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Everything posted by Pritchard

  1. good idea. backpedal quick. i've been very civil. smiley faces nearly every post lol.
  2. No, im not. Bodykit - pointless. Any aloys heavier than OEM - pointless any spoiler - pointless literally the list is endless. God i hope you dont go to car shows, people must love you coming around and pointing out everything thats wrong with their projects!
  3. Still soo far from the point here. Based on your comments Steveo, you should declare your car SORN and get a trailer to take it to the track, because your using a 300bhp car in 30mph speed limits. Pointless. Or just take off that spoiler and any other mods, and re-fit them when you arrive. Its a strut bar. its a harness bar. whatever. Its going to do whatever rigidity increasing awesomeness its designed to do. it just wont be thrown around the track by me, Thats not pointless, thats sensible.
  4. LOL. o i cant take any more of this. my belly will explode. is he trolling us, or is he really this daft?? everything on my car has a functional purpose or reason for being there the wing is there to create an up-draft so when drifting it pulls the smoke upwards as before it just sat at road height, with the wing it draws it upto the air it has a function a harness bar designed to help save your life sitting there doing nothing doesnt have a function, its like buying a built up 2jz and putting it in your living room because it looks nice it has zero purpose there Right now the only thing that doesnt seem to have a function, is your keyboard. I dont know why you are still persisting to make this silly analogys. Everyne has an opinion, natrually. But you're coming across very ''My way is correct, yours is wrong'' Maybe you just need to polish your netiquette. Or maybe you are just that daft. ? I am now unable to decide.
  5. LOL. o i cant take any more of this. my belly will explode. is he trolling us, or is he really this daft??
  6. I think Steveo is completely lost. Next mod, Sat Nav No good trying to argue every comment thats been made, you wont change your silly remark
  7. Trust me when i say, that the way the 10 spokes are 'cut', its designed to shine, dazzle and reflect light. etting them in black will be a crime. if you want black wheels, get a different design (IMHO) i'll get a zoomed in pic of mine later, may help to explain
  8. You know what im going to say. silver. you gong for the cvts?
  9. Of course he hasnt. ... Kind of makes you wonder, whats the point of taking around the track if you cant affoard to set it up properly. :lol:
  10. No. Only your comment im afraid Driving like a grandad but fitting a strut bar to make your engine bay look pretty for shows isnt stupid. Its for show, not for track. This is the same. exactly the same. its no different. What you have just said is something ridiculus, which only makes you look daft for even suggesting it as an analogy.
  11. that custom brace looks good doesnt it ^^^ i was after one for fashion rather than function. i dont throw it around corners enough for either to benefit me. its purely cosmetic to me.
  12. It sounds like your dB has changed dramatically. What was the dB output before and after? This will answer all of your woes. Also check the rubber hasnt changed on your soles, as this often causes a difference in pedal feel.
  13. ^^ if no-one else has one... just makes me want one more the interior is next to get attention. anything that i can find, design, or modify that can add value to its looks is on the shortlist. especially if its potentially spray-able i do agree with the rear view mirror though. i did think that, and im sure its going to get in the way. (the lack of rear visibilty might make the rear wiper obsol.... oh hang on )
  14. so i guess no-one has fitted one... Do i have to take a leap of faith?
  15. glad someone else agrees. not that i have nangkangs or anything of course....
  16. in response to the white one - oh shote!!! lol. has a RT-performance sticker on it, so they may know. but that car looks like its been hacked at.that tyre is something amazing too. vandalised? as for the first one, its not to my taste. but you can see alot of money has been spent on it. it annoys me when you get berks online who make snide remarks not about someones project, but the sort of person they must be - thousands have been spent on that veilside. and the first comment ''oooh hes running nankangs, its a sign hes running a car he cant affoard'' bell of the end variety. im sure i saw pics of this veilside when i was going through the meet section a while ago. think it turned up to a show / Z meet or something?
  17. ^^ cheers. ya I didn't think it was a hardness bar
  18. Theres only one picture on that ebay link. but yes, its looks similar, but cant confirm if thats what the intended use for this is.
  19. hi guys. anyone fitted these? Im not looking for the debate of the pros n cons. i just like the look of it and want to spray it a nice orange was wondering what hacking needs to be done to the interior panels etc. anyone got one? Cheers http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ultra-Racing-4-Points-Interior-Strut-Brace-Bar-Nissan-Fairlady-350Z-Z33-ROC4-126-/321080218816?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4ac1df54c0
  20. im at work, so skim read through about 30 secs of each video... it all looks like OEM Merc and BMWs, most of which with the roof down. Not Enough Mods.... i thought this was an ironic title! my bad,
  21. I recently took out my full Bose system. its all yours for free if you collect, or for the price of postage if you want it shipped. headunit skips CDs when cold (almost everyone complains about this. they all do it). one of the rear speakers sounds a little knackered. but its all there if you want it. headunit, front and rear speakers, sub, amp. some wiring but not all of it < but you will be re-using most of ywhat youve got, i assume? drop me a PM if interested.
  22. theres probably a reason for that... i think youve answered your own question lol.
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