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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Haha, only if they are doll house sized! I'm hoping to get a lot of custom the bits for the Celica machined up on it I'll likely end up doing lots of random stuff for mates too no doubt, as soon as I mention steel people have a new found interest I'm currently designing a custom cup holder, I don't know why, I figure I want some kind of awesome fold out custom design
  2. They likely drop the offer amount for a reason. By that time you've likely listed it on Autotrader and if you still have it, you have had no interest. They aren't going to offer you the original price, reason 1, you are going to be more desperate now and less confident in it's value; reason 2, by offering lower they force you to consider that the longer you wait the lower they will offer, prompting you to take it sooner rather than later. They bump the price up again later because if by that time you still haven't got rid of it, you're likely only going to accept a more realistic offer, once they have you at the inspection they can knock money off for BS reasons and there is much more likelihood you'll take it just because you are already there. What I'm saying is that it looks random but it's likely founded in some experience in the car buying industry.
  3. Umm, yeah I got another project on the go now It kind of feeds into the other ones though... So that's the excuse I'm running with at the moment. Anyhow, here she is: Denford Novamill CNC machine. a fine 1996 vintage that needs some electronics replaced to get it working on a newer software suite. Just gotta figure out what exactly I'm tossing in the bin and what I'm buying. Total expected conversion cost I reckon is £100-£150. We'll see how that goes! It'll mill anything from wood to steel, it'll mill PCB's or whatever I feel like drawing up. Bed size is just bigger than an A5 bit of paper.
  4. Could say the same thing about the whole stretched tyre, retarded camber scene
  5. wtf!!? Why did I click that? why did you click that ? .......... you knew it was going to be bad, so just why he found his new love for the DONK
  6. Working from home on a Friday before bank holiday... clearing a skiving git.
  7. Different country, different rules. This is exactly what I'm talking about, it's very easy to apply the "I wouldn't" or "they shouldn't", but for that particular country it can be the norm, the locals know better than to screw with the gang members which are likely very easily identifiable. If you watch, before the dick who started it picks on them, he picks on what looks like a local guy in a black t-shirt, watch what he does... He walks away and avoids the confrontation, knowing full well what will happen if he rises to it.
  8. The problem is that tourists from the UK in general have zero idea how to behave abroad, they just assume other countries will work by their rules. You can't have a slagging match in the street because someone was a dick to you, square up to them and shout it out, you'll get stabbed. Just accept you are on your own in a foreign country and you should just walk away before it gets worse, no point being a gobby **** or you and your family will end up in a heap on the floor.
  9. I sat there for an hour with a pin cleaning an old phone port, gently pushing the "tongue" back into place, worked for s year after that. My S5 started being a dick not long ago so I sorted it early this time, a few mins with a pin cleaning it out and it was fine again.
  10. Depends on how much you like your apps though... "There's an app for that..." oh wait there's not.
  11. Yeah they sit further forward as they made it so you don't have to modify the car to install, it's the way they do it for all their kits apparently.
  12. I was just winding you up, you noob It looks awesome, I am jealous, there I said it ok!
  13. It better be all rusty and faded
  14. You can't hide your pre photoshopped image from me!
  15. The mesh is completely different, The Zunsport is woven and welded, the other stuff is just stamped out from a sheet. Here's a picture I took of the Zunsport close up: vs Cheapo stamped stuff
  16. Ha! None at all, jealous?!
  17. Clearly Photoshop there, Coldel
  18. Dear lord The Zunsport one is way way higher quality than that stuff. You can buy cheap mesh and cut it to shape if that's your thing, that's all they've done. I think ZMANALEX used to sell the cheap stuff, no idea if he still does.
  19. Husky

    Dyson car?

    And put them in the dishwasher to clean?
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