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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. I would advise using a tripod if you are doing night shots, and keep the ISO at 100 to keep the image quality high. You could probably get away with hand held shots, but you'd have to wang the ISO setting up higher to get a faster shutter to prevent blur. As Kyle said, this will degrade the image with "noise" and the image quality will suffer. Putting the shutter on a timer will only prevent camera shake if its on a tripod. If you are just starting out, set the camera to AUTO and let it decide what to do, while you figure out how different settings affect the image. Alternatively, set the camera mode to aperture priority with an aperture of say f5.6 and let the camera decide the shutter speed. As I said, use a tripod for best results. I would shoot raw files as this will allow you to alter the white balance later on in post processing. This would be useful for correcting any colour cast caused by street or supermarket floodlighting. If you shoot jpeg, any post processing will degrade the image. Good luck...don't forget to post your results up here
  2. Good choice Chris....hope you like it!
  3. Hey c'mon, you know thats not true...... We love our Ark systems and never become bored of hearing about them. You never know who you might inspire by that pic on the ramps!!
  4. Anything to be wary of?.....yes, a rapidly depleting bank balance due to zeditus! Welcome to the forum
  5. I expect Niki will be out, either flooring it with Maxine, or raising the roof with Bianca! haha!
  6. What a coincidence both looking at the same time! Bet it happens a lot...security must have a right laugh
  7. Its mounted on a small bracket below the bonnet catch next to the horns. I'm assuming its a thermistor type so as the temperature changes so would the resistance also. You could measure this with a multimeter (ohms) but as I dont have any lookup tables, can't tell what the resistance should be against a given temperature. Sorry thats all I know.
  8. Another Evelyn Glennie in the making.....especially with the bare feet
  9. The Olympus has a much improved EVF. Pity you cant buy a viewfinder for the Sony You'll deffo miss it......just take it out when its cloudy!
  10. Bianca's a real beaut.......especially with her top off!
  11. Nice one Niki! When Maxine has settled in, we expect a Sabine Schmitz type review of her moves on here please!
  12. My daughter uses a Sony RX-10 bridge with a smaller 1" sensor and the pic quality is excellent, so I imagine you wont have any issues with the 20MP APS-C as image quality will be comparable to your Canon. As there is no viewfinder on the A5000 you'll have to compose the pics on the rear led screen, which you may find a problem doing in bright sunlight. I have this problem with a Sigma compact I use, and sometimes I'm just guessing whats in the shot, its that bad..........worth considering before you buy. Apart from that, it looks great value for money with lots of features included.
  13. Recommended tyres on here are Michelin Pilot Super Sports. Awesome grip in both wet and dry. It will feel like you are driving a different car compared to those "fart" tyres you have fitted at present
  14. Its a pity you didn't get chance to listen to a few on the Peaks meet. There was a few of us there with them fitted
  15. Varrstoen ES1 19x10.5 rear ET12 275/35/19 19x 9.5 front ET12 245/35/19 The pics show it lowered on Teins also with rear arch lips rolled. I think its worth considering rolling the arch lips as its not a big job and looks ace! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/101343-another-new-wheels-thread/
  16. Chris, you've seen the rest....now go for the best...Ark Grip .....you know it makes sense!
  17. +1 on the orange peel and eucalyptus. You could also try lavender, peppermint, orange or citronella essential oils mixed with 3 parts water and sprayed. Anything citrussy should do it.
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