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Posts posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Oi! I did my degree at Coventry Uni! Don't dis the cov!


    Same here!


    Cov locals are a bit special, but I quiet liked the city, its changed massively even since I went, jaguar have been using the ring roads a test track for years. And the entry/exit junctions are a perfect demo of the chaos theory. :lol:


    Would love the chance to race on the ring road

  2. I really like the A5 if I didn't need re storage apace of an RAF C130 transporter I'd love something German.


    But like you I have found the benefits in the new car


    For me with my jumbo tank 4x4 I had great fun when it heaved it down ploughing through the big puddles where others had to creep through. I'm looking forward to cold weather and snow. Now I'm in the xc90 I'm hoping for the next ice age.


    Enjoy the positives and like me, just remember its only a phase and when you don't need it You can go back to the sports cars

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  3. Bloody hell Rich, you couldn't make that lot up, oh wait, it's the Motor Trade. Hope it's all sorted and you now have the motor you thought you were getting :)

    still driving the Renault pi$$hatch (espace) found out yesterday along with a busted radio in the courtesy car, it also has no heaters. But hopefully my car should be ready today. They have dismantled the alarm system and found the batteries are dead in it. So have had to wait a couple more days while the new parts come in. Hopefully all sorted and I can collect today.
  4. I'd spend it with lexx, he could show me the tug boat, and I could pick his brains about being a parent to twins as he has the head start on me. Then go play with the 8 series. On the way home I'd stop for pint with ricey and grlnet


    I have twin boys, not easy but luckily we didn't know what it was like to have one, so with nothing to compare it to, you just do you're best :thumbs:

    WE're in the same boat, no benchmark, so non the wiser.
  5. I love the 8s, she hates them. I think divorce may be an option.


    lucy is the same, nearly got one instead of the XKR but lucy wasnt convinced, still on my list of cars to one day own

  6. Really?! Oh my.


    Okay, that could actually be a goer then at some point.


    before i played with the XKR i used to be able to get nearly 30 mpg


    a V8 attached to a sensible car on sensible wheels and not boosted should achieve sensible MPG


    we're not talking high 30's but high 20's is do able.


    even played with the XKR would still do 24 mpg and that was with over 400bhp and a modified supercharger.


    i know its not an estate, but the Audi A8 is 4wd, has a v8, does sensible mpg and has a 500 litre boot. ok its not as useable as an estate but its still a bigger boot than most estates.



  7. I live on Suffolk, its a lovely county, never planned to end up here, but have fallen in love with the place. Its not as undulating as Yorkshire, but the ruralness of it reminds me a lot of Yorkshire. Lots of good pubs and places to eat. Norwich is good for shopping and not far to go.


    I'm between Woodbridge and Ipswich.


    Woodbridge is lovely train station goes straight to London. Lots of quaint independent shops.


    Chelmsford and Colchester are accessible and you're on the crossroads of the a12 and A14 for going north or to London.

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