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The G Man

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Posts posted by The G Man

  1. Mibees B) Done Knockers a few times in my Rex :)


    Got a "Help for Heroes" track day at RAF Valley in Wales next year and the 370 is up against the RS, both on the circuit and the main runway, fastest speed on the main runway to be ajudicated by the RAF Police with their radar guns B).


    There may be a thread going up for this, depends on the take up and, no I can't get you invites to Wills and Kate's wedding :p .


    I don't think it'll be a problem on either the circuit or the "drag race" to beat it as I know the RS drivers capability and mine B) but I don't know at the mo whether we'll run out of runway before I hit 155 and can safely brake, or he can hit his reputed 163, doubt any of us will get very close.


    What I do know is, he's doin' my fechin head in with his shopping trolley stats :lol:

  2. Ok we know that the 370 is electronically limited to 155mph, apparantly, not having tested this capability. But does anyone know of the true top speed and if so, can you back it up with any solid, attributable evidence?


    Having a bit of a top trumps discussion with a Focus RS300 owner, which has an apparant top speed is 163, and is not limited, that's it!

  3. So in return for having a damaged car, having it sent away for repair twice and having a decent area of the paintwork not fully match the rest (there are still differences in one side to the other noticeable now), I have received precisely ZERO from Jaguar or Hatfields in compensation, not even an offer of a cut price service, never mind any actual compensation.


    My 370 goes in on Monday for the bonnet to be re-sprayed, due to a manufacturing fault( a few spots of dust that was sprayed over at the factory) and a mark on the roof due IMO, to an over zealous valeter on prep before I picked the car up.


    I'm still struggling as to whether I let the dealer loose on the paintwork, do they have the facility and knowhow to repair this "self healing" paint?, will the paint match be perfect? (I'm expecting it to be), if it's not, how much hassle will I go through to get it right? etc etc etc.


    These niggles are borne of the fact that I identified these problems within the first two weeks of ownership (amazing what you can discover by detailing your car), along with a busted B Pillar trim external. The dealership in question took the relevant photos and apparantly sent them of to Nissan for Warranty approval, they also ordered the B Pillar part.


    I heard nothing, nada, zilch from them until one day they called out the blue with "Does your pillar trim have a light?", no says I it's an external part, "Oh, we've ordered the wrong part", "Have you approval from Nissan re the paintwork issue?" I asked, "What paintwork issue?"!!!WTF!!


    So as you can see I'm not overly confident on this with this dealership! It's actually putting me off the car!


    What, sometimes, should be a simple piece of customer PR, "yes sir, no problem sir, we'll fix that", turns into a major drama and can destroy your faith in a mark. I've had it with Mazda, Seat and BMW as well, with varying degrees of contempt, but I would say, for every unhappy customer, there'll be thousands of satisfied ones.


    I also agree that on other car forums, there is varying degrees of "moderation" and on others, like this one, it's fairly open. Sometimes owners of "new" cars join these forums because they have a problem, and invariably a whole lot of threads are started, that to an "outsider", would make it seem that, the particular mark is riddled with trouble.


    Anyway, my tuppence worth and the Jury is still out at the moment on the Nissan dealership that I've bought from.

  4. I'm defo up for one of those when I get my 70 B)


    Get a sound clip up soooooon




    :thumbdown: Noooooooooooooooo! I'm getting one first, there can only be one in Scotland :#1:


    Hoping at least 4 numbers and the 2 stars come up tonight first :bangin:

  5. As we're mostly Jockanese up here, and like Jay I've a birthday/works night oot, Crimbo Ball down in Nottingham and work on a couple weekends, what about an early January/Ne'erday doo/lunch/**** up/punch up or other, perhaps @ 8th Jan?


    :yahoo: I'm magic at ideas :clap:

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