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Everything posted by mattbowey

  1. I wonder if Carla will notice that our Zed is driving approximately 40mm wider on the way home she's on the forum now aint she... so she can read this Brilliant!! If she doesnt spot this then your question remains valid Ricey, if she does you will have to sweet talk her into the decision.
  2. I stand by my record - 10 accidents and no fatalities! LMAO, classic!
  3. Can my name be added to the list please I will have a new zed by then I will be camping
  4. some of the cars one that companies site are horrific! an example? if you insist... i rest my case
  5. i was quoted 130 and 165 from 2 diff places for all but windscreen. the legal level of tint allowed has to allow 75% light through, so if you get this all round you may as well just burn your money as you wont really notice it, you would be much better off, imo, getting the door glass tinted darker, and putting your windows down whenever you see a police car. or just hope they arent bothered (which is unlikely)
  6. 82,000 Y That's £630 plus about £150 taxes. http://www.zeleperformance.com/media/02 ... nt-Mid.jpg thats not as much as i thought it would be. now all i need is a 370... What about shipping? And then spraying and fitting. I'd be suprised if you had change out of £1500 to get it on your car...... probably more than buying the above car though
  7. 82,000 Y That's £630 plus about £150 taxes. http://www.zeleperformance.com/media/02 ... nt-Mid.jpg thats not as much as i thought it would be. now all i need is a 370...
  8. not tempted by the car but that front bumper is nice. do these people have an online web site store shop kinda thingy?
  9. welcome to the forum hope you manage to get it sorted and back to the way it should be
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220755998844 anyone know this car? is this for real?
  11. that actually brought a tear to my eye, i'm sorry but as one of the commentators on there said he couldve flown in a mechanic who knows the car better. ii i was there i wouldve had the wheels and the brakes off of it for sure. i probably wouldve taken the whole thing and how gay was that sledgehammering. they were putting no effort in at all
  12. wanting to change the colour. fail
  13. where abouts is that chip in it? looks like something big took a bite. did you not have insurance on the delivery cos i would not have been happy if it turned up like that
  14. where abouts is that chip in it? looks like something big took a bite. did you not have insurance on the delivery cos i would not have been happy if it turned up like that
  15. Welcome to the forum. Sunset is the best colour, husky is just pi**ed cos they didn't paint his
  16. Cheers man, I will try that now.
  17. mattbowey

    tonneau cover

    looking for a genuine nissan tonneau cover for my new zed that i will be getting very soon thanks
  18. funny you ask, as part of my college course i am working for a web designer mate who has asked me to tidy up a section of a website he built. taxitransfer.com. the admin section was very basic. if i do a good enough job it will actually go live on the website. hmmm, i wonder what he would think if he saw these design skills
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