked into how CC works. The system inputs are a switch on the brake and clutch pedals, the controls on the steering wheel, a speed sensor ( on the gearbox I believe) the accelerator potentiometer, and a feedback sensor on the throttle valve control feeding back position. The only control output as far as I can tell is the throttle valve drive motor to position the throttle disc to regulate air intake. As I say the speed when climbing the hill drops off slowly down to around 25 mph when the control system seems to wake up and starts to apply more power. The only things I can think would cause this sluggishness are a dodgy speed input signal (but the speedo would probably show signs) a slow processor in the ECU (which I doubt) and the throttle valve drive motor. Has anyone come across problems IE stiffness, dirt ingress etc that could slow this arrangement down.? If it's a common problem then maybe it is just the ECU with a slow processor or something. I'd like to tine it up if poss because my 350z doesn't do this. Any further feedback welcome.
  10. Had intermittent operation problem caused by incorrectly positioned brake pedal switch. When testing its operation I set it to 30mph on a flat road and it ran no problem......BUT....when I came to a down hill stretch followed immediately by a uphill stretch I noticed the car maintained 30 mph down the hill but when it started to climb up the hill the speed dropped off to about 25 mph before the car realised and started to increase the speed again to 30. Is this normal operation on the 370 or should it be a bit faster to increase the speed?
  11. Anyone know where this is located. Is it the "input speed sensor" on the gearbox ?
  12. Does anyone have any idea exactly what causes these gaskets to go. Is it .... general ageing Revving the engine too high when the engine and oil are cold High oil temperature following a track day or long journey Voodoo Other?
  13. All 370z's from 2007 to 2012 when the gaskets were upgraded.
  14. Having read up on most of the reliability issues I will be 100% getting this done as soon as money allows, it takes away as far as I can tell the only issue the VQ engine has in terms of premature death. From the sounds of the other posts about this by the time the oil pressure drop is noticed it may be too late anyway. I agree. As I've said before this has had me going around in circles,...replace the gaskets, fit a pressure gauge and monitor, all driven by this unexpected high cost to repair. But what cost should the engine blow! You could fit the gauge and forget to monitor it one day then give the car a sudden "blurt" on a clear road and "bang" the damage is done. As much as it costs and as much as it hurts, I've finally decided to get the work done. Hay ho better safe than sorry.
  15. My brain is now hurting very very much! Just realised this morning, having read several more threads on low oil pressure, that i didn't know which engine was in my daughters 2010 car. I'd been thinking it had a VQ engine and even though I knew it had paper oil gallery gaskets it was less likely to suffer the gasket blow out problem which appeared to affect the HR engines more.........WRONG !! I now know that all engines codes start with VQ and that it's the last letters which define the engine type IE hers is a VQ37HR. So making my gasket worries increase dramatically. Now back to getting them replaced rather than monitoring oil pressure. BUGGAR, BUGGER, BUGGER ! I'm getting old you know and I'm not well either
  16. I obviously had the wrong parents, my first car was a clapped out Ford Escort. I was in the same boat but mine was an old Austin A40 Summerset that I had to buy from my dad ( tight sod) a ford escort would have been luxury
  17. Not sure if you noticed my earlier post that Falcon Performance charge £686 for this job all in and have apparently done this job before. Spoke to three main dealers, Benfield motors (Lookers), Wylam Garage in Hexham, and Vic Young in South Shields. None were aware of the problem. Benfield "thought" it would be around a 5hr labour job at £120/hr plus parts but could be more. Vic young were thinking labour alone would be around £1000. So it's a no brainier that Falcon in Middlesborough is favourite. Spoke to the service manager at Vic Youngs. He said he would go for fitting a pressure gauge as hecdidnt see it as a likley problem having talked with Nissan engineers I must admit I'm going around in circles with this. One minute I'm all for fitting the gaskets next I'm for the pressure gauge and monitoring it. As far as i can tell the HR engines are most at risk, due to age, while the newer VQ engines are still at risk but not as risky due to being younger??? Who knows. To be honest im now changing my mind again. I've checked with my breakdown recovery company Britania who say that if I break down more than 10 miles from home then they will transport the car anywhere in the UK. So thinking of fitting a pressure gauge, stop as soon as the pressure drops, then have the car taken to Falcon. Finding a decent pressure gauge with the same red display is proving to be a bit difficult. If anyone has any info on fitting a gauge I'd appreciate hearing about it
  18. Many thanks Rich and all others, "I now have a plan" I bought the car for my daughter,s graduation present and to be fair it's her first car and I can't rely on her noticing if the pressure drops so I've decided to get Falcon Performance to replace the gaskets. They've done this before and seem to have a decent reputation. As Rich said the route cause are the gaskets, so that's what needs to get fixed. The only bugger is that a pressure gauge may well save this expense for the duration of ownership, but who knows. But then again having replaced the gaskets will be a selling point. Once again thanks to all for your input.
  19. Yep it's a real dilemma Rich. I keep going around in circles with it. It a staggering £700 job but then if your unlucky it's probably a £3K job. Piece of mind says get the job done but then greedy mind says it may never happen..BUGGAR BUGGAR BUGGAR Yep its around £700-£900 but a lot more than that for an engine plus fitting probably £6-£8k You cant replace the oil temp gauge with a pressure gauge , they work as a trio you would need to replace all three, any oil pressure gauge would need to be a standalone and would look a bit pony imo But truth be told its a matter of time , the gaskets are crap and they will blow out sooner or later , if you saw the stock ones and the revised ones you can see why they fail As I said before if it was my car I would do it as a matter of course How do you mean Rich "you can't replace the temperature gauge", and "they work in trio". Can't you just remove the temp gauge, fit a pressure gauge in its place and connect the pressure gauge to a sender unit mounted at the oil filter. I had thought I would fit a "T" connection in place of the pressure switch, then connect the pressure switch to one connection and the sender unit to the remaining connections?
  20. Yep it's a real dilemma Rich. I keep going around in circles with it. It a staggering £700 job but then if your unlucky it's probably a £3K job. Piece of mind says get the job done but then greedy mind says it may never happen..BUGGAR BUGGAR BUGGAR Yep its around £700-£900 but a lot more than that for an engine plus fitting probably £6-£8k You cant replace the oil temp gauge with a pressure gauge , they work as a trio you would need to replace all three, any oil pressure gauge would need to be a standalone and would look a bit pony imo But truth be told its a matter of time , the gaskets are crap and they will blow out sooner or later , if you saw the stock ones and the revised ones you can see why they fail As I said before if it was my car I would do it as a matter of course Yeah unfortunately I think your right Rich. I say unfortunately because I've become friends with all my little cash pals in the bank, even so far as to give them names...Typically £1, £2, £3 and so on I'll be sad to see them go!
  21. That's better now! You had me thinking this guy is cursing for a bruising (financially I mean £££)
  22. Anyone fitted a pressure gauge yet? If so a little write up would be useful and I would certainly add you to my Xmas card list
  23. Yep it's a real dilemma Rich. I keep going around in circles with it. It a staggering £700 job but then if your unlucky it's probably a £3K job. Piece of mind says get the job done but then greedy mind says it may never happen..BUGGAR BUGGAR BUGGAR
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