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Everything posted by OV53

  1. Jesus H Corbett! If you need anywhere to park any of them I've got a couple of spaces out the front of mine! :o
  2. No offence to any of the Zeds on here but that Mustang is the best thing I've seen on here since joining. It truly is the balls! I know that these aren't a scratch on that but I had the privilege of driving a 2013 Mustang GT for 10 days and a 2013 Corvette for 10 days on my honeymoon in May and they have cemented a serious urge to own some American muscle once the work to the house is complete (so probably never!) Anyway couple of pics: Anyways mad love for both cars, bit of a stonk on for that Mustang though!
  3. Alreet! How much did it cost for the full respray bonny lad? I'm weighing up the options on a fresh start for the paint job. Don't worry I ain't gonna copy it, but it will be unique! Cheers Phil
  5. Alreet! I'm from Sunderland myself. Where are you based mate?
  6. As my signature says......
  7. I adopted the, "you're asking somebody who is 10 years your junior how to do the basics at a job you say you're time served in and then you still can't get it right.......and then you go on to look at me like an idiot when I explain my reasoning for doing a job a certain way and undermine me by taking out your tape measure to verify that there will be a clash if we don't do it that way? Are you for f**king real man? You are taking the p*ss right?" To which he replied that he wasn't undermining me. "I'm pretty certain that when you come up onto somebody else's job and then start asking them what they are doing, look at them like an idiot when they explain their method and then get your tape out to verify that the measurements given are true, it is most definitely undermining and a down right cheek coming from somebody who couldn't even fit a pipe in a snowman's mouth." He then uttered something about not havinh this and storming off the scaffold and returning a couple of minutes later with the chargehand. The chargehand had half a smirk on his face as he knows this fella is useless and just made a joke of the whole thing. To be fair this guy has hung himself already, I got told today that once his first trip appraisal goes in then he won't be back. Another bonus is that I'm being given my own project to work on by myself and it's the highest profile and priority job on the rig. The baboon is now somebody else's problem!
  8. I need advice on how to do it nice Or otherwise I'll have to tell him twice. Am I just the greatest MC you've ever come across? So you need help on how to fit pipe? Why not ask him? I have gathered that Dblock is the least helpful of all of the contributors to this thread!
  9. I need advice on how to do it nice Or otherwise I'll have to tell him twice. Am I just the greatest MC you've ever come across?
  10. Just to add this man is 10 years older than me and is asking me to show him how to work out things that are the very basics of pipefitting.
  11. ST170s are class. Look well, are bulletproof, do 140 no problem, are comfortable and practical. The only problem I ever had with it was when I hit a badger at 70 and it destroyed my front bumper!
  12. This isn't a trumpet blowing session at all, not in the slightest. In fact it's more a brain picking exercise as I am now a week deep into this trip and I have been stuck with probably the worst instrument tube fitter on the planet. I know I'm not the greatest at my job but I do like to do things to a pretty high standard, you have to really as our work is up on a pedestal for everyone to see and even if it is just slightly out it can look a mess. My dilemma is this......the guy I am working with has talked about all of the jobs he has been on and all of these unvelievable things he has done but upon actually fitting the tubing he is actually a bag of s h i t e! Now normally I wouldn't be arsed but as we are the only two fitters on the rig we have been paired together. This obviously means that when our work is assessed it will be looked upon as a team effort, rather than how well each of us has done. In 3 days I have managed to run 18m of tubing along with supports and it is nigh on perfect. On the other hand this utter tool has fitted one 6m length of tube in the same amount of time and it is all over the shop like a cheap suit, thus making the overall job look like a bag of hammers. What do I do? I'm stuck with him for another week yet and it's driving me mental! :angry::angry::angry:
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