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Posts posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Each have our own accounts, we have a bills and mortgage account that all the bills and mortgage come out. We split it right down the middle and pay in equally. We take it in turns to do the food shopping.


    If we go away we split it, but in an odd way, if its to do with her friends, I drive, she pays for accommodation ad I buy the meals out. If its with my friends, she drives, I buy the accommodation and she buys the food.


    If its a big holiday we split it down the middle.


    She buys all presents for her side of the family


    I buy for my side


    We choose the kids presents together and split down the middle


    I wouldn't want full joint account as I'm worried about accidentally spending her money. Once the bills are paid what's left is like my monthly spending money. If you added my Wife's wages, I'd just spend more.


    I am sensible enough that I set up monthly payments to multiple savings accounts s well, so I am also saving as well.



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  2. If you have them and fit a new stereo there are wiring harnesses that can be bought to use the controls with the harness.


    But if they were never there to start with I have no clue how much of the wiring is already in the cars harness or if you need a new car harness modding

  3. they do an incredibly hard job, and sometimes with little gratitude. I have several mates who I'm glad to see have made it through safely.


    And my thoughts are with those families who's relatives will never return.

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  4. :lol:


    Still can't rule the garage out yet though considering still missing a lot of the facts and information.


    people make snap judgments as soon as the name came out you could almost here 200 voices in sync go.....sod that!


    only takes a wiff of bad news and people stay clear.

  5. ESR was the one and only place to go if you had a zed, he was like tarmac Sportz but with mechanics, back when zed owners bought proper mods and spent serious cash on even the basics like exhausts.


    He was also a huge part of the forum. Loads f knowledge and help.


    When he fell ill the void was so big it took the likes of 4 companies to try and fill the gap.


    Full on Aladdins cave.

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  6. There business or it might have been ICT centre thought the internet was only ever going to be a fad :lol:


    goes to show its important to pick the right degree at the right uni.


    Warwick was an offsite campus looked abit isolated, good ink but didn't look like a lot to do out there. Lived in cove and 10 min walk from the centre as a student it was a hoot of a place to go out in.

  7. My mate had a similar issue, client would pay the price of the job, she asked for a new bill removing something like £30 she felt wasn't needed. So he re billed her for the extra £60 of work he did for free on top with the £30 off. Funnily enough she paid the original bill.

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