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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Really dreading my first zed winter! A few years back had an encounter with a dry stone wall after hitting black ice, so not a fan of the slippy stuff! Liking the sound of winter tyres...either that or I'm buying a bicycle!
  2. Poor you and poor zed... but as everyone has said, your okay! Hope not as bad as it appears...
  3. A zed calendar! Looking forward to buying my very first one...I do so love this forum!
  4. A grey one you mean. Hahaaa! So did I...but somehow seem to have bought four 'grey' cars since...! Welcome by the way! Black 370...lucky you!
  5. Tragic news...so young...so very very sad. My heart goes out to all their family & friends at this awful, awful time...
  6. Had my zed 3 months and feel just the same...love him to bits, but yes, dreaming of one day owning a gorgeous 370!!!
  7. Oh heck...thought I was doing really well having ditched the Fairy Liquid and sponge since buying my zed...even bought him TWO buckets...!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I look at your sparkling beauty and read about your four hour marathon...PHEW!!!!!!!!! METHINKS I NEED LESSONS...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Happy belated anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. +1 + another one!!!!!! My last few visits to the petrol station were sooooooooooooo frightening I decided to drive my zed a little bit more sedately...didn't last long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't like having tt's beat him at traffic lights and I missed him ggggggggggggrowling!!!
  10. I would LOVE a shed if I could afford one!!! Really dreading my first winter with a rear wheel drive...wrote a front wheel drive off in black ice so not looking forward to driving an expensive sledge AT ALL...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND would love to be able to leave my zed all safe and sound in the drive instead of having to take him into those horrible hell holes...SUPERMARKET CAR PARKS!!!!!!!!!!!! AND as for garden rubbish...definitely need a garden SHED!!!!!!!!! My high maintenance zed just doesn't do tips!!!!!!!!!!!! Times like these I do miss my old rust bucket...to me a zed AND a shed is the ideal if you can afford!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. BLACK!!!!!!!!!!! Got to be!!! They look awesome...!!!!!! !
  12. Hahaaaaaa!!!!!! Crikey what a lucky zed...can he/she be MORE shiny???!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Try reading it on a Wednesday night...even easier to understand!!!!!!!!!! (Think I must have special needs!!!!!!)
  14. I didn't notice the spoiler...too busy gawping at the shine on the car!!!!!!!!!! Are you busy this weekend???!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Thanks Steve...got it!!! Ha I'm sure I will Vik...!!!
  16. Will try to rectify but will also send e-mail address!!!
  17. Oooooooooo good good good!!! Thank you Steve...will send you contact details.
  18. 'Hi Fellas' - are women allowed??????!!!!!! Hope so!!!
  19. You do have a valid point there Mr Bowey...so anyone sprawling over YOUR bonnet will have to be MALE then won't they???!!!
  20. Awwwwwwww I want a fancy signature like that now!!!! can I have Mr Beckham sprawled over MY bonnet...???!!!
  21. Ooooooo Mr R.T Biscuit think you need dunking in hot hot hot tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt I am rather good with a pair of boxing gloves and not that far away at all... Thank you Husky...!!!
  22. I had a test drive in one...awesome oh yes!!!!!! Humber Bridge meet sounds fab...VERY VERY nice homemade ice cream round the corner too...!!! (ermmmmm well 24 miles north of Hull actually!!!!!!)
  23. i dont wanna get in an argument about it but, you're wrong!
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