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Everything posted by andybp

  1. Either: (A) You are pulling our leg. Or (B)You passed out at the sight of the needle & dreamt the hand up skirt bit. Or C)You are one lucky SOB! I'm going with C) and hoping that trick will work out for me if I ever need an injection again. Although knowing my luck it will be a male nurse. gods honest its c if it was b.s i would have said i got lucky and she invited some more nurses in but sadly she just sent me on my way frustrated
  2. Believe me Andy I'd love nothing more than to keep going with bought this, fitted this etc but my bank balance just won't let me. The weathers cr*p here at the moment & it's my last chance this weekend to get some pictures taken for the calendar. Still going to try to get a decent shot though to enter the competition with and then I'll probably post up some of the one's I didn't think where good enough. Nothing exciting going on now though sorry. Get better soon. Here's a "nurse" to cheer you up. Now if she'd been the one taking my blood the other day i probably wouldn't have acted like a needle phobic pansy Probably have trouble getting any blood cos it would be somewhere else!! so this is going to sound like B.S or the start of a scene in a porn movie but it's 100% gods honest...when i was about 18 many years ago i had to go for a blood test being needle phobic i was crapping myself so i walk into the cubical and it gets worse as there's a quite attractive lady waiting to take my blood i'm 18 so there's only two things on my mind women and cars(still the same now actually) and she's going to think i'm a complete pansy so i sit in the chair opposite her and tell her i have a big problem with needles no problem she say's takes my hand and puts it half way up her skirt by the time i can think straight took maybe 10-15 seconds tops she's stuck a needle in me taken blood stuck a plaster on my arm and she's pushing me out the door saying next good job i had a girlfriend at the time or i would have ended up with friction burns....
  3. Believe me Andy I'd love nothing more than to keep going with bought this, fitted this etc but my bank balance just won't let me. The weathers cr*p here at the moment & it's my last chance this weekend to get some pictures taken for the calendar. Still going to try to get a decent shot though to enter the competition with and then I'll probably post up some of the one's I didn't think where good enough. Nothing exciting going on now though sorry. Get better soon. Here's a "nurse" to cheer you up. Now if she'd been the one taking my blood the other day i probably wouldn't have acted like a needle phobic pansy
  4. Hey Gareth just caught up with you're thread as i've got some time on my hands was a good read thx now if you could just keep this up and turn this out each day for the next three weeks i'd much appreciate it good work keep it up
  5. Yeah I do it's a great feeling of satisfaction I bought my 07 HR 350z a few months ago with 4 stamps in the book from just local garages but there was no paperwork to say what had been done. So I just thought I'm gonna blitz it and do the lot now I'm a happy boy :-) once you get bitten by the bug there's no going back
  6. you did a good thing just ignore the arseholes when i was 18 (a long time ago) i'm walking down the street and this old lady in front of me trips over a loose paving slab hits the floor face first blood everywhere so i go rushing over to help her so i'm kneeling down helping her to sit up and there's cars and people just going past all rubber necking no one stopped then this couple comes rushing over and i think to myself about bloody time that is until he starts shouting at me to leave her alone so i try explaining to the guy what happened when he starts kicking me so i got up and lumped him one thats when the police showed up so turned out as a pretty crappy day i'm sure the guy who started kicking me thought he was doing the right thing and i hope me punching him in the face hasn't put him off since. if someone needs help and i can help them i will so don't let a few arseholes put you off.
  7. yea that's an interesting one i just stuck a meter in the fusebox until i found an ignition live on a decent sized cable because it's only driving a relay i wasn't too fussed what it fed so I've no idea sorry i cant be more help if I wasn't laid up I'd take a look sorry
  8. Sorry to read about that Andy. Wish you all the best mate and a speedy recovery especially at this time of year when really everyone should just be enjoying it. The car can wait, ..health comes first. Thx for the concern guy's but i'll be fine coughing up blood was scary but my biggest concern is being brain dead after another month of daytime tv oh and Neil excellent smiley
  9. because these pumps draw 4 Amps plus thats quite a load to put on an existing feed so i used an existing ignition live to switch a relay and ran a new 10 amp fused feed to it from the battery this method should also make it easy to put a delay off timer on the pump
  10. so i haven't had any updates for you lately i was hoping to get it all bolted up and plumbed before Christmas so when my insurance is due in may i could swap it over and get on with tuning it but I've had something of a big health scare gonna be laid up for another month but hopefully if the doctors and the missus let me i'll be back in the garage early next year and i can get this thing finished really need to my hands are getting all soft people will be mistaking me for a girl soon and i'm a man god damn it!
  11. if you can pump it back in the sump direct without drilling and tapping it go with that if not back to the head should be fine
  12. i'm a big believer in diy but why a y pipe ? try ebay just search for the flange size you want but make sure you get the right mounting hole centers as they vary quite a lot
  13. sadly that will have to wait until May as my insurance co. are being awkward and i cant put it on the road like it until i change insurer
  14. yea i'm one of the odd people who enjoys spending hours in the garage accidentally burning bashing cutting and generally hurting myself, getting angry and frustrated when things don't go as planned but the sense of achievement is worth it
  15. hopefully pretty soon i'll be able to do my mad scientist impression and shout "It lives it lives"
  16. got the last bit done today the flexi pipe from the wastegate into the tailpipe just got to make some gaskets and thats pretty much it until my insurance is due next year it's gonna seem like forever
  17. couple of pics of the setup off the car gives a better idea of the new layout had to put a 90 Deg bend on the drivers side due to a lack of space the only thing left is the flexi pipe from the wastegate to the back of the tailpipe really hard trying to weld flexi to a thick flange like this as its so thin get careless and you just blow holes through it as you can see still a bit hot just got to cut hole hole in back of tailpipe and weld it on will get it finished tomorrow night.
  18. christ you're quick So will your Zed be when you get this all finished. have to say it would be worth it just for the sound alone without any power increase this smiley was me when i started it up
  19. so got a bit done today this is how i finished a couple of weeks back got the drivers side tail pipe on this weekend and today got the passenger side tailpipe fabricated and welded on along with the mounting here it is all fitted the only thing left is to connect the wastegate into the tailpipe and make a couple of gaskets obviously i had to run it up and it sounds f***ing awesome seriously f***ing awesome i nearly had to touch myself it was so good
  20. Hmmm work of art i think your being over generous but thanks
  21. ok managed to get a couple of bits done before the gas bottle was completely empty turbo outlet flange positioned and welded on to back box and this clip of the exhaust note hopefully better than my usual effort http://vid1364.photo...zpsb7zkkona.mp4
  22. the back box showed up thursday got a bit done today out of gas again will see if the welding suppliers open tomorrow if not wont get any more done until wednesday this is the new turbo location should hopefully have this all finished pretty quick then just got to wait until the insurance renewal
  23. know exactly what you mean i've got a vauxhall combo which is actually a re-badged fiat doblo piece of crap
  24. just caught up with the thread Very nice Gareth well worth doing bet whenever you drive it you have a big cheesy grin in your face what more can you ask for
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