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Everything posted by twobears

  1. Time on my hands? Ha ha, I guess so. I've been very good and been to the gym and I'm off to the Barbican in a couple of hours so it was either play on the forums or do the ironing and erm, the ironing lost!!
  2. Did you mean to post that on the other forum to Wendy? I don't think so? Did I? Stop trying to confuse me. You know it doesn't take much
  3. Wendy, it is silly being jealous of other people's possessions isn't it? I would love a really expensive car myself but I can't find it in me to be jealous of those who have worked hard and managed to buy themselves one.
  4. No, you were right first time. I is a woman I was just being silly because 'lad' sounded better.
  5. I think you are right that jealousy plays a part in some cases judging by the amount of people who are busily telling themselves that their clapped out old shed of a car is way better than any Ferrari they have ever seen - yeah right In other cases though I think it is because the people concerned simply don't want a fast/expensive or whatever car because they genuinely prefer tootling around in their elderly Landy. That doesn't make someone with a nice car materialistic necessarily though. I mean they might be but they might simply like nice cars and have the wherewithal to purchase one?
  6. No, it's very revealing. I loves me a bit of the old psychology
  7. Obviously I'm not qualified to judge 'man caves' but I do like the Shell lamp
  8. I'm getting more and more perplexed by the comments on the other forum now. Apparently, the widely held view is that people who drive fast cars are either dangerous drivers, ar$eholes or vain and materialistic or some combination of the foregoing. I honestly hadn't realised that so many people automatically hate you if you have a nice car, whatever form that 'niceness' takes, whether is is looks, speed or cost of the car. Having loved cars since I was a lad I just don't understand what makes other people so riled? Dangerous driving, yes, I can quite see that is something to get hacked off about, but does simply owning a fast-ish car really make you a bona fide idiot? How can you judge, simply from seeing a nice car that the driver is materialistic? Surely most people buy things according to their financial situation so if you want a nice house and can afford it, you buy one? Same with cars, clothes, gadgets or whatever. I bet if I said that owning an expensive horse made you an ar$ehole people would jump to defend themselves. Funny really how we all judge what others choose to spend their money on
  9. I don't know him in real life. He just goes on the same forum as me. He's Scottish and I am guessing from your name that you might be too? If so maybe you know him? Ha ha
  10. Shamefully, yes because I love my other conveyance too. She is only one horsepower, her acceleration is good but her brakes can be rubbish Sounds like you need some winter horseshoes Might get some road studs fitted if I need 'em
  11. Shamefully, yes because I love my other conveyance too. She is only one horsepower, her acceleration is good but her brakes can be rubbish
  12. I can only apologise for my 'forum promiscuity' Rob Obviously I love the Zed forum more than the others
  13. Happy Birthday to yooooooo! Squashed tomatoes and stew
  14. Yes, don't you think it looks kind of flattened down? I can't make up my mind if I think that is a good thing or not. Mind you I did have an Evoque
  15. Quite, GMballistic. I really don't get the concept of watching sport, any sport. I'd much rather play than watch other people running round but I understand that millions of people get pleasure from spectating and I don't knock them or think they are 'sad'.
  16. I'm being accused of being materialistic now, just because I like nice cars Even if I am I don't care because I have loved cars for as long as I can remember and I didn't even know the meaning of the word 'materialistic' at primary school The first car I fell in love with was a Jensen Interceptor and then I moved my affections to TVRs. I was still in single figures when I used to dream about owning a fast car and a Range Rover, I knew I wanted one of those too so that I could tow my horse trailer in style
  17. Someone on another forum just said that people who like cars are sad barstewards who should get a life. The cheek of the man He probably likes stamp collecting
  18. I would do anything to avoid parking in a public space if I were you. That's why I sold my Zed. I just couldn't bear to watch the ox-like people who had the next parking space to me, lumber in and out of their cars taking chunks out of mine as they went. Hope you can get something sorted because it is bl**dy horrible to think your car is constantly at risk of damage.
  19. I know I have, ...I can see him chasing some nurses around a park as well. I hadn't realised your house overlooked the park :lol:
  20. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. Chrisy sounds like a wonderful woman xx
  21. "I don't get the 'sleeper' car thing, maybe it is for younger boy and girl racers" Maybe that's what I am, secretly, a girl racer? Woman of a certain age racer just doesn't sound right
  22. Nope, you are not allowed one of each. It's against the rules and my decision is final
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