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The G Man

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Posts posted by The G Man

  1. Welcome to glorified touring cars :thumbdown:


    Will wait and see how long it takes Audi to win this one, they will surely enter this now as they have a wealth of knowledge of small turbo engines ;)


    Hmmmm!, small? They do some rather tasty V10's and 12's, not my taste mind but their diesels go as fast as a F1 for a lot longer, too quiet though. Don't forget Peugot, brilliant to see the crowd react when they win.


    They have got a good record in the Le Mans series, real racing, real overtaking and proper driving with no politics and as long as you do as the French tell you, you can do whatever else you want.


    What I would like to see is a club event to Le Mans, 30/40 Zeds haring through France B) In the P1 class, Aston Martin are doing some great things. Even the P2 and P3 races are great to watch, three races all going on at the one time :yahoo: . These drivers do the equivelant of 4 F1 races EACH in a relatively short time.


    Unless you are "connected" you won't get near the pit lane in F1 but at Le Mans it's open to ALL on the day before the race and you can access the garage, mechanics and drivers.


    Great social occassion and one for REAL petrol heads.

  2. G Man, I'm a Scot that was living in Russia as an expatriate. I was repatriated to Scotland against my will though! :lol::lol:



    Really!!, who did we swap you for :lol:


    Bet it's an interesting story ;)


    Ach, the English are ok, it's the media that let you down, and I don't mean Panorama, I mean Jon Motson :lol:

  3. :lol: Mucho ranto, calm down boys/girls :console: , the english bid (yes english not british, (few posts back making reference to me being Scottish and hims being British :shrug: ) obviously didn't have thick enough envelopes :lol:


    Now it's not a real game is it?


    Mone the Qataries (sp?) That'll be hilarious :lol:


    Still, we have the Royal wedding and the olympics to look forward to, eh? :bleh:

  4. Zeebruge - Cologne - Montreaux - St Bernandino Pass - Lake Como - Stelvio, I may have made the spelling up on some of the names but it's what a GT car is made for B)


    Lake Como is stunning, we stayed in Mennagio, get the ferry from there to Verrena, have some wine, eat some lovely food, take in the stunning vista, go back to hotel and bonk the mrs :lol:


    Sorry, I mean make "love" :blush:


    George Clooney is a knob though, kept asking to join our table at dinner, fook of George!! :boxing::lol:

  5. Where it all went wrong was to send a future King, a Conservative priminister (royalist to the core) and a minor playboy!


    Fifa is run by a Republican, Russia also had a revolution and have a dictator and they sent a proper playboy, Abramovich.


    I laughed my knob off, especially at the "assembled" crowd of "fans" in London :lol:


    Oh by the way, Scotland were world champions after beating, sorry, humiliating, Ramsays boys in '67, que mucho ranto from Engurland :lol:


    Poofs game :boxing:

  6. ^^^^^ this.


    You normally get the same number back. Leave it to car dealers and it's a fricken nightmare!


    Not all dealers are a nightmare, my plate was switched from my old car to my new one and the original on my old car reinstated, all sorted out by the dealer with no fuss or drama.




    How long did it take though?


    My family all have 'private regs' and when they have changed cars they've been quoted 14 days for changing plates hence delaying the car! I normally do it for them at the DVLA office and it takes 10 mins although sometimes it can be 7 days but at least you can have your new car!


    Took my docs in a week before, all ready on 1st Sep pick up, all cool. Did it through the Glasgow office of the DVLA when I originally got the plate and yes it took 10/15 mins, but I'm lucky that I have one of their offices relatively close, some don't. Dealer was hassle free, some aren't.

  7. South and North Lanarkshire council have failed again to put any of the millions of tons of salt on any of their roads, useless, feckless and utterly abysmal. Haven't seen a gritter all day, and they aren't clearing the motorways either, never mind the MAIN routes through towns.


    Fail, fail, fail! :rant:


    If no one can get to work you cretinous arseholes, then we can't pay your wages :rant: Get round the feckin schemes, bunch of throbbers, same year on year :rant:


    Absolute disgrace :boxing:

  8. ^^^^^ this.


    You normally get the same number back. Leave it to car dealers and it's a fricken nightmare!


    Not all dealers are a nightmare, my plate was switched from my old car to my new one and the original on my old car reinstated, all sorted out by the dealer with no fuss or drama.


    Try Demon Plates, you will have to send off or scan and email your licence and/or passport (proof of id) and your V5 (proof of ownership), this is the legislative demand and not the online plate makers.

  9. Yup, looking at the thread with the Stillen mods and dyno results is interesting. Ideally I'll have something done by then but I don't think that it will be imperative to give him a good thrashing :boxing:


    Has no one had the electronic limiter removed then? Or has Nissan made this an expensive and prohibitive process?


    The links above to the Merkin site is all 350 related but still makes interesting, although complicated reading, for me anyway :headhurt:

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