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The G Man

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Posts posted by The G Man

  1. Yes, I wouldn't think that this was the point, just don't agree that it's "attractive" not a fan though of CF as I said but it may look better than the photo's depict.


    White fangs? Confused now, not hard as I am old and wine addled :drunk:

  2. Can't agree with that^^, not a fan of CF, where's the weight saving there? Does that fit over the top of what's there already? If so, weight adding :shrug:


    Am I missing the point? Each to their own though :)

  3. "So you really aren't qualified to comment on the noise. Well, neither am I as I've never driven a 370!"


    So, well dug. Not being one to moan, but your own comment suggests that you really can't comment on whether the OP in this thread is whingeing or not.


    I too came from a relatively fastish car, a RX8, and my good lady has a Leon FR, now the 8 really did lack "low down" grunt (Stelvio Pass convinced me to get more "muscle"), the FR has loads of "low down" "grunt", and the 8, well the set up I had could probably out corner the 370, but couldn't put the power down on exit, whereas the 370 can and it's probably down to my "lacking" in knowing the 370 that makes me say that, for the moment.


    The noise issue isn't there! Trust me, as I HAVE driven a 370, on various long motorway jaunts of 250+miles or so, not too dissimilar to anything I have driven, not high end saloon quiet, granted, but would you want that?, I for one don't, not in a sports car.


    If you compare the "competition" and, I have, the TT and Z4 are just as noisy. The engine "growl" is, I admit, a tad disappointing, but nothing that an exhaust/intake mod won't sort for a better sound.


    Good car, good price and well spec'd. Not biased, just honest ;)

  4. Updated Route


    This is the route for Sunday, just a wee difference from the one ^^^up there :teeth: Biggest difference is that it's slightly in reverse, hopefully this doesn't cause too much concern :)


    Lunch stop will be The House Of Bruar ;) and, hopefully the gates to here will be open for a photo shoot/happy snaps, if the gates are closed, then just in front of them is quite photogenic as well :D, although I know how to get in by the erm, backdoor :lol:


    Got one of my friends in his RX-8 tipping up as well, I've said that we'll wait for him to catch up at various points on the route :p


    Apparantly the public loos at Kenmore are worth a look :scare: , so I'm told ;)


    Look forward to seeing you all, Mange Tout, Rodney, Mange Tout :thumbs:

  5. Always, always ignore the other half :thumbs: Never ever let them influence your decision to to park next to a nice car, after all we know that 350/370/gtr owners are going to be considerate when returning to their parked car, especially in supermarkets B)


    Ewan, stick up for youself man!


    Ok got to go, my other half wants me to empty the washing machine :scare:

  6. If I can put my tuppence worth in here, coming from a RX8 to the 370, I know what "mixing" the gearbox is all about to get in a "good overtaking" position, but the 370 is in a different class, effortlessly accelerates in 2nd, 3rd and well 4th just blows most of the motorway opposition away.


    The car is noisy in a "raw" type fashion, the 8 was super smooth on the "loud" peddle, but I put this down to a mixture of 6 cylinders and a huge amount of rubber on the tarmac for the 370 and being able to continue to 9.5k RPM before up change on the 8.


    I've had nothing but admiring looks and comments from workmates and friends alike, a friend who was over at the ring recently told me of Nissan having a promo day, the GTR's were getting a lot of "child" like attention from the wannabe's, but he said, the real star of the show was the 370, so the reviewer is talking out his ar5e here.


    The suspension on stock, IMO, is not impressive, could/should be a lot lower and I don't find it stiff at all, more aimed at Merkins, a bit wallowy, but then again I have been used to a lowered set up on what was essentialy a go-kart, a very good go-kart though. My first serious mod will be to address this issue.


    As for comparing what is around for the same price, believe me, I looked at all the opposition, couldn't afford the options list on the Audi or the Cayman, before you know where you are, both these are closer to 40k for the same spec. For the thrill factor, I believe that you would have to move onto M3 territory, a new M3 that is and if I had the dosh for one of them then I would have plumped for a GTR.


    The 370, IMHO, is miles in front of the opposition and with a few carefully applied mods, would take it into another dimension.

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