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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. Bummmmmmmp. Come on someone! @ZMANALEX do you still have any?
  2. Bump, payday is a week away so Im looking now to get this sorted now. Pictures would be great Alex and anyone else who has a set
  3. 1. Payco - Lunch 2. Dday - Lunch 3. Nismoandy - lunch 4. Zippypooz - Lunch 5. Dunks - Lunch 6. Olly350z - lunch 7. Louis350z - lunch (may order separately off the menu if that's ok?) 8. DarrenslowR33 - lunch
  4. 1. Payco - Lunch 2. Dday - Lunch 3. Nismoandy - lunch 4. Zippypooz - Lunch 5. Dunks - Lunch 6. Yoooooooo count me in! Olly350z / louis350z and possibly Darren and his Skyline all for lunch!
  5. To be honest my Zs so low that not even low trolly jacks fit under it without the need for planks of wood, so if they manage to get my wheels off then they're welcome to them Agreed on mixing OE and aftermarket lugs, it would bug the hell out of me! Thanks bud! I love the nismos but they probably will go in the latter end of this year, I get bored fairly quickly and fancy a change. Something dishy and lower her right down, perhaps even air...
  6. So little uodate to kick 2018 off! Mighty depressing looking at the old pictures and seeing how clean it was, damn you winter! So I got the new nuts fitted, thanks to Chris again It then sat for a bit, while I started the new job at Honda which Im really enjoying! Steep learning curve but its worth it. Its come out recently in the worst weather as they said I could take the car in on a Saturday and do some work. So naturally, snuck it into the Honda workshop... They were exceptionally kind and even re-gassed my aircon system for me free of charge! Ive never had aircon done before but bloody hell! What a difference! So Im still waiting on my first pay check which is burning a monumental hole in my pocketss you can imagine haha! But the plan for January goes like this 1. HR headlights 2. HR / aftermarket bonnet 3. Fix OEM locking. Im excited for a switch up in 2018!
  7. So an update to this which has left me further confused Ive not driven it in about two weeks after that code kept repeatedly coming on. Did the pedal dance today, have taken it out with half a tank of fresh Vpower, given it a skinful in places and absolutely nothing. No code and didnt miss a beat! Whats going on!
  8. Not been able to swap them over just yet due to my MOT ramp failing, just checking it'll be ok to drive the car with this code on? Or will it be running super lean?
  9. Ok Ill let you know in January and hopefully we can discuss further, waiting on my first pay check coming through from the new job
  10. So swap the post cat lamda sensors round with the pre cat senors? Or swap them left to right? If its the former then your saying I should then see the secondary bank come on if its a duff sensor? Even though I had them switched off withthe remap?
  11. Condition Alex? Is that a posted price
  12. Evening everyone, after a bit of advice. Had the car remapped in September by Abbey Motorsport due to numerous modifcations including full exhaust and sports cats, and its been fine until last week in which the familar ECU light has come back. When it was remapped it had the secondary Lamda's switched off, so when it came back I was curious. As it turned out it was code P1273 - Air / fuel sensor 1 Bank 1 lean condition. I spoke to Mark and he advised to switch it off, and see if it came back. Well, its coming back nearly daily now, the same code every single time. Mark advised that I should try rotating the sensors round, and see if that cures it before splashing out on two new sensors which is a valid idea, but how likely is this going to be a fix? Or is it a dead sensor? Is there any other sensor that could cause this code? Its been perfect since the remapping until this where Ive also noticed its drinking fuel like no tomorrow. Any input happily recieved, just want the light out now!
  13. As per the title, come January Im going to be after a set of facelift HR headlights. Must be in as good as condition as possible, hazing or fading is ok as I plan on getting a bodyshop to refurbish them. But please no scratches or multiple broken clips. With ballests and bulbs, complete plug and play Thanks everyone
  14. Why do people do it? Youll park literally at the other end of the car park and there is always one who will cone find you. I just park in children bays now. Let the hate comments flow!
  15. Underneath the arch letting water come in and pool in the corner, causing it to rust. Job for the spring will be all wheels off, scrub the arches and underseal them
  16. So little bit of an update, long over due! So the last couple of months have been a bit @*!#, to be honest. I left my current job for what I thought would be better, but it turned out to be much, much worse. I lasted a week there before for the first time ever, walking out of a job. So, just over two months of being out of work, scratching around but being determined to get it right it meant no modifcations, no shows, no meets. But this changed as of Tuesday when I landed a job at Yeomans Honda, a literal five minute walk from home so no commuting! I start next Thursday which i cant wait as it means the modifcations can flow again So whats new? Well I managed to pick up a set of neochrome extended wheel nuts from Chris @Tarmac@TarmacSportz Next up the Z had seemed to develop a case of tin worm, which had resulted in this So the bodyshop owed me a favour, so it was off down to them to have the rust sorted, and a freshen up on the doors and bonnet. Was quite surprised with how far gone it had become. They reckon that a pinprick hole had been letting in water and just rusted it out, as youll see below And the finished article Will be pickingit up tomorrow for which Im quite excited! Been a while since I've been able to take it out for a good drive. Lookig forward to what 2018 has to offer, but thats all for now
  17. In regards to track time, its something Ive never really looked into but do many shows like this, JDMcombe etc have like beginners laps? Id really like to take the Z out on one, Ive done one before in the Honda but obviously still very much a novice!
  18. Andy James + Kat Shezza Valy Keyser Paul k + Dawn Nso93 Humpy G1en Rickdon VeilsideZ Andy-Muxlow +1 possibly Bob94 Buster and Netti Winkj(if I get her back) Teejay+1 Flashback Modo +1 TT350 (try) Papa Olly350z Louis350z (not on here)
  19. Not the best photos by a long shot, but it was an awesome day and the stand was impressive. Hopefully next year will be even better
  20. Metal Gear Solid. Without shadow of doubt. Still gripes me that its a half completed game though due to Kojima walking out
  21. Wasn't that fussed by the new call of duty if Im honest. The amount of inaccuracies and mistakes put me off. I enjoyed the campaign but it was one of those "one playthrough" type games. As others have said Ill stick to BF1, finally hit level 101 last night Horizon zero dawn is just incredible though. A very refreshing game and absolutely stunning in 4K. Recently released their first DLC : The frozen wilds and the new enemies are absolutely brutal
  22. Ive recently switched to Millers CFS 5w40 after talking to Abbey, Horsham devlepopments etc and must say Im completely dumbfounded at how much nicer the car is to drive. Its quieter, and more importantly so much smoother. It does take a smidge longer to warm up, and slight drop in MPG, but these are all welcome trade offs for a car thats so much healthier to live with
  23. 1. Nso93 2. Olly350z + another + R33 skyline My buddy Darren would love to join us if thats allowed, lovely example. Please let me know
  24. Count me and two others in, was such a good show this year
  25. Not a great deal to talk about, having changed to the 5w40 Ive been doing namely alot of driving! It really has made a positive outcome, it just feels so much nicer to drive. I will say that although the Advan AD08rs are amazing in the dry, there have been some real twitchy bum moments in the wet. Get track Tyres they said! My buddy Louis sorted me out with more cleaning goodies Which Im really looking forward to a clear day to try out. As its been driven alot, I thought Id share some beading action, and to prove it does actually get dirty Did notice the other night while at the garage that my passenger side rocker cover is leaking oil down the back of the engine. Nissan have said its £24 which is cool, can anyone confirm if its a plenum off job to get to and replace the gasket? Cheers
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