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Everything posted by captain

  1. Thanks. Exhaust for sale for £200 if anybody's interested. And yes, I will polish the tips prior to sending!! PS - Turn it up to 11 before pressing play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQsODMuhWOc
  2. Can someone point me in the direction of a thread with info to do this? I've searched but I can't find anything.
  3. John Lewis - £31 a roll - cheap stuff. http://www.johnlewis.com/230508603/Product.aspx
  4. No legislation re: noise levels other than that which also applies to late-night parties etc. In other words, if you disturb someone and they complain, police can come round and have "a quiet word"
  5. Nice. Details/spec/price would be good info.
  6. You're not kidding! think I'll just give up on the subject, and try and get the info elsewhere. In all seriousness mate, too many variables... not many people have owned both, some have heavy right feet, some dont... Some see more motorway than country lanes, some dont leave towns! And the difference as noted will be very little, lots of people take very little notice... 3FIDDYZ is spot on. Even in a "scientific" test you would have to have the following criteria. 1. 2 cars. One JDM, one UK. 2. Both would have to be 100% stock, built in the same year, running the same fuel from the same garage. Need same tyres and the drivers would need to be same weight. 3. Both cars would need to be at EXACTLY the same speed on the same roads at the same time. 4. Both drivers would need to have identical driving styles. I'm sure a "result" of any kind would demonstrate a minute difference in MPG. For what it's worth, I run a 2003 JDM tiptronic on stock tyres with a JDM pop-charger and K1 exhaust and get 7.7 km/l. (21.2 mpg) But then I do short trips and drive like
  7. WTF is Stag doo?? Is it Stag Poo or is it Stag Doo-er
  8. Ha ha ha! I bloody chose it!! GF used to be interior designer but I called this one. Cost more than my Japspeed K1. The facing wall is complety covered in it. Chair is a copy Charles Eames. They are ridiculous for originals (£10k??) and the real licenced copies are usually £1000 plus but this a Chinese copy of a copy. £260 on e-bay.
  9. Am I a bit sad but I think this is one of my favourite threads?! Because I work from home and all my systems are web-based there is an alternative to the study.
  10. If you have a JDM FairladyZ then the only speed limit you have is the 180km/h one. If you fit this then you will have no top speed limit and you can go as fast as you car can carry you around the certain German town. Can anyone confirm this please. And by confirm I mean you've had the HKS Speed Limit Defencer fitted to a 2003 JDM Auto and you can go over 155 MPH on the track.
  11. I described it as "pretty harmless" and have enormous admiratation for the police. See a recent post of mine supporting this view. I am a middle-aged, middle-class "professional" managing a successful business and am entitled to a considered, measured view on any subject. Comments about forums "going down-hill" are ill thought out as forums are her to share knowledge, idea wit and wisdom. The only thing that will degrade the forum is if members stop posting as their views are in the minority.
  12. Yeah, maybe you're right. Hard to tell really if the dark car is a "blocker" or Joe Public. Still think it's kids having some (pretty) harmless fun though. Not saying I'd want to go for a pint with them or similar, but they're ok. PS - Eyes tested this week. Spot on the oppo said.
  13. TBH not much wrong with the vid IMO. Seemed to have reasonable control skills and was having fun on what looked like an industrial estate. They took the precaution of blocking off the only entry road with the dark car on the right. Would never condone this on a busy/suburban road but this was neither. I think some of us get very precious about this sort of stuff but it appears pretty harmless to an old codger like me. Did worse things on my Chopper in the '70s to be honest.
  14. Just re-read your post. I'm looking for something to remove ALL limits, not the 180 km/h one I have. i.e. so the car can exceed 155 mph, for a visit to a certain German town...............
  15. Good work Husky. If you have a spare flash or other light source you ought to do some light painting. Not the squiggly stuff from the TalkTalk advert but proper light painting to "fill" some of the shadows during the 30 second exposure. Works brilliantly on long shots.
  16. Do we get banned if we tell the truth?? Come to Zummerzed on any weekend and you'll hear me on the Mendips pinging off the rev-limiter from about a mile away I guess. (K1) Mind you, the roads there are exceptional. Low hedges, white-lined each side, no potholes, very few people (mostly sheep) and obvious T-junctions/brows. Can you see the "traffic" in the distance?
  17. True - my complaint above was more about "the system" that you work under, rather than individuals. Trust me i'm as small fan of the system as you are! Cool. Can you go and knock on the door of the ba***rd who tried to mow me down then!!
  18. True - my complaint above was more about "the system" that you work under, rather than individuals.
  19. I was "hit and run" in my own street a few years ago - head went through passenger window of my own 323i and a few scrapes and bruises. Tried to run after them but my legs were a bit wobbly so couldn't catch them. The car that did it was a small red 2 door (it was dark) Now I live in a cul-de-sac and the car came from the blocked end so I'm guessing it was a resident. In the morning I drove down the bottom of the road and found a red Fiesta with a scrape on its o/s front bumper. I parked the Beemer next to the Fiesta and opened the passenger door (the one they hit - along with me) and the scrape on the bumper EXACTLY matched a scrape on the door. I went to the police station and told them about this and gave them the reg of the Fiesta. I wanted them to go round the owners house and ask if they knew anything. Guess what they said..................... "Sorry sir, nothing we can do. There is no evidence the Fiesta was involved and it would infringe their Human Rights"
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