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Everything posted by mattbowey

  1. linky to the sale please
  2. PM R35LEE, i think he has a set in stock in orange and black
  3. +1 patience and steer clear of a knife near your paintwork gets my vote all day long. i bought one to stick on my last zed like. liked the look of it
  4. stuck the image here to make it easier for you hard to tell from that angle, someone might know though, the owner might even be a member.
  5. this unit looks cracking! i am looking forward to seeing it when you are up this way at the weekend.
  6. that can easily be arranged. plenty space at casa del bowey for a mini meet, bbq and lots of
  7. thanks for clearing that one up for me good to meet you at the weekend. may be in touch aobut a few bits in the near future
  8. i will be able to get down on the firday morning to help if you like Martin. just let me know if there is anything you need doing
  9. octet, that titanium exhaust sounded lovely sat behind him on the way back to moreton on saturday afternoon shame i had to leave saturday. looks like i missed a good day on the sunday.
  10. there is a small metal piece within the standard knob which will remain when the knob is removed. check that's not still sat there. you'll have to take the new knob off to check. if it doesn't fit tight in the new knob it may be causing the issue.
  11. you want to powder coat the gaskets??? Does that make a difference? why would you need to powder coat the gaskets, you won't be able to see them. did you mean the covers?
  12. Hey Sherrie, to the mad house. Hope you are a Toon fan. I'll be hammered in newcastle on sunday for the match!
  13. is that hk$? cos you know that isnt a great wage if it is? yeah, £7500 a year if its USD or GBP and you the wrong sign then that is sweet. I get your point about happiness but believe me, 5 years there you would be happy. I might be able to get you on a football team too if you play.
  14. what's the difference? i thought they just filled the gap? is it to do with how it fixes into place?
  15. i spent 4 months there when my older bro was living there and i loved it. my bro and his wife loved living there too. if i were you i would go for it. you could even buy a zed there and you would literally only use it for fun as you don't really need a car there. if you do have a car make sure you look for "route twisk" Route Twisk <-clicky
  16. you want to powder coat the gaskets???
  17. i will take my laptop with and try and get prices pm'd out either tonight or tomorrow. i wonder what commission i will get for helping Lee with all this...
  18. any more requests, heading to Lee's in about an hour with my list.
  19. sounds very sweet. especially the launch at the end.
  20. anything else anyone wants Lee to fetch down to Wales? I will see him tomorrow and will make sure anything in this thread is ready to go in his boot.
  21. i guess i stand corrected. thought they would be lighter.
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