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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Noooooooooooooooo they're not...mine have all been boys!!!!!!
  2. SNAP!!!!!!!!!!! My zed is feeling VERY sorry for himself as not only has he to put up with being driven into kerbs, he also gets bashed in supermarket car parks...!!!!!!!!
  3. Fabulous photos!!! I want to do a road trip too...!!!
  4. ...or someone into buying her Matt!!! Always loved the 350 and am soooooooooo chuffed I now have one of my very own and he is GORGEOUS!!!!!! Still have to pinch myself every time I get in him...can't quite believe I have such a fabulous looking car!!! However, if I could afford I wouldn't say no to a 370!!!!!! When parked together it is the sexy 370 that I can't take my eyes off!!! Both stunning to look at, both different... VERY lucky to own either!!!!!!
  5. ...may be a bit chilly in a roadster though....you may need a hat!!!!!!
  6. SAD SAD SAD!!! I'd buy her if I could afford her...she really is a beauty!!! ...a little roadster will suit you though!!!
  7. Ermmmmmm think so last time I looked...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. After months of searching and test driving I finally bought a Zed!!!!!!!!!!!! I am now the proud owner of Zeduardo...and very growly he is too!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooo pleased I didn't buy the Z4...not sure they have such fun days out and a superb forum like this one!!!! However, can't say I enjoyed the Zed buying experience...walked out of nearly all the Nissan dealerships in the north of England...!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully one dealer enticed me away from the clutches of Audi & BM with their rather handsome black Zed... now just need to learn how to manoeuvre him in tight spots...!!!!!!!!
  9. Sounds good to me!!! Zeduardo soon to make an appearance...!!!
  10. I GOT ONE...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fee.
  11. Thank you ALL for your VERY warm welcome...and yes I think Chris is right...soon to be 16 in the Sprinkle Club!!!!!!!!! I have been on quite a few test drives recently but only one had me grinning from ear to ear...oh and how could I resist being part of your forum!!!!!!!!!! Andlid - been drooling over your images... Nixy - no not that far away at all! Now to decide on the colour...!!!!!!!!!! (I have a feeling I may be back rather soon...HOOKED!!!!!!!!!)
  12. Hello Nixy!!!! Ooo ooo yes please!!! I LOVE this forum...who needs facebook...defo want one now!!! I would love to annoy someone with zed questions as I am soooooo confused (really want a 370 but think I need to find a gorgeous millionaire for that to happen or sell the house...!!!) Huddersfield...near enough???!!! BTW do like Nixy's Zemo!!!
  13. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! How could I possibly not get one now????!!!!!!!!!
  14. ...sorry meant sprinkles...I think!!! I AM NEW!!!!!!! Hehehehe!!!!
  15. Thank you all...will read properly after the footie...your forum is more addictive than facebook!!! :0) Wales???????? Oh and to add to my confusion a friend has a fandabydozy 370z...will I be disappointed with a 350...sell my house ang live in my 370 or keep the house and get a 350??? Do hope you can all be as helpful with my other quandry as you have my first!!!! :0) 15 fellow sprinklers...is that all???!!! :0)
  16. ooo ooo Jenni a female zed owner...!!!! Are there many other female zed lovers???!!! I was beginning to feel strange...!!!!!
  17. ...they are telling me it is not a FEMALE car...but I love 'em...wanting female 350z owners to convince me to buy a Zed...are we few and far between - females who prefer zeds to tt's????!!!! AND can I afford the insurannce???!!!
  18. Female desperately wanting a 350...friends convincing her she is mad and should buy a TT/SLK/Z4...please convince me I am not mad...they are!!! Thank you. Fee.
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