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The G Man

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Posts posted by The G Man

  1. Put my first mod on her, erm....................dustcaps :blush::lol: I used to do the "see no evil" bit with the Rex, Mrs just gave up in the end B) Well when 4 boxes of Racing Brake kit and a mahoosive Borla amongst an avalanch of other things come through the post and I always tried to gauge delivery to happen when she wasn't in :teeth:


    Then it was the game of "when will she notice" :boxing:


    Cheers for the spot Stephen, was working yesterday and today for that matter :thumbdown: , still got about 150 miles or so to fully run in, although the right foot has been giving her a little stretch more recently B) Power is amazing and very intoxicating :D

  2. Couldn't agree more with Wasso, I travel extensively throughout Europe in the summer, last year 3.5k miles and 4k miles this year, it's an absolute joy for the most part although try and get into Monte Carlo at rush hour :thumbdown: .


    Anyway, if the road at the top of the Stelvio can be kept, for the most part, serviceable and they suffer far harsher extremes EVERY YEAR, you'd think that some sea level roads in the UK could be kept in reasonable nick when compared.


    Even right through the Pyrannese all the mountain roads were superb. We suffer from lack of investment in the UK and unfortunately, we won WW2 and with the help of the Yanks, destroyed most of Europes infrastructure, and with that, the sneaky French and Germans have had the UK pay for their road/rail infrastructure ever since :rant:

  3. Thanks for the heads up, had a bit of a nightmare with the "drive away insurance" that was going to make my plate transfer "easier" when getting my new 370. Anyway the company is Aviva, quite a large outfit, went through all the details, TWICE, both times being told "We don't insure that car"!?!, and this was the dealer's "agent".


    The call centre was in India, they wouldn't put me on to a superior/supervisor and then just hung up!! Doesn't auger well if you had a claim!! Anyway, not wanting to come across racist/bigot in anyway, I refuse to do ANY business or have any utilities that don't have a UK call centre.


    I don't blame the Indian/Asian individual, as it's a despicable thing for a UK company to do just to increase profits, but sometimes it's hard enough to get someone who is British to understand my thick Scottish accent, (maybe I'm being thick :shrug: ), anyway this is turning into a rant :bangin:


    Suffice to say Aviva is of my list of companies that I'll deal with.


    Ditto Scottish Power :rant:

  4. 90 :blush: As I said, had a bad ankle twist the day before I picked her up, was on :crutches:. All this bloody great weather and I, so far, can't drive very far :thumbdown:


    Gonna try harder today :teeth: Loving it so far, it's a great cab area to be in and the premium connect is superb :thumbs: Even found out that my house is 313ft above sea level, makes me feel a whole lot better knowing that the rise in sea levels won't affect me, so I can carry on destroying the planet :evil:


    Not even had a proper play with the Rev Match yet!! And only 1110miles to go on her running in. Must say though, it's a completely different drive to my old Rex, wich I miss dearly :blush: , and too quiet :lol:, that needs sorting soon (although Mrs G has banned me from the sweetie shop :shrug: )

  5. You will have to go to a regional DVLA office, their website should list them. I know how you feel, it's all really unclear and shrouded in several different forms. I think that checks being on the way out, everyone is making it harder to pay by this method.


    The Post Office's that issue tax discs may be able to help, although my local one was useless when I wanted a form from them, ended up downloading and printing myself.

  6. :welcome: From a fellow Mud Hutted Heathen :teeth: Only been on here a few days myself and I ain't got one......................................yet, arrives on the 1st so I'll add my name to the Jockanese Bandit List when I've got her B)


    I'm in Lanarkshire so after the 1st look out for a 370 GT in Ebisu Black, it'll have 06 instead of 60 on the reg, part of my wee cherished plate :cloud9:



    Its not to that blow-up doll we got for him at Le Mans is it.....


    Nope :lol: To a girl he calls "Furball" :yuck: She's not :yuck: , quite a nice girl actually but it was a big :yuck::yuck::yuck: having them lock tonsils every 30 seconds at Le Mans last year :lol:


    They've got a place in Cambridgeshire and (I could be making this up) she's up the duff :scare: , so little drucklets might be on the way :lol: Drop him a PM mate B)


    Thanks Ruddles B) Only 6 days 19 hours and 22 mins to go :yahoo::bounce::yahoo::bounce::yahoo:

  8. I'm off on the 16th mate, and don't start work till after 4pm on 17th/18th, so if you can get some free time Al, come over to the house B)


    Funny you should mention Druck, he hasn't posted on any of my threads since selling up :lol: I'm sure if I do another Bunkum meet he'll forgive me, did you know he's getting married, he's looking for a big convoy of 8's for his wedding courtege, I'm gonna stick the 370 in all his photos :lol:


    7 days 2 hours and 24 mins to go :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

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