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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Going to get the Zed up and try to do some fluid changes on Sunday... Was going to jack her up with a trolley on the axles... then put the stands on the jack point... but after a quick look, the jack points are a bit thin, don't want to crush them! What do people do?
  2. slimjim

    more questions

    Actually (Apart from say carparks) why does anyone wind the window down on the Zed anyway?
  3. slimjim

    more questions

    Why exactly do you need the window down then it is raining?
  4. Yeah... im not planning on getting off over the channel anytime soon. Just wondered if this was the right kit If not, I will stick it on eBay
  5. Just been given a bulb kit by my in-laws... as they have just traded their Nissan in... It's unopened... "Bulb Fuse Kit" KE 264-89936 Will this be cool if I am driving over to France next year? (As it's the law to keep spare bulbs in the car)
  6. Cheers for that Chris... Think I will go for some better rear struts.... and some for the front too
  7. This is normally solved by the "penny trick" it only cost 2 pence Glad to see that you got your tyres & tracking sorted HA HA ... yeah, thing is, the bloomin sponge stuff doesn't work I will have a search for the penny trick. Presume I need to us penny's instead of the foam? The tracking has made a HUGE difference! Starting to get a little more confident... just in time to put her in the garage for winter Thing about that is ... we don't do Crimbo pressys! Going to take her away for a few days before Crimbo though... that should do the trick!
  8. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better... Tam gives me THIS... She found it on eBay... £15 delivered!!!! Fits perfectly and is in perfect nick! Do I have the perfect wife?
  9. I think you gave me a bit of luck with your blessing to find a good one! Yours is too clean to swap for! Half the fun of getting a new car is spending 10 hours cleaning it when you get it. This weekend best be decent weather or I'm going to Argos to by a massive gazebo! Tell you what, I will let you clean her FIRST... THEN we can swap Did you say she was a yellow one? (GET SOME PICS UP!!!)
  10. Nice one Ricey!!!! See, you are GLAD I bought mine from under your nose now! Unless you want to swap?
  11. found it http://www.wrc.com/video/browse-all/fra ... =1785&pg=1
  12. Yeah... but he is no good on a REAL rally track... AND... we went off AGAIN this weekend in France during practice... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buuDgLRWCps Then AGAIN during the actual rally (Can't find the youtube of it though)
  13. To be fair, you are in a better position than most to do a review.... Go on, enter.... Would be hilarious!
  14. Try the LOUD pedal on the right... Should wake you up
  15. Sweeeet! Going to try to source the whole lot this weekend by popping to my local Jap Scrappies... If I get no joy, I will drop you a line... thanks again bud!
  16. Im sure there will be a "no track" clause in there somewhere... Just have to get sideways on the roads
  17. yeah... could take a step down for 7 days.... Entered
  18. Thanks Dyla! Any idea how much it would be to post... (plus a beer for yourself)
  19. Trying to work out if I should get rid on my pop charger and go back ot standard. A < MY06 would be cheap to pick up... then stick the stack in it!.... IF that would work...
  20. Wouldn't be worth getting the MY06 kit then? Im not 100% if I CAN clean it..... looks like it might be wool, rather than a decent "cleanable" one...
  21. My problem is.... I bought my motor with the CAI on it... so I have NO bits for the intake at all.... I would need the LOT... Might make a couple of calls to a scrapie...
  22. Ever get any info on this Ruddles?
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