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Everything posted by Roo

  1. Gave a wave. A61/tesco roundabout. Anyone on here?
  2. He's a great journalist (I.e. he sells the story) but there are a lot of contradictions!... another http://www.topgear.com/content/timetobu ... stcars/03/
  3. North wales police are notorious. Know a fair few who have not the nicest things to say about em. But my mate is a copper and he says he does the **** test. If they are a clever **** he throws the book at them. If they are polite and agreable then he is more lenient. Been pulled twice and both times copper has been sound withme once he realised I wasn't going to argue. So no complaints ....yet!
  4. First dry day in a while so I booooooted it today down from matlock. Bloody brilliant, don't think the better half appreciated it after a big pub lunch. But damn it its so much fun!
  5. Implementation Consultant. Not quite sure how I ended up there! Company I work for will be sponsoring a rather high profile football team next year.... So here's hoping I can blag some tickets to the box!
  6. Eeek sounds bloody terrifying. At least your ok albeit a bit shaken! Sometimes just a little bit of damp, enough to lift road film can be as slippy as ice. But still to make you spin, must have been something snap or fail. Hopefuly its not too bad in the light of day.
  7. Damn it thats a very good price for a brand new one....
  8. I very seriously considerd the s2000. But its just not the same, I love the curvy yet solid look of the zed and although the 2000 is a lovely car it just wasn't my style. The thing that clinched it was when I found out one both the ops managers wanted one... but couldn't persuade the other halves. I have not met one person who hasn't liked it. Even my parents approved!
  9. Roo

    amazing zorst mod

    I'm loving the saxo but what appear to be shuttle booster rockets is impressive. Judging from the size of the rear wing I can only assume its genuine.... honest
  10. Roo

    amazing zorst mod

    that would give you red tip! Worst exhaust tips Ive ever seen were MASSIVE pink heart shaped ones. On a grey chrysler.... Personally I think "extra" lighting if done needs to be little and careful. You see plenty of blue washer jets on batterd escorts in dodgy estates, doesnt exactly scream class.
  11. Roo

    amazing zorst mod

    Its a well known fact that led's improve your vehicles performance. Seen plenty of red ones - its just a bolt on tip. They look naff during the day, would be quite interesting to have them wired in to the brake lights tho ( red that is ).
  12. +1 on silica gel packs. Been using them whilst its snow bound to keep it free of damp. If you think you have a leak try vaseline on the rubber seal that runs round doors / boot. Old trick for sunroof leaks - might do the trick tempraryly.
  13. I have taken to using a couple of extra straps to hold the cover in high winds. Not that it would fly away, just lifts a bit if wind gets under. But it isn't a fully tailored one. Dug it out from under all the snow (2ft long block of ice in the dip between spoiler and hatch!). Dry a a bone underneath. And iths one of the breathable types.
  14. Will have a go with shoe polish- I've got some black sued reviver that I might try as its more of a die as well. Clean with meguired gold class normally. I assume its as good as above?
  15. OK chaps here is a pick of the scuff. Ideas? Thanks in advance R
  16. Dont skimp on the wax to protect then chap and there is a member discount on paintshield if you can stretch to it which may help.
  17. SLX isnt a bad piece of kit. If you can stretch to is Genesis do a good line in fan cooled amps. Being fan cooled they can be stuck in positions other amps normally cook in such as under seats. Ive got one kicking around somewhere....
  18. Love this place --- same problem on mine though think itwas cuased by a lass dropping some sort of girly thing which slid under the seat. Did the reset. Warning light went off and stayed off. Go team!!!
  19. Car has to be clean - dirt could get stuck on the inside otherwise and the action of the cover shifting slightly in the wind will make it rub slowly and could scratch the paintwork. Personally I would only bother if you intend to lay your car up through bad weather as otherwise you have to wait till a dry day to wash it before you can cover it again. They do work - but may not be worth the hassle.
  20. +1 Rainbow are top notch. Have a couple of cmx265's (kick variant) from my old car Im trying to decide if to try and fit them, and if they will fit (and if I can be bothered!).
  21. Having covered my previous car religiously I think it does make a difference. And is especially good for when you have to leave early for a show and washed and waxed night before. The bad bit is you cant really put any of them on a wet or dirty car, which means washing and drying it everytime you want to cover it - not good for daily use! I got a generic breatheable all seasons cover. I didnt think the tailored ones would fit because of the Nismo Spoiler sticking up so just got one with a soft lining that would keep the worst of the weather out. If yours is stock may be worth looking at fitted covers but I dont know how good they actually are.
  22. Makes you look like a bit of a rag an bone man - but this is supposed to work and should save some time digging... Stick some bits of old carpet in the boot. If you get stuck jam it in front of the tyres. As they turn they will pull carpet under - carpet should grip due to larger surface area and alow you to pull the car out of the little dip it has dug itself. Keep crawling (remember to change up to second as soon as you can to avoid spin) going till your on a flat bit - then go back and get carpet on foot. Im going out to carpet our road now......
  23. Just dont use tiscali - geting in touch with them is hard enough. And they are not much use when you do. Had a massive rant at them when switching packages they shut down my e-mail account, despite telling me they wouldnt. And as they didnt keep any backups I lost loads of important emails and contact details. Sufice to say I am no longer with them...
  24. But arnt they like 12 ft tall or something... The bedroom gymnastics would have to be legendary.....
  25. On mine aircon comes on automatically on demist, its common on many cars at least the zed tells you! Aircon condenses water out of air before it goes thru heater matrix I believe. That way its dry warm air so clears screen quicker Other thing you can get if it is persistent is get a small dehumidifier bag. I stick one in the zed when leaving it for a while to stop moisture build up.
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