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Everything posted by Jak

  1. that is odd, i drove both at race academy and thought the flappy paddle (ooh ooh ah ah) seemed pretty good, on the other hand though i'd always go for the manual option myself.....
  2. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    Dont get me wrong its a great looking bonnet and i have nothing against it, in fact if i had the 313 car this would definatly be the bonnet i'd order. The only thing i mean by making it look like something its not is that the bonnet bulge, in my eyes, is associated with the 07+ 313 HR engine - which i dont have beings as my car is a 2003 Jak
  3. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    Ian - Just had a looky at your car - looks VERY nice - and gives me a very good idea on how it would look - even has the nostril inlet i was talkin about! I swear hand on heart not to get black wheels if i go ahead with this!!!! wouln't want any Jak
  4. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    cheers mike thats great!! Certainly gives a good idea of what it would look like! i reckon that + spacers and a bit of lowering would look pretty swish until i could do skirts as well, what do you guys reckon to that plan? Yay/Nay? Jak
  5. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    It's not that i was lazy its just most pics on a google search come up with cars with body kits on, and other than a nismo lip my car isn't modified............. yet. The plan is for nismo skirts & spats in the same colour as the splitter and a carbon bonnet, and maybe the inlet "nostrel" This was just to help me decide what order in which to do it in.... Thanks Ian, I shall do a search! Jak
  6. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    ermmmm......no. Sorry mate, will have to try and flog it elsewhere! I dont really want the bonnet bulge though - Dont want to make the car look like somethin its not. Thanks for the suggestion though Jak
  7. Jak

    Photoshop Request

    Could somebody wel versed in photoshop have a go at photoshopping a carbon bonnet onto this photo for me please? A fairly subtle/OEM one would be great. Jak
  8. SO MUCH WANT lol! If only my Nismo one didnt require me putting holes in the front of the bumper i would seriously have considered putting mine up for sale for this one Tres GLWTS Jak
  9. Thanks Captain & 3FiddyZed - i will be sure to check those out! I think once i learn the terms and what they mean/do all will become a little clearer..........maybe lol! Captain - so i need to configure the LCD on the camera? i take it there should be something telling me how to do this in the user manual? will have to dig this out and have a read! oh and thanks smudge - might resort to something like that if the links cant give me what im after! P.S. sorry if these all sound silly questions but i really am a bit of a novice at the moment! Jak
  10. Hi, In June last year i was given (for my Birthday) a Panasonic Lumix G1 by my parents - from then till now ive only really used it as a point and shoot camera but know that it is capable of a fair bit more than that, so i want to learn a little more about how to use it properly + some nice techniqes to be able to use to get the pictures that bit better. My question is where do i start my info quest?!! Can anyone recommend some good novice friendly websites/ books whatever that would give me a good start? Thanks Jak
  11. Im not sure whos the bigger tit, the guy who tried to rob the fifty or the numbnut who put it there in the first place! - it is a shame but did he really think it would end any differently??? Jak
  12. Ah mate thats bad news - i can't believe how some people can be so small minded. Hope you get it sorted, Tbh i rather fancy a carbon bonnet, but that will have to come after some nismo skirts/ spats in the same colour as my splitter to even it all out i think, otherwise it may look a little odd with just front end mods - though am happy to be proved wrong should anyone think otherwise? Jak
  13. Oh dear, i dont know how i have managed under exposing as i thought i had it set on ia mode where it just does it all for you..... the other wierd thing is they dont look this dark on the camera screen either.... The camera im using is new to me and i am yet to understand it properly, its a Panasonic Lumix G1 - i am really pleased with it but it would seem it needs more working out than my previous point and click jobbie! Some manual reading coupled with some bumf on photographic techniques will hopefully go someway towards solving this. It is odd how they look different on my cameras screen as well as the computers screen that i uploaded the files to though - thats the only reason i was a bit stumped by it all Thank you for your help, im sure what you are saying will make even more sense to me when i have done some reading up too! Jak
  14. this is what i mean though, the actual files on my pc look like that ^^^ but for some reason once uploaded and only on some computers they look really dark - i havnt done anything to them editing wise in Photobucket, the ones that look really dark look so different to the actual files i hav - its a bit odd! Jak
  15. Nope, just good old Dodo Blue Velvet! Its wierd on some computers i've looked at this thred on mypictures have come out really dark when some of them are not really like that.... is this to do with photobucket?? Jak
  16. Looks very nice - Hydraulic lifters are a definate for the to do list me thinks, liking the carbon too! Jak
  17. Ah, not exactly condusive to cleaning huh?! Saying that it looks like the Blue Velvet i put on today is having an argument with the frost on my car at the mo, hope it looks alright come morning!! Jak
  18. Jak

    Few night pics

    Those photos are brilliant! Hopefully i'll be able to get some more like these when i learn how to use my camera properly! Jak
  19. Thanks Buddy, it's a Nismo splitter, i think its a Nismo USA/Canada one but am not 100% on that, does anyone else know? I havnt seen many others.... I agree, it's on the list of things to do once i get back from NZ in May, all funds are going towards that for now! Jak P.S. Thanks for all the comments!
  20. Gave the Z a good clean this weekend so thought id take a few pics to share my efforts with you all. Not overly pleased with how they have come out tbh but they are ok........ Enjoy! And one i found from RaceAcademy late last year! Jak
  21. Bugger, just realised i cant make it anyway as i will be somewhere in New Zealand in a campervan at that point! (what a shame huh ) Still may be of use to some of you on here! Jak
  22. just got an email through from Japfest saying that tickets are now only £11.00 prebooked untill 31st Jan - Seems pretty good to me, is there definatly a club stand here? Sorry if this was already known but i only got the email about 10mins ago! Jak
  23. That looks very nice!! gets my vote too! Though would speedbumps be a problem? Jak
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